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Resident Evil 6 Announcement Incoming ?

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  • Resident Evil 6 Announcement Incoming ?

    During a Dead Rising 2 promotional trip to Spain Capcom's Keiji Inafune commented on the success of Resident Evil 5 and made an interesting point regarding Capcom's will to release the next game as rapidly as possible. He ends by saying that they may have some news "soon". Soon could very well be TGS 2010 being held in Japan from September 16th to 19th.

    Resident Evil 6 Announcement Imminent ?, thanks to -Evil Shady-

  • #2
    I dislike this news, in truth. The less time spent to develope means the more of RE5 that'll be in RE6. I suppose they could make use of those scraped Beta elements though...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
      I dislike this news, in truth. The less time spent to develope means the more of RE5 that'll be in RE6.
      5 years of development time didn't let RE5 have any less of RE4 in it.


      • #4
        I wonder if they will do a teaser CGI segment, like with the first reveal of Resident Evil 5 at many Tokyo Game Shows ago, teasing on the potential ideas and direction the 6th chapter will follow. Glad to hear there will be some news on this down the road.


        • #5
          Interesting news. I hope that Kobayashi will be involved in the development.


          • #6
            Question is; was the exact dialog exchange Resident Evil 6 or "the next Resident Evil"


            • #7
              Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
              I wonder if they will do a teaser CGI segment, like with the first reveal of Resident Evil 5 at many Tokyo Game Shows ago, teasing on the potential ideas and direction the 6th chapter will follow. Glad to hear there will be some news on this down the road.
              As much as I love seeing a new trailer for pretty much anything Resident Evil related, I'm kind of hoping that they don't actually release a trailer for the game until it's well into development and most, if not all, of the gameplay mechanics and story are set in stone.

              I'd really rather not have any more cases like RE4 and RE5.

              Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
              Question is; was the exact dialog exchange Resident Evil 6 or "the next Resident Evil"
              That would definitely be good to find out for certain.


              • #8
                He says Resident Evil 6.

                Interviewer: Taking the risk to get the answer "No comment", we'll try our luck. When will happen Resident Evil 6, Resident Evil: Revelations, Devil May Cry 5 and the new chapter of the series Onimusha?

                Inafune: Given the great success of Resident Evil 5 to us, we want that Resident Evil 6 come to the market as soon as possible. In fact, Capcom will have news about this shortly...
                And below this, he comments about Revelations.
                Last edited by Davi Redfield; 09-01-2010, 08:49 AM.


                • #9
                  ppl ppl, RE4 and RE5 arnt bad, I love them all. Anyways if this is true that would be fantastic to have some solid news b4 Christmas. XD lets wait and see


                  • #10
                    I think this is great news, look how long RE5 took to come out and lots of people where disapointed. Maybe if we are not waiting so long less people will be disapointed.


                    • #11
                      I think that them rushing it is a good thing. This means they won't have as much time to cut out good things like they did in Resident Evil 5.


                      • #12
                        Hesitant on this news. Honestly, I'm not so sure on the franchise now, but if I can get my horror fix from the next game, I'd be more than happy.


                        • #13

                          Though I fear just how much they'll rush this game out. It all depends on how long they've already been working on it...Probably early 2012 release?
                          I'd gladly wait an extra year on the next resident evil game as long as it'll be over-all more polished with excellent replay-value factors, that Re5 had.
                          Still, excited to see what they have to show us at TGS2010(That is of course assuming they have anything so show us )
                          Last edited by wizard; 09-01-2010, 11:36 AM.


                          • #14
                            damn this is actually true, he mentions re6 agian when they asked him about move...


                            • #15
                              Do you guys actually think that Resident Evil 6 is in development right now? Just curious. Because I thought they were going to wait a few years before beginning development. As of right now, I'm more interested in seeing what Revelations will look like.

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