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Some cool 1.5 exclusive screenshots (**As seen on TV!**)

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  • Yeah thats one of his videos he managed to slurp up, not sure which one or where its from. smooth quality for 1996.
    Song is fight with monster #1 or #2 I forget which one. Only way to find out how many songs are on the teams build is to wait..


    • Pretty sure the 40% and 80% would indeed have major differences in some tracks/some not even being in the 40 compared to the 80.

      Even with the original and this version of the 40%, the 80% and other builds of 1.5 will never end...
      Zombies...zombies everywhere...


      • Of course, assuming the 80% build is even still in the wild....the hunt won't end until it is procured. But in case its gone forever, we have the team. Bless 'em.


        • ohh yes, i Heard those tracks, but arent none of them sadly =(, this track (from the video), is more idk, is like if had more beats, the fight with monster 1 and 2 are very similar each other, are more "soft", compared to this one (video)
          Last edited by Clawditoh; 12-14-2012, 08:46 PM.


          • Think more 40%'s are roaming the wild than the others at this point, but who knows what's around the corner. The days when this forum blew up in 2007 and the Museum video....ah memories
            Zombies...zombies everywhere...


            • Hey guys, new here and I really love this site, I come here almost every night now for all my information!
              That being said, I just wanted to bring up these fantastic commercials done by George A. Romero that I remember seeing as I grew up that always remind me of what could have been...
              (I know these feature Claire but I hear that these were made before they had officially decided to do away with the modern police station so imo this still holds somewhat true to the atmosphere and tension that Resident Evil 1.5 brought to the table!)

              Resident Evil 1.5 CommercialDo anyone know where I can download or buy the game Resident Evil 1.5? Please write to the comments

              This is purportedly directed by George Romero for Capcom. Quite well done.

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.


              • Funny how similar looking the RPD does at the first video comparing to the Lobby in 1.5..probably the closest thing we'll ever get to a FMV.
                Zombies...zombies everywhere...


                • female using the shotgun, zombies in the cells, modern looking RPD, if claire wasn't in it I'd say that was a 1.5 commercial.


                  • Originally posted by jomino View Post
                    Hey guys, new here and I really love this site, I come here almost every night now for all my information!
                    That being said, I just wanted to bring up these fantastic commercials done by George A. Romero that I remember seeing as I grew up that always remind me of what could have been...
                    (I know these feature Claire but I hear that these were made before they had officially decided to do away with the modern police station so imo this still holds somewhat true to the atmosphere and tension that Resident Evil 1.5 brought to the table!)

                    This is purportedly directed by George Romero for Capcom. Quite well done.

                    What you heard was incorrect, it was planned and shot when the new version of the game was well underway. They were shot Sept 30th till October 3rd 1997 in Downtown LA. It was just that was the location picked out for an "old style police building" in the LA area (it was in fact a disused county jail block frequently used in the 90's for film shoots - it's the same one with the rooftop courtyard in American History X for example).

                    It's just that obviously actual police stations and prison blocks actually matched more the 1.5 design for the the RPD than the weirdo-ex-art-gallery vibe of most of the finished game's version.
                    Last edited by Rombie; 12-14-2012, 09:35 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Clawditoh View Post
                      Sorry if someone already made this question...but, is this video from the 40% build? i love the song playing in the background while you fight with Williams.

                      Did someone notice the sounds when Leon gets attacked? Sounds like these were the noises he would make when he got injured. These surely aren't the RE 1 Chris Placeholders tho
                      Choosing the main cast is absolutely awesome!


                      • The one when he dies is definitely not a chris placeholder...


                        • The video footage of Leon fighting Birkin (phase I) comes from Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol.8. It's from the final build era.

                          And it was the first indicator that the progression of Leon's and Elza's story is disjointed. Leon fights Birkin after Elza enters the laboratory, and he mutates after the battle.

                          Do you know why Claire A and Leon B is canon? Because the storyline progression is the same as BioHazard 1.5. Leon gets access to the RPD through the roof, and Claire enters the police station through the Lobby. Guess who is the first to get to the laboratory in that scenario.

                          I strongly suggest you guys play BioHazard 2 again before playing BioHazard 1.5. You'll be surprised by the amount of similarities both games share if you pay attention to the details.

                          BioHazard YouTube Channel
                          BioHazard 2 Prototype Database Project


                          • Wonder what damage grunts they'll use for elza? Using claire's certainly wouldn't be right. Besides hers suck. When bitten by a zombie she goes "Meh!"
                            Last edited by Darkness; 12-14-2012, 09:44 PM.


                            • Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                              What you heard was incorrect, it was planned and shot when the new version of the game was well underway. They were shot Sept 30th till October 3rd 1997 in Downtown LA. It was just that was the location picked out for an "old style police building" in the LA area (it was in fact a disused county jail block frequently used in the 90's for film shoots - it's the same one with the rooftop courtyard in American History X for example).

                              It's just that obviously actual police stations and prison blocks actually matched more the 1.5 design for the the RPD than the weirdo-ex-art-gallery vibe of most of the finished game's version.
                              Thanks for the info, had no idea! But it really does still feel more in tune with 1.5


                              • Originally posted by Kegluneq View Post
                                The video footage of Leon fighting Birkin (phase I) comes from Hyper Playstation Re-Mix Vol.8. It's from the final build era.

                                And it was the first indicator that the progression of Leon's and Elza's story is disjointed. Leon fights Birkin after Elza enters the laboratory, and he mutates after the battle.

                                Do you know why Claire A and Leon B is canon? Because the storyline progression is the same as BioHazard 1.5. Leon gets access to the RPD through the roof, and Claire enters the police station through the Lobby. Guess who is the first to get to the laboratory in that scenario.

                                I strongly suggest you guys play BioHazard 2 again before playing BioHazard 1.5. You'll be surprised by the amount of similarities both games share if you pay attention to the details.
                                All four scenarios are canon.
                                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium

