Long post - be warned!
Yeah. It's design IS rather weird - like the programmers got lazy or something. And then there's that bridge ... but I digress. 
Let's see - that's about the fourth or fifth place we've "used" that Time Bomb in as many years, eh? (chuckle)
Hmmmm ...
I'm going to be leaving the Sewers discussion due to the fact that I'm starting to gather my notes and outline my planned "walkthrough" videos of the Factory stage. Before I do, though, I had a couple of ideas at work earlier tonight I'd like to share with you.
Enig, let's assume your idea is correct and that the Spider Tunnel was NOT retained for the final 80% build - save perhaps only as a test room. Okay, we disconnect it from where I have it on my "all rooms playable" map. While we're at it, we may as well remove Keiji's Corridor, too. After all, it's substituting for the nonexistent North Canal in my "all rooms playable" map proposal for the Team. Let's put the original map outline for the North Canal back in. All right ... we're back to your original revised Sewers map:
That leads us right back to the original "big problem" with your theory: "How do we get into the North Canal in order to exit the stage? The Time Bomb -- I don't buy it. It's possible, yes, but it just doesnt "seem" right, if you know what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, I have a new idea on entering the North Canal. It so absurdedly simple it makes me wonder why I didn't think of it before. Perhaps I was too wrapped up in that "make all available rooms possible playable" premise to do so.
Remember our discussion of the Zombie Tunnel, with its almost identical ends? The single doors in the exact same place on each end - just mirrored on each side? Well ... what if the door you use to get into the North Canal was also a single door in the same position as those two? Assuming it's placed on the left (west) end of the North Canal the same way as the door connecting the Baby Gator Room to the Zombie Tunnel, it would almost invite ... a missing stairwell ... like the ones for the two Crate Rooms ... connecting the little "hook" hall on the final 80% build's Baby Gator Room to that presumed single door in the North Canal. Volia! Problem solved. As I said, it's so simple it missed me. Now that door at the end of the "hook" hall becomes a locked door, which you would unlock with the key you retrieve after the giant alligator fight in the East Tank. That's a simple way how you could get into the North Canal and leave the Sewers while staying true to your theory. Here's a map to illustrate:
I also added a theoretical double-wide corridor for that one lone unplaced still we have of Elza running down a water-lined Sewers corridor from the 80% build. I wish we knew in what order Kim's friend at Capcom Japan took those pictures. It might help us place where that image should go. Oh ... and for what it's worth ... that camera angle best matches one of the backgrounds for what we've been calling the "early" Central Hub Corridor. It's not an exact match - that snapshot image's camera was lower to the ground - but still ... might this be a separate corridor after all?
That was my first idea. Now for my second.
What do we do with all the "green rooms," since they're technically not part of the Sewers maps anymore? Well, we can make a third level for them - Drains B3, if you will. It can be a secret level - requiring a special key to enter (like the locker key you get off of Brad's body in RE2) which doesn't have to be played in order to complete the game. At the least, it can give the player a way to tour the original "green" concepts for the Sewers. You could rig the rooms up with enemies the way we see them in the old video clips and Ys1's forced room jumps with the MZD build. You could even put a special item down here. Whatever. Here's a proposed map that you guys can build upon.
I know I'm mixing Sewers build eras with those rooms. I was just trying to come up with a way to show the player as much as possible on the evolution of the "green" Sewers. I know the doors and textures don't quite match, either. Just trying to do the best with what we have. I'll leave any further work along this line of research up to you.
Well, that's it for me on the Sewers, guys. You can take it for here. I'm off to the Factory. Thanks for your help in making the RE15 Sewers playable ... at long last. I hope you can make them even better. -_^
Originally posted by Enigmatism415
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Let's see - that's about the fourth or fifth place we've "used" that Time Bomb in as many years, eh? (chuckle)

I'm going to be leaving the Sewers discussion due to the fact that I'm starting to gather my notes and outline my planned "walkthrough" videos of the Factory stage. Before I do, though, I had a couple of ideas at work earlier tonight I'd like to share with you.
Enig, let's assume your idea is correct and that the Spider Tunnel was NOT retained for the final 80% build - save perhaps only as a test room. Okay, we disconnect it from where I have it on my "all rooms playable" map. While we're at it, we may as well remove Keiji's Corridor, too. After all, it's substituting for the nonexistent North Canal in my "all rooms playable" map proposal for the Team. Let's put the original map outline for the North Canal back in. All right ... we're back to your original revised Sewers map:
That leads us right back to the original "big problem" with your theory: "How do we get into the North Canal in order to exit the stage? The Time Bomb -- I don't buy it. It's possible, yes, but it just doesnt "seem" right, if you know what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, I have a new idea on entering the North Canal. It so absurdedly simple it makes me wonder why I didn't think of it before. Perhaps I was too wrapped up in that "make all available rooms possible playable" premise to do so.
Remember our discussion of the Zombie Tunnel, with its almost identical ends? The single doors in the exact same place on each end - just mirrored on each side? Well ... what if the door you use to get into the North Canal was also a single door in the same position as those two? Assuming it's placed on the left (west) end of the North Canal the same way as the door connecting the Baby Gator Room to the Zombie Tunnel, it would almost invite ... a missing stairwell ... like the ones for the two Crate Rooms ... connecting the little "hook" hall on the final 80% build's Baby Gator Room to that presumed single door in the North Canal. Volia! Problem solved. As I said, it's so simple it missed me. Now that door at the end of the "hook" hall becomes a locked door, which you would unlock with the key you retrieve after the giant alligator fight in the East Tank. That's a simple way how you could get into the North Canal and leave the Sewers while staying true to your theory. Here's a map to illustrate:
I also added a theoretical double-wide corridor for that one lone unplaced still we have of Elza running down a water-lined Sewers corridor from the 80% build. I wish we knew in what order Kim's friend at Capcom Japan took those pictures. It might help us place where that image should go. Oh ... and for what it's worth ... that camera angle best matches one of the backgrounds for what we've been calling the "early" Central Hub Corridor. It's not an exact match - that snapshot image's camera was lower to the ground - but still ... might this be a separate corridor after all?
That was my first idea. Now for my second.
What do we do with all the "green rooms," since they're technically not part of the Sewers maps anymore? Well, we can make a third level for them - Drains B3, if you will. It can be a secret level - requiring a special key to enter (like the locker key you get off of Brad's body in RE2) which doesn't have to be played in order to complete the game. At the least, it can give the player a way to tour the original "green" concepts for the Sewers. You could rig the rooms up with enemies the way we see them in the old video clips and Ys1's forced room jumps with the MZD build. You could even put a special item down here. Whatever. Here's a proposed map that you guys can build upon.
I know I'm mixing Sewers build eras with those rooms. I was just trying to come up with a way to show the player as much as possible on the evolution of the "green" Sewers. I know the doors and textures don't quite match, either. Just trying to do the best with what we have. I'll leave any further work along this line of research up to you.
Well, that's it for me on the Sewers, guys. You can take it for here. I'm off to the Factory. Thanks for your help in making the RE15 Sewers playable ... at long last. I hope you can make them even better. -_^