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Resident Evil Afterlife 3D Trailer Leaked !

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  • #61
    As much as I never enjoyed the movies, I don't think there's anything wrong with people who are fans of Anderson's films. (Although, I was always a little peeved by those who never played or heard about the games, but became die-hard fans of the films and turned around to criticize aspects of the actual VG series, calling it "cheesy" and "boring.")

    Anyway, I find a lot of the comments made in this thread to be really harsh and unnecessary. Some people like vanilla, some people like chocolate. But why the personal comments? Really, you'd think a differing opinion would mean the end of mankind.


    • #62
      wow, it actually looks much more interesting that what I thought it woul look like. I sooo want to see how they'll manage to include zombies, las plagas, super-alice-clone-army, super powered alice, less-superpowered wesker, the redfield's relationship, aaaaaaaaaaand leave it set for the next movies!!
      And I'm talking seriously, I really want to see how this all comes out together, I'm the type of RE fan who likes to at least see everything that comes out with the "RE logo" on it, maybe some things are better of not seeing, but I still do.


      • #63
        There's always a curiosity on my part to see how these things are executed. I'll see this once and then never again. Apocalypse was atrocious at the first viewing, haven't seen it since. Extinction I suppose was a little bit easier to stomach but that's quite a little bit.

        I guess I just wonder what the deal is with las plagas (if it is las plagas), and if they'll go further than just the jaw parasite. Imagine seeing a cephalo flailing at the screen IN 3D!!!!


        • #64
          1080p mirror added to the OP, pretty sure everyone's seen it already though :9


          • #65
            I agree with what some of the other posters said about the plaga infected person looked more like a zombie. Makes me think that there's gonna be some kind of hybridization in the film.

            I agree with Guardhouse, I am really curious to see this all executed.


            • #66
              I'm personally excited to see how this one goes. Its actually directed by Anderson again and that alone interests me.

              Out of all the 3 movies that came out so far the only one I really enjoyed was the first. Even though Anderson wrote all three, he only directed the first; so I feel that maybe luck will be struck with this one being on par with the first movie.


              • #67
                Very cheap-looking CGI, but I'm happy to learn that it was shot with Cameron's camera system and I'm curious to see the end result.


                • #68
                  Hmm well I caint say it's breath taking sure theres acupple of intresting sences but this film elements from 5 I'll still go and see it for the sake of a laugh but im not building any hopes for this film but I do hope it's better than 2 and 3.


                  • #69
                    Ummm... Why is Alice a Ninja now? Who the hell thought that up?


                    • #70
                      the only good part was claire in slowmotion els the rest was crap whats up with the alice clones doing a trinity jump out the window clearly stolen from matrix reloaded i have no hope in this movie it looks awful the whole alice clone stuff is way to much i hope she dies !


                      • #71
                        only Wesker looks cool, everything else looks like crap


                        • #72
                          this movie is doomed SO god damn bad take ninja clone alice out of this movie and maby it will have a shot but this omg soo soo bad !!!


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            Are you fucked in the head?
                            Not as bad as your mom when I fucked her in the head last night.


                            • #74
                              I'll be honest, I've never been so disappointed before. Will it really kill him to show more than 3 seconds of zombies in the trailer for a god-damn zombie movie?

                              Its almost disgusting how the trailer point out that the movie will have Cameron/Page fusion camera system, almost as if the movie is trying to leech on the success of Cameron/Avatar or something. Why not show the usual insert telling the accomplishment of the director, like how Avatar's trailer insert stating that its from the director of Titanic? I guess maybe even Paul Anderson himself know that his past movies except Resident Evil haven't been well received by many, and that if he tagged his name onto the trailer, it will only bring harm in promoting this movie. Its a shame how he needs to promote his movie by slapping a name of a director who's totally unrelated to the movie creation at all into the trailer. As in having the movie being a tie-in with a popular game series doesn't help.


                              • #75
                                Remember, minions, that liking and not liking the movies are personal opinions. You don't get to make nasty comments about other people just because they like/dislike a movie you do/don't.

                                As to why I don't like the movies...I like some plot with my flashy effects, or failing that, horror. This? Has neither. I know a lot of folks say you just need to turn your brain off and enjoy the flashy booms and tits, but when I watch a movie I like my brain to be pushed, challenged with new ideas or entertained by a well told story. The RE movies do not deliver on this.

                                There are many reasons for this. Overdose of Alice means no other characters really get anything more than a token 'moment to shine'. She also kills off the atmosphere they try to create in the second and third movie due to her being too awesome to ever be in danger.

                                There are big, bad plot holes that you can sail a warship through without scraping the paint. The best one being the virus killing all plants. Fine. We know the virus can affect plants. did they get infected? If the virus is in the water then all the algae is gone and everyone's dead, 'cos we got no oxygen (most of the world's CO2 is processed by marine plantlife back into oxygen) so it can't be that. Zombies are rarely seen munching on flowers and trees. The best explanation is a giant heard of zombie cows. And doesn't make a whole lot of sense, all things considered. But there are plenty more. Suspension of disbelief only works so long as the logic within the universe keeps working, so magic works in a fantasy movie. You can believe it because it works in that world. The RE movies don't keep to there own internal logic.

                                The trailer looks like takes all the worst parts of the RE5 storyline and mixes them with everything I hate about the movies, namely the need for it to be all Alice, all the time, and to hell with plot, characters, drama and atmosphere. She has tits. Those trump all those.

