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  • Prototype

    Anyone interested in this game?

    Discover what lies beyond the edge of evolution. An all-new, 3rd person open-world/action game, PROTOTYPE puts gamers at the helm of Alex Mercer (a genetically mutated shape-shifter with no memory of his past hell-bent on solving the mystery of his existence) as he tears through a densely populated New York City moving with Parkour-style fluidity and consuming anybody that gets in his way... Assuming their physical identity, memories and abilities.
    Looks interesting to say the least. This is one of the games I'm looking foward to in the following year or two.

  • #2
    I was looking forward to it, but then it got pushed into 2009 and I kinda thought there was no point as it was so far away. It looks like a very interesting concept, though I always get it confused with inFAMOUS, the similar looking game for the Playstation 3.

    I watched a mini-doco on the enemy design and it definitely looks like an interesting game. I'm interested to see how the shape-shifting element is incorporated, maybe even with non-human subjects?

    I'll definitely get it when it comes out. It looks very promising


    • #3
      Sounds like a good concept...

