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Biohazard Sample 11/17 Gameplay Video

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  • biohazard_star
    I just realized that Famitsu uses the debug room names (Office A, Office B, Chief's Room, Lobby, Armory) when referring to the rooms shown in their article covering the 1.5 Era-3 build. I suppose they really did get to play a copy of it then.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	famitsu.issue411.weekly1.november1996.pg108.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	906.3 KB
ID:	404773

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  • Mikhail
    Originally posted by Burt Mustin View Post
    Very interesting...really wasn't aware that a third 'trial' edition was shipped out to some of those old school review mags.

    Care to link that alt Neptune attack? Intrigued..

    Re the Wesker in the P42 Room build, it's since been confirmed merely as a 'placeholder'-- meaning in no meaningful interation would it likely exist in any build.

    I think they missed a trick not using the blood colour as a health indicator showing as green blood when your poisoned.
    Last edited by Mikhail; 11-02-2015, 01:37 AM.

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  • Burt Mustin
    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    So they were sent the early alpha that ends at the shed with Yawn, the one in the video, and another one that ends much later at the entrance of the mines.
    Very interesting...really wasn't aware that a third 'trial' edition was shipped out to some of those old school review mags.

    Originally posted by Mikhail View Post
    The alternative Jill Neptune attack fmv build.
    The Wesker guardhouse / fireplace build, I wonder which point they chose to exclude the blood message and replace it with Wesker ammo message
    Care to link that alt Neptune attack? Intrigued..

    Re the Wesker in the P42 Room build, it's since been confirmed merely as a 'placeholder'-- meaning in no meaningful interation would it likely exist in any build.

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  • Mikhail
    There's the green blood build too, had zombies in the boiler room.
    The alternative Jill Neptune attack fmv build.
    The Wesker guardhouse / fireplace build, I wonder which point they chose to exclude the blood message and replace it with Wesker ammo message, I don't know why they got rid of zombie coming down the stairs sound either whilst your in the storeroom, the dining room too had better camera angles in the alpha but I guess they decided to make it more uniform instead of carefully selecting the angle to best show the character like in remake/rebirth.
    The build in this video is the same one shown on Survivhor as beta2 with the other Inventory screen.
    Last edited by Mikhail; 11-01-2015, 04:51 PM.

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  • biohazard_star
    @Upaluppa - Yep. That's the one. There's also another one German mag with pics like those. All I can remember is that the pages all had a black background.

    @DB - He replied on reddit with some more info:

    Whew, I really don't remember. I know one build ended with the snake eating you, and another ended at the wheelhouse (all you could do is get to the initial entry tunnel to the basement).

    All I know from this video is what you see in it, I don't even know exactly when it was recorded other than it had to have been sometime in 1995. I wish I could tell you more.
    According to his reply on YT, they were sent three betas. So they were sent the early alpha that ends at the shed with Yawn, the one in the video, and another one that ends much later at the entrance of the mines. It's a shame that he wasn't able to record footage of the latter though.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-31-2015, 11:55 PM.

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  • Northman
    Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
    Most of those game magazines were awful back in the day, a complete lack of quality and proof reading.
    I actually quite enjoyed the whole college-boy hobbyist approach to 1990's VG-journalism. The guys back then were really enthusiastic about their chosen trade and, above all else, honest with their words. This lead to them releasing some very creative and fresh issues that were enjoyable to read.

    EDIT: Also, love those pages. :3
    Last edited by Northman; 10-31-2015, 09:52 PM.

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  • Dark Biohazard
    Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
    Just why are Chris' footstep sounds glitched, though?
    I found that very strange too, looks like CAPCOM do a mess there.

    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    @DB - Sweet. Hopefully he remembers.
    He just has reply me, unfortunatelly he not remember about it.

