It's funny how people question things in various ways. I mean, take News Bot here, for instance, me and him have had a good amount of arguements (and me being the greatest of them all; straight out ban him when I grow tired of it
), but if there's one thing I rarely do is; question his sources for stuff (at least not after he started citing stuff on the P-U articles, which was the one thing the site lacked during birth. As far as I'm concerned, he doesn't have anything to prove to me on that front anymore. How he interprets stuff is a completely different case, though, but the discussion there is mostly civil. Now, the type of shit and conspiracy-level speculation bullshit I see people pull regarding some of this 1.5 stuff is just borderline retarded and the type of shit I'd expect to either read in tabloids or see as part of some weird Bizarro version of Days of Our Lives focused on video games.
To be honest, the fanbase has always been like this (to a certain extent), it just got a little weirder when everyone were moaning about prototypes rather than news/media related to upcoming titles or weird regional exclusive stuff that "back then" was hard to track down (or even share; due to bandwidth/size restrictions) -- heck, you even see people moan about fucking prototypes for games they've not even played, 'cause, somehow, they're more interested in being "first to the party", rather than experiencing a great game others have played before them -- and, of course, the worst was when the focus on new media was about whether or not Jill's nose was identical to her previous incarnation(s), rather than whether or not everything else in the picture could tell us something new about the game.

Originally posted by RMandel
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