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  • Archelon
    I just unlocked all of the files and figures last night, and finally uploaded all of my data, so I'm going through the complete files now.

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  • Bianca
    I'm still very bothered by the fact there are no in-game files. It just doesn't feel right. As I was playing, even though I knew there were no in-game files, I still continually was searching desks and computers. Some kind of innate Resident Evil fan behavior. I can't imagine how anyone would believe reading files "distracts" from the pacing of a game... I'd rather receive the narrative while playing, rather than finishing the game and then reading the supplemental files. It was different in Umbrella Chronicles/Darkside Chronicles, where it truly wouldn't have made sense to take a time-out during an on-rails shooter, but I still don't understand the decision to remove them in RE6.

    Granted, bitching about this is probably just as silly as that reviewer who criticized the health system, but this doesn't bother me based on "inconvenience." It just bothers me because, in a narrative sense, I enjoyed the concept the characters were finding the files and learning the provided information.

    But, I can get over it. Obviously, it's not the end of the world. Just weird, I guess.

    Having another slew of the files on the fucking website, however, is fucking stupid.

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  • Vito
    Originally posted by News Bot View Post
    In regards to that file, the original Japanese text is a bit more specific and explains that the BSAA's European headquarters are the ones who covered up Ada. Chris works for the North American branch. That's why he hears nothing of it.
    Thanks, that takes care of that "plot hole". My god I seriously can't wait to get the rest of the files.

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  • biohazard_star
    It seems like the files on are longer and more complete than the ones in-game. The extended file on Carla Radames has this to say about the origins of the C-Virus:

    Carla began work on the C-Virus in 2001. Below is a note written by Carla, found in the Quad Tower, detailing the origins of the C-Virus.
    I was able to get a hold of the now-harmless T-Veronica virus, and I've decided to use it as a base for my research into new viral weaponry.

    First, I succeeded in extracting only that which causes sudden DNA mutations, a characteristic that has become stronger ever since the original Progenitor Virus. Combining this with the T-Veronica, I've eliminated any chance of brain cell damage, which was a major flaw of the virus. I call this combination "T-02."

    Before, if the T-Veronica virus was injected into a subject, that subject had to undergo a long sleep at ultra-low temperatures in order to slowly adapt to the virus and avoid brain damage due to sudden mutation. However, with T-02, this is no longer necessary.

    Now, if I can just combine it with a sample of the G-Virus taken from Sherry Birkin's body, I'll have the perfect virus. I don't know how many years it will take, but I'll do all I can to make Simmons proud.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-05-2012, 10:25 AM.

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  • Darkside05
    It's awesome to hear a few RE2 tracks mixed in with Ada's credit rolling.

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  • biohazard_star
    How did Carla find out she was just a copy of the real Ada? I haven't got around to collecting all the serpent emblems yet. Do the unlockable files shed some more light regarding her backstory? Also, was the chrysalis Ada shot down in her ending supposed to be another C-Virus "clone" (the hand that was emerging seemed to be a human's), or just some random thing they threw in there for drama? You'd think with Carla being the main villain the script writers would have fleshed out her story more, but apparently they thought otherwise.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-05-2012, 06:46 AM.

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  • News Bot
    In regards to that file, the original Japanese text is a bit more specific and explains that the BSAA's European headquarters are the ones who covered up Ada. Chris works for the North American branch. That's why he hears nothing of it.

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  • Vito
    Originally posted by wesker566 View Post
    I just find it hard to believe that he (being in the BSAA and high-ish up) at least didn't hear about the events/arrest warrant from Resident Evil: Damnation. Even if it was removed by Simmons or whoever later on.
    Few records of Ada Wong exist, including this report written by a CIA agent who was present in the East Slavic Republic during its civil war. "We have determined the identity of the BSAA observer who interceded on the republic's government affairs as a woman who calls herself Ada Wong. The BSAA has denied her involvement and has already covered up any record of it. It looks like we are the only ones who know of these details."
    I'm curious as hell as to why Capcom didn't put the complete files in the game, they are so much better.
    Last edited by Vito; 10-05-2012, 03:15 AM.

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  • HOTvirus
    Whats up with spiders in ada main menu?
    I played ada campaign and didnt find any such of enemy like that, this also show up in intro video
    I though carla would became a giant massive spider, maybe dlc?

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  • HOTvirus
    Originally posted by Bianca View Post
    I found the shark part really ridiculous, as well, to be honest... It was just one of those moments where I had to stop and ask myself, "Wait, is this shit really happening?" Oh, boy.
    The whole chapter 3 is a big fail
    I couldnt find anyone liked or enjoyed this

    Caves usualy are boring, give RE the chance to be uncharted for a while makes me think this too
    "what the heck they have done?"

    Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
    Simmons' actual transformations didn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that he kept returning to human form while in them. It was utterly ridiculous to see a Tyrannosaur pop down to the size of human and back to dinosaur again. Story-wise, it's the only part of Leon's campaign that I disliked.

    However, the multiple transformations were clearly an homage to Birkin's G-forms, which I loved. There were so many homages to the classic RE games (and even 4 and 5) in Leon's campaign that I stopped counting after a while.
    Yeah, he mutate like transformers, lol
    In fact, simmons is a biological transformer

    I like the idea of fight this monster in this stage, but too not the way he become this.

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  • Beanovsky Durst
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post
    Also, I may be crazy, but I think part of the music that plays during the battle with the giant shark monster is the Del Lago boss fight theme from Resident Evil 4.
    I don't think you're crazy. In fact, I 'm pretty sure some of the tracks in the game are related to/are reinterpretations of previous themes...

    See this first:

    Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 10-04-2012, 06:16 PM.

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  • Archelon
    Also, I may be crazy, but I think part of the music that plays during the battle with the giant shark monster is the Del Lago boss fight theme from Resident Evil 4.

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  • Bianca
    Originally posted by Archelon View Post
    Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but in the opening cutscene to Leon's Chapter 4, on the televisions you can see the news broadcast from the beginning of Chris' Chapter 1. You even see Chris shove the camera away from the viewpoint of the cameraman.
    Holy shit! That's awesome. I will need to replay and check that out. Good catch!

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  • Archelon
    Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but in the opening cutscene to Leon's Chapter 4, on the televisions you can see the news broadcast from the beginning of Chris' Chapter 1. You even see Chris shove the camera away from the viewpoint of the cameraman.

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  • News Bot
    Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
    Ada's personality went to shit now that she's more of a smarmy cunt.
    To be fair that is mainly down to the localization. She's written to be more mysterious and withdrawn, but they add a lot of smarmy one-liners in her English dialogue. Same way Leon is a gigantic douchebag in the English versions of 4 and Damnation.
    Last edited by News Bot; 10-04-2012, 03:10 PM.

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