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  • Upaluppa
    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    @Upaluppa - I believe it's been brought up before, but there was apparently a German magazine who had access to the 40% build. Their magazine article had a bunch of exclusive pictures, such as a close-up of Elza's face that was taken using the debug option to turn off camera switch zones, and an image of the unfinished factory production area. I don't have a copy of the scans unfortunately, but someone on here probably has it.
    I know which magazine you mean:

    They had screenshots which no other magazine at the time printed, it's the very same build we got through IGAS.

    I can't remember who made these scans, but it was over at bioflames, I think.
    I hope it's ok if I post them here.

    Looks like they couldn't even spell Leon's name.
    They also misspelled "Wieso" in the last screenshot.

    Most of those game magazines were awful back in the day, a complete lack of quality and proof reading.

    One thing that's interesting is that the text beneath the Sherry screenshot says "A secret entrance?".
    Looks like they knew enough Japanese to translate this cutscene text, or somebody told them.

    Apart from that the texts have nothing to do with the content of the screenshots and were probably written by someone who never played the game.
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-31-2015, 03:39 PM.

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  • biohazard_star
    @DB - Sweet. Hopefully he remembers.

    @Upaluppa - I believe it's been brought up before, but there was apparently a German magazine who had access to the 40% build. Their magazine article had a bunch of exclusive pictures, such as a close-up of Elza's face that was taken using the debug option to turn off camera switch zones, and an image of the unfinished factory production area. I don't have a copy of the scans unfortunately, but someone on here probably has it.

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  • Upaluppa
    Wow, this is cool!
    It's archived gameplay footage, the demo was a loan from Capcom. (Which means he does not have the actual game, sigh)

    Just why are Chris' footstep sounds in the dining room glitched, though?
    Even the earliest sample we got had correct footstep sounds.

    I noticed that the bloody writting on the wall did not yet exist in this build.
    I really like this rendition of the title screen, by the way!

    I wonder if Capcom ever sent out samples of 1.5 to game magazines.
    If they did so with Biohazard 1, isn't it possible that they did the same with 1.5?
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 10-31-2015, 03:22 PM.

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  • Dark Biohazard
    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    Wasn't the 01/31/1996 sample practically complete though? This sample is dated roughly two and a half months earlier than it.
    Well, I can be wrong, of course, that was just my opinion.

    This sample can be more complete, I think we can ask the uploader of the video if he remember about as complete this sample was?

    I just ask him, now we just have to wait for his reply.
    Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 10-31-2015, 12:42 PM.

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  • biohazard_star
    Originally posted by Dark Biohazard View Post
    I can't confirm, but looks like this sample have all (or almost all) mansion rooms only, I not think it have more rooms apart of mansion ones.

    This sample is very similar to the october sample, just that this one have more mansion rooms.

    It's just my humble opinion.
    Wasn't the 01/31/1996 sample practically complete though? This sample is dated roughly two and a half months earlier than it.

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  • Dark Biohazard
    Originally posted by biohazard_star View Post
    It's a shame that they only explored the mansion though, I wonder how different the other areas were in this version.
    I can't confirm, but looks like this sample have all (or almost all) mansion rooms only, I not think it have more rooms apart of mansion ones.

    This sample is very similar to the october sample, just that this one have more mansion rooms.

    It's just my humble opinion.
    Last edited by Dark Biohazard; 10-31-2015, 10:41 AM.

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  • biohazard_star
    Originally posted by Rombie View Post
    I've never gone through them and I don't want to watch 1.5 hours of someone running around rooms... but how different is it than the three builds already out in the wild (August 95, October 95, Jan 96)?
    Check around the 58:00 and 1:03:00 mark for a couple of rooms that look different. It's a shame that they only explored the mansion though, I wonder how different the other areas were in this version.
    Last edited by biohazard_star; 10-31-2015, 01:41 AM.

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  • Rombie
    I've never gone through them and I don't want to watch 1.5 hours of someone running around rooms... but how different is it than the three builds already out in the wild (August 95, October 95, Jan 96)?

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