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Fall Sucks

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  • Fall Sucks

    It's official. Fall is the worst season since Spring.

    I mean, what the HELL is wrong with the weather? It's been eighty degrees for the last two weeks, and now it dips to fourty? THE HELL?

    And with this recent Temperature Screwover, I've developed the worst cold I've EVER HAD.

    Go figure I had a job interview today.

    Seriously, this season sucks. Everyone gets sick and what do we get out of it? Ooooh, the leaves change color.

    "What the hell is a 'Fall Coat'? The weather in Fall is NEVER right! You put on a coat, it's boiling hot, you take it off and it's freezing. It's not weather, it's Malaria. And what do we get? Oooh, the leaves change color! Yeah, they change color for THREE DAYS. Then a big wind comes and you have nothing but STICKS for the rest of the year."

    I guess all I'm trying to say is...

  • #2

    Yeah and then you got the god damn city of Scranton which says they are gonna have that damn truck come around and suck up the leaves that people put on the side of the road..except it NEVER COMES. Then it rains for three days and while your delivering newspapers you constantly step in 5 inches of water and leaf soup on the side of the road.

    Then you get home from the halfway point and, not eating since 8 hours you grab something fast..Like say...Salty chips! Yes! SALTY CHIPS ON AN EMPTY STOMACH! So then you get horrible heartburn!


    • #3
      I have a slight cold myself. But I love the fall. When it's cold that is. It's not supposed to be 75 degrees one day then 35 the next! Mother Nature, either make up your mind or I'm going to bitch slap you in the uterus.

      Your good friend, Malice.

      P.S. Suck my balls.


      • #4
        See, I love the cold. It's just when it gets cold, all the plants go "OMG WTF HAX HAX HAX" and send out the pollen brigade. And then it gets hot again. And then cold. And before you know it, you have the flu.

        Once again, Fuck Fall.

        At least I'm almost over my cold or wtfever I have.


        • #5
          I don't kow what's wrong with you guys. I love fall. Not the blistering cold of winter, and not sweating your ass off like summer. Good trench coat and leather gloves weather, fits me fine. You kids can suck a bag of dicks :-)


          • #6
            Fall..sexually abused me..I feel so dirty.

            I was walking down the sidewalk when suddenly without warning a leaf kissed me on the lips. It was so awful


            • #7
              Rained like hell in Hawaii.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Dot50Cal
                Fall..sexually abused me..I feel so dirty.

                I was walking down the sidewalk when suddenly without warning a leaf kissed me on the lips. It was so awful
                You should sue. =(


                • #9
                  I cant, He went into a pack of his gang of leaf friends They offered nothing but ridicule while I tried to find him :,(


                  • #10
                    Well... fuck fall... but, now its winter in good old nepa... snow next 3 days and its been snowing all day... and the fucking garage door in my work area fucking broke in the wide open position so it was like 20 degrees inside... and now i feel sickk... i should of just stayed on a xbox 360 hunt lol


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Dot50Cal
                      I cant, He went into a pack of his gang of leaf friends They offered nothing but ridicule while I tried to find him :,(
                      Sue them all for public humilitation amd the hiding of the true criminal. I'm sure you'll walk away with SOMETHING.


                      • #12
                        Pft, don't sue them. Kick their asses! Too many kids these days are too pussy to take or give an ass kicking. It's always sue sue sue! I long for the days when people sued other peoples faces with their fists. And by sue, I mean punch.


                        • #13
                          lol I can see it now, Jumping into a pile of leaves on the side of the road and flailing around..Then a truck comes and runs me over!!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Dot50Cal
                            lol I can see it now, Jumping into a pile of leaves on the side of the road and flailing around..Then a truck comes and runs me over!!

                            No no no. This is what Areosol cans and a good 'ol Zippo lighter are for.

