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  • TheBatMan
    Originally posted by Reston View Post
    I was right about Damnation being Carla all along as one of the files strictly say that the real Ada and Derek had not had any sort of communication since 1998.
    You weren't. It just wasn't Simmons at the end. Kamiya said all along this film wasn't related to 6 and he didn't even know the plot for it. We chose not to believe him at the time but turns out he wasn't teasing us after all.

    That guy was just one of Ada's many faceless employers. The DVD confirmed that she is an independent contractor so she works for anyone that hires her basically.
    Last edited by TheBatMan; 10-10-2012, 03:27 PM.

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  • Det. Beauregard
    Originally posted by ValentineLover View Post
    Am I the only one who thinks that Iluzja, Mesets and Deborah could be references to the original RE bosses (minus plant 42)?
    Iluzja definitely was, but I'm not getting the correlation between the other two. Did you mean Brzak? Because that thing was definitely a homage to Neptune.

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  • Sly
    Iluzja is a given. Basically Yawn with a cloaking ability. Mesets are the crow-like enemies, you must be talking about Brzak, the Neptune-like fish in Leon Ch.3 right ?
    I don't see how Deborah would be a reference, except for the fact that she wrote a letter to her sister, sounding just like what Jessica Trevor wrote to her daughter Lisa.

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  • ValentineLover
    Am I the only one who thinks that Iluzja, Mesets and Deborah could be references to the original RE bosses (minus plant 42)?

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  • Beanovsky Durst
    Originally posted by Shield Key View Post
    She had a face? For some reason I never noticed...

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  • Reston
    Finished the game the other night.

    It was..... different then the past entries in the series. Without turning this into a long essay I'll simply just bullet point my opinion on some things.
    • Chris and Piers

    I have to say I enjoyed this campaign the most in terms of story. At first it started off slow but after Chris broke off his amnesia it really got interesting. Favorite part besides the ending had to be when the one BSAA soldier freaked out about the snake and Chris barks, "SHUT UP!" I felt Chris was much more well developed this time around in terms of being human although it's sad they couldn't include Sheva or Jill somehow in his campaign. It would've been interesting to see how they perceived the way he had been acting. My only issue is related to those two, well, maybe more specifically Jill. I just find it hard to think that Jill or Claire would not go looking for Chris during those six months he escaped from the hospital. I mean Jill sought Chris after RE3 and Claire since RE2. It's just hard to accept that. I actually liked Piers and at this point in a series a lot of people would not like new characters coming into the mix of things. I really was not expecting Piers to lose his arm. The best part had to be when Chris was telling him that Piers would take over his role as he was going to lay down his gun. I really thought they were going to pass on the torch to Piers but.... it was not to be. Overall it was a decent campaign but i understand people complaining on the emphasis of so much action. It was good to see B.O.W.'s used for the purpose they were created for.
    • Jake and Sherry

    I enjoyed this campaign also but not as much for the story but more of the suspense moments with Ustanak. The character relation between Jake and Sherry was spot on and i was surprised that Sherry was so likeable. Jake's douchery was always matched by her comments, "Do I look like a circus acrobat to you?" The Ustanak was a well developed enemy and they gave him a little background story which was interesting. My favorite part had to be the caves when those bat-things detect you and signal Ustanak. I didn't really have too much of an issue with the story but they sort of glossed over the whole Wesker and his mother thing. It was really just pushed into a file. I also didn't like the whole six months later thing in which they were being held that entire time and then seem to be okay when they see each other as if six months really didn't go by. Overall it was an okay campaign but I think it was the weakest out of the four.
    • Leon and Helena

    I felt this campaign had the best flow out of the four. I wished they showed the biohazard attack at Tall Oaks University. I like how they did Leon in this game as opposed to his RE4/Degeneration/Damnation perspective. I really didn't care for Helena as much though and after the catacombs she sort of became irrelevant to the story imo. The outbreak occurring in the town of Tall Oaks was really interesting to see as it occurred and my favorite part had to be the stereotypical survivors you find near the gas station. The cop obviously was mirrored after Leon with it being his first day on the job, the douche bag boyfriend and the helpless but caring girlfriend. The gun shop owner and the Asian kid cracked me up also with their comments back and forth. I actually enjoyed the catacombs part the most. I felt the relationship between Ada and Leon had not really developed as it's pretty constant with the way they always acted towards one another. Did anyone notice that the Tall Oaks map is the same as Raccoon City but expanded upon? I can see why this campaign would be a pain in the ass for some people to replay with the first chapter being so slow in the beginning and forcing you to walk. Overall I enjoyed this campaign the most as it reminded me more of classic RE.
    • Ada and Carla

