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Resident Evil: Degeneration - Trailer on IGN

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  • awesome poster!!! i want one!!! XD


    • Judging from from the positioning of the characters, Claires definitley a sidekick.


      • Yep, unfortunatly I think so too. But it means more Leon SKennedy redicilous ninja stuff that I like. That dude chainged a lazer on to flashlite on his RE4 gun, he must have rebought it from merchant somehow
        "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


        • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
          Judging from from the positioning of the characters, Claires definitley a sidekick.
          I got that feeling from the trailer. The poster confirms it.


          • The only way it could have been more obvious that Leons the main lead once again in that poster was if struck a manly pose holding a broadsword with Claire by his feet in bondage gear *rollseyes*


            • They're saving that for the movie, along with lines such as, 'Thank you for saving my weak and womanly behind from Raccoon city. Feel free to smack it as a reward,' and, 'Oh, no, I can never hope to fight off this single zombie!'


              • Then Leon jumps in wearing an emo haircut and a loincloth slicing Zombies right and left with his 2 handed broadsword to lame My Chemical Romance music screaming I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRRR...


                • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                  Then Leon jumps in wearing an emo haircut and a loincloth slicing Zombies right and left with his 2 handed broadsword to lame My Chemical Romance music screaming I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRRR...
                  Yeah, and he'd wield that 2-handed broadsword in only ONE hand.

                  Though Claire and the S.R.T. blonde girl (with Angelina Jolie lips) would both be scantily clad, partially lying on the floor while clawing at Leon's legs.


                  • They may as well replace Degeneration with the music video for Dethklok's Thunderhorse, replacing Nathan Explosion for Leon and the band as zombies.


                    • You know, I actually like that idea, a lot
                      "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley


                      • Originally posted by The Dude View Post
                        Then Leon jumps in wearing an emo haircut and a loincloth slicing Zombies right and left with his 2 handed broadsword to lame My Chemical Romance music screaming I HAVE THE POWERRRRRRRRRR...
                        ....but....emos dont wear loincloths....Boy emos wear girl pants that around about seven sizes too tight for them? ....Wait.....Leon the Emo(re4) vs Leon the MANBEAST FROM HELL! (degen) .....which one are we talking about again?

                        I almost....almost feel sorry for Leon's characterization...but he makes me chuckle sometimes so I guess its all good in the end.
                        Are you tired, Rebecca?


                        • I was just trying to give Leon the slightest modicum of Masculinity by giving him a sword and loincloth...:S


                          • Any answers to the question marks?


                            • For some reason I always thought Rebeccas stuff was in the boxes, ready to be moved in. I'm sure I'm wrong but.

                              Who were the radio guys. Wasn't Brad one? They probably man that.

