With regards to John, I was going by those scrapped notes. They explain a lot - to me, anyway. While the "secret John" notion may have been scrapped early on for him being just a civilian, the original core concept DID resurface in RE2. That's an NPC with a secret identity - which is Ada, of course. If you follow the paper trail - at least what's available online - the basic idea goes all the way back to RE15 and the original intent for John. So YES - in that sense, anyway. Of course, if anyone knows of or finds a Grant Bitman reference anywhere in either game .... 
You know, I've always found it ironic how so many scrapped ideas end up being reused later on in subsequent RE games - regardless from level of development they came. Maybe not the whole concept - just part of it or the basic notion - but still .... Just look at all the stuff originally thought up for RE15 that's popped up later on. It's had a lot of influcence on the franchise for a game that was scrapped.
I also forgot to mention a better connection being made with RE1. Elza Walker being changed into Claire Redfield and the addition of the STARS Office. Other little things too, like some of the memos and the fax sent to Chris about Chief Irons. All you get in RE15 are some rather vague allusions. Nothing personal to which you can relate. You get that connection and rather solidly with RE2. Aside from her looks, and at the risk of offending any fanbois out there, Elza is essentially a stock character. We know almost nothing about her and learn little more, if anything, as the game develops. Leon's a different case, and that may be why he was kept over Elza. We get more involved with him personally in RE15 (and RE2) than we do Elza, thanks to the way his side of the plot develops. Of the two, based on story alone, Elza was the most expendable as a major character. She was the best choice to be changed or replaced - and so she was, for a new character (Claire) to whom we could better relate and get more involved with as we play the game.

You know, I've always found it ironic how so many scrapped ideas end up being reused later on in subsequent RE games - regardless from level of development they came. Maybe not the whole concept - just part of it or the basic notion - but still .... Just look at all the stuff originally thought up for RE15 that's popped up later on. It's had a lot of influcence on the franchise for a game that was scrapped.
I also forgot to mention a better connection being made with RE1. Elza Walker being changed into Claire Redfield and the addition of the STARS Office. Other little things too, like some of the memos and the fax sent to Chris about Chief Irons. All you get in RE15 are some rather vague allusions. Nothing personal to which you can relate. You get that connection and rather solidly with RE2. Aside from her looks, and at the risk of offending any fanbois out there, Elza is essentially a stock character. We know almost nothing about her and learn little more, if anything, as the game develops. Leon's a different case, and that may be why he was kept over Elza. We get more involved with him personally in RE15 (and RE2) than we do Elza, thanks to the way his side of the plot develops. Of the two, based on story alone, Elza was the most expendable as a major character. She was the best choice to be changed or replaced - and so she was, for a new character (Claire) to whom we could better relate and get more involved with as we play the game.