    This campaign indeed was the toughest. I don't know if it was that only playing with one person was the reason or it really was tougher but it was. The puzzles indeed showed that CAPCOM did not lose their edge when coming to being creative but all that was gone after chapter two. The biggest problem with this campaign was that this Carla plot was ruined and spoiled for everyone several months back which turned out to be the biggest twist in the story. It's just sad that it got ruined because I think a lot of people would've enjoyed the game more if they did not know what was going on at first. I think when they announce RE7 I am going to do a total blackout from any trailers, any forums, or anything related. Carlas story was indeed sad but that woman was completely nuts. The Carla battle and the Ada doubles was slightly tough and something new. I was really curious as to see what this ultimate chrysalis was going to be at the end of her story but she destroyed it before it could be born. I guess the ending in the Middle East with Jake is where they plan on taking the series next. Overall it was a decent campaign but ruined by the fact that Carla was known for months now ahead of time.
    • Derek Simmons

    I liked his character but i felt we didn't get to know him enough before they killed him off. Yeah his obsession with Ada made sense but I wished they went more into that during the cinematic scenes instead of the files. I did like how they connected him to Raccoon City and the fact that I was right about Damnation being Carla all along as one of the files strictly say that the real Ada and Derek had not had any sort of communication since 1998. It was brave of CAPCOM to start fresh with a new villain who didn't have ties to the series in terms of an actual appearance. I just wish we got to see him a bit more.
    • The Family

    When Ada first mentions to Leon that they are up against the real people who control the country I of course thought of the Patriots. However after beating the game I switched my opinion from the Patriots to the conspiracy theory of the thirteen bloodlines. Essentially it is stated that thirteen families shape the western world. The most powerful family being that of the Rothschild who hail from Europe but have a lot of stake in the U.S. Federal Reserve which is a bureaucracy for monetary purposes in the United States. Two former U.S. Presidents attempted to take down these financial institutions the first being Andrew Jackson who wanted to dissolve the banks and they tried to assassinate him. The second being JFK who planned in his second term to dissolve the Federal Reserve which was helped created by President Woodrow Wilson. JFK also has a speech (which you can find on youtube) of mono secret societies which control the U.S. Government and have their own agenda. Anyways, my whole reason is that The Family is obviously framed after this as opposed to the Patriots -- artificial intelligence.
    • Complaints

    I have a few issues with this game. First being the files. I don't like how they took all the files and made you find them through emblems (as quite a few of them are vital to the story). I don't like how the files are mostly just background information without any narrative. I don't like the fact that in order to find narrative in most of the files you need to go to RE.NET and read the files from there when they should have been included in the game files.

    I don't like how they took out all description in the game. I found myself a lot going around the environment and searching every corner and found myself clicking on stuff to see if any text would pop up with a character opinion in text of what they are seeing. It's totally absent from this game and it sort of made me feel annoyed. It's like they went and removed two roots that made the series good and wanted to fuck with it.

    I don't like that you can't trade items or weapons and certain characters don't have certain weapons. I felt that was complete crap. Your inventory system is so selective that you can't store anything and I find myself have too much ammo or too much grenades and not enough first aid items (although i really didn't have too much of a problem here). I don't like the upgrade system in terms that all it takes is three upgrades for firepower and it works for all guns as opposed to selecting a weapon and upgrading it.

    QTE. I didn't have so much of an issue with this as much as other people.
    • Conclusion

    As I was playing the game I did enjoy myself more then so with RE5. When I beat the game though I did feel as if something wasn't right. The series has changed. This change is more into action then it is horror. You can't say that Chris campaign was horror, Jakes certainly wasn't, and Ada's really wasn't. The only campaign which seemed to capture it was Leon's up till they went to China. I really feel that they need to get rid of co-op partners and go back to solo. I do give CAPCOM and the staff behind RE6 a lot of credit for going off and creating something new. They created a new story using some old background information from the original three games. I was surprised at the huge amount of backlash this game received from both reviewers and players. I seen some people say RE5 was a better game then this. Yes, the campaign in RE5 was more conclusive in what they were getting across but that's what happens when you have four separate campaigns. RE5 got rave reviews even though all they did was carbon copy RE4 and polish it up. A majority of RE5 followed the same exact route that RE4 did without taking any risks. RE6 took risks.

