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New Biohazard Degeneration Trailer

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  • #76
    The eye on the right arm could be a trait of the virus' expression on the human body, just like a tell tale sign of chicken pox are the blisters which form throughout the body. If you recall the file in RE2 titled, "FILM A", it also featured the "Code G Human Body Experiment" which was an arm with a large eye on it.


    • #77
      Don't forget Lisa Trevor and the G embryo.


      • #78
        I'm damn sure that I saw birkin having another eye on his back on my last RE2 playthrough... though his last form has a few of em anyway
        So well I thought those eyes are just a characteristic of the G-Virus and may occur on random places over the infected body, but I might be wrong with that...

        Lisa Trever had an additional eye on her back and the G-embryo had also a big one on it's body... like Archelon said already!


        • #79
          The direct-feed rendition of the trailer is on Gametrailers right now.

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          PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


          • #80
            I will be getting this movie when it comes out. I kinda wish the just did a CG movie of RE 2 instead of creating another incident with Claire and Leon.


            • #81
              I was also thinking that g monsters have this eyes poping up randomly on their bodies (Lisa had it on the back same as the larva g-creatures) and no dought that it the specific trate of the g-virus mutations. Just, in William's case, all his mutation started from his injured right half of the body, were the g-virus started to regenerate it. In my oppinion, the creators of degeneration was just too enspired by the very first G-infected mutant.
              "Barry never vanished from the series. It was the series that vanished from Barry. He's inside all of us. " (C) Smiley

