Originally posted by Scream
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BH3 begins in the middle of the action (what's that Latin term?). Jill is just chucked out of a building due to backdraft from an explosion. It helped mix up the formula from the two previous games which had slower openings. BH3 just throws you into the fray and says good luck. It fit with the theme of the game and stopped it from being formulaic. In fact, BH3 is the only game in the series that doesn't really follow a traditional scenario path.
The Ashford family weren't really new. The use of aristocrats was used already with the Spencer, Beardsley (who even have a genetically engineered daughter...) and Henry families. t-Veronica was also when the series started getting really goofy with biology after being quite impressive and well-thought. By contrast, Nemesis and its backstory were far more interesting and relevant, and it was always intended to be a one-time thing (never intended to be sold). The use of a genetically engineered parasite made the world feel more varied than just "stick random shit in that virus and see what happens."
BH3 actually had several names, but none of them were official. The development team gave it several nicknames during development, in particular Gaiden, 1.5 and 1.9. The name was tentative for a long time because mid-1998 led to a change in direction for the series thanks to the PlayStation 2.