    I think it's a worthy entry into the series. My big disappointments besides what was mentioned above was that they had nothing to say about Alex Wesker. I actually thought at the end of Ada's campaign when she goes to Carlas console you were gonna find something on the guy but there was nothing to that. No mention of Tricell or what became of them after RE5, no mention of Jill or what became of her after RE5, or Sheva for that matter. And yet... lol, still nothing on Rebecca or Barry!

    It's different though. I seen CAPCOM is thinking of a RE2 remake if the fans really want it. I hope it doesn't happen. It's not the same staff at that company as it was back in the day and a majority of you know that they'll just action up the game and you'll still be pissed about it.

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  • Vito
    Originally posted by Shield Key View Post
    She had a face? For some reason I never noticed...
    My god THIS.

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  • MiLØ
    Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
    He's a cocky, arrogant, try-too-hard blowhard who has no respect for anyone. The best scene in his campaign is in the locker room where Sherry essentially tells him to grow the fuck up. It's as if Capcom created his character to appeal to whiny 12-year-olds who think pro wrestling and acting like an ass are cool. He also looks like the generic protagonist of nearly every shooter out there. And don't even get me started on the scene in Chapter 5 where he encounters Chris...
    I can understand why people dislike him for exactly the reasons you described above, but honestly I had no problem with the guy. It was interesting to watch their relationship with Sherry unfold, their dialog, confrontation, attraction to each other, I was looking forward to each new cinematic. But as a matter of fact Jake as a stand alone character would not do so good if the Super Girl wasn't around. I mean he looses quite a bit of charisma if all we see is that arrogant behavior of his.
    Also maybe there was something in common that I could see and relate with his type. Probably it's that point of growing up that most of us go through, when you're not a kid but not quite a responsible adult yet. It's like being stuck in the middle, and he really did need someone like Sherry to make an impact and start thinking not just about himself. I think that's what Capcom was having in mind when creating the character.
    I guess his last words after the final battle with Ustanak: "you know you saved me" could be interpreted in a way as she saved him from living the careless life style that he was.

    Their scenario turned out to be the most appealing in terms of personality growth and chemistry between the partners.
    With that in mind I almost want to nominate Jake & Sherry for the best couple of 2012!

    As for Helena, I think she had good enough reasons to be a butt-hurt poker face till the end of the game.
    Eventually after getting her revenge with Simmons she will be able to move on; but yes overall she is just not a very playful kind. At least from what we've seen so far.

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  • Shield Key
    Originally posted by Det. Beauregard View Post
    That's Leon's philosophy, at least, even though his wisecracks weren't as strong this time around. Humor is what makes tough situations easier to deal with for many people. I wouldn't have reasonably expected Helena to be joking around, but her face had a permanent case of scowling going on, which made her a difficult character to like.
    She had a face? For some reason I never noticed...

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  • [STARS]TyranT
    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post

    This time though I was Piers and took a lift up with Sherry, this resulted in entirely different dialogue from each pairing. I would imagine is a third set of dialogue if you paired Chris with Sherry and Piers with Jake.?
    Chris and Sherry's is pretty cool, they talk about Leon briefly. Piers and Jake argue about Chris. It's great.

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  • Det. Beauregard
    Originally posted by Shield Key View Post
    Sounds like the perfect time to crack a joke. Lighten the mood, bitch!
    That's Leon's philosophy, at least, even though his wisecracks weren't as strong this time around. Humor is what makes tough situations easier to deal with for many people. I wouldn't have reasonably expected Helena to be joking around, but her face had a permanent case of scowling going on, which made her a difficult character to like.

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  • Shield Key
    Sounds like the perfect time to crack a joke. Lighten the mood, bitch!

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  • Sly
    Well, if you were feeling responsible for the death of about 70.000 people including the President, and had to kill your own mutated sister afterwards, I don't think you would want to crack jokes every two minutes...

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  • News Bot
    Can I just reiterate the fact that the localization of everything in this series is and always will be bollocks? Reading through the Japanese files and wondering how these people managed to fuck them up.

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  • Det. Beauregard
    Originally posted by Shield Key View Post
    What exactly don't you like about Jake's character?
    He's a cocky, arrogant, try-too-hard blowhard who has no respect for anyone. The best scene in his campaign is in the locker room where Sherry essentially tells him to grow the fuck up. It's as if Capcom created his character to appeal to whiny 12-year-olds who think pro wrestling and acting like an ass are cool. He also looks like the generic protagonist of nearly every shooter out there. And don't even get me started on the scene in Chapter 5 where he encounters Chris...

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