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  • Uncharted 2
    Tekken 6

    Lol I was playing this guy and he was ultra defensive just standing there blocking and if you got near him he'd throw a kick. So I got annoyed and did a combo with Lili that switches from High to Low and he kept getting hit by it. He was pissed saying "Stop doing the same combo!" so I listened and then smacked him with Lili's 10 hit combo, he shut up immediately after, priceless.


    • I am not playing God of War right now thanks to the ever so lovely disc read error.

      What I am playing is Pokemon: Diamond, because there's nothing else with me.
      Last edited by DarkMemories; 11-04-2009, 08:28 PM.
      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


      • Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
        What I am playing is Pokemon: Diamond, because there's nothing else with me.
        You don't need anything else when there's pokemanz to be catched.

        I recently played through Dead Space Extraction, but it wasn't very good. Like the original game, it wasn't scary. At all. Despite desperately trying to be. But a much bigger issue is one a lot of people, myself included, fear about The Darkside Chronicles, and that's having lengthy stetches of "gameplay" where you aren't actually doing anything but watching or listening to other characters talk to help progress the story. That, and the shakey cam was annoying as all get out, especially when trying to pick up items from the environment.
        Last edited by Archelon; 11-04-2009, 08:23 PM.


        • Doing the impossible mode run on dead space, play HAWX on elite difficulty, and just fired up One dangerous zombie mode on REmake. Never tried it before, it is hard?


          • Playing Biohazard Dead Aim again. Missed the game itself so had to go play it lol


            • well i would be playing Dragon Age Origins but Amazon havnt delivered it yet so im playing mass effect 1 instead because im all hyped up for ME2


              • been playing killing floor and COD4


                • Beat Infamous as a good guy. Thinking about playing through it again as a villain, but Rabbids Go Home should be coming pretty soon, and Darkside is out in a little over a week, so I may just go ahead and send it back to Gamefly.

                  I saw the big twist at the end coming from a mile away, but I still rather like how they handled it. It'll be interesting to see how they handle the sequel.


                  • Mirror's Edge. FPS Assassin's Creed So far I like it, I'm on the third mission trying to finish the game without shooting a gun (not so hard as I run like hell all the time!).

                    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                    • ^ Yeah, it'll get harder later on when there's more focus on combat, but overall it isn't too difficult.


                      • Been playing Dragon Age Origins so far and its great im quite happy with how my character looks too


                        • Originally posted by Canas Renvall View Post
                          ^ Yeah, it'll get harder later on when there's more focus on combat, but overall it isn't too difficult.
                          Well I'm lame cuz I'm playing it on easy. And I died more times than Kenny from South Park... But it's a pretty game overall. And the music, oh man, I just love the theme song.

                          "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                          • Just got Borderlands tonight...not bad. I just wish I knew more people playing it.
                            Are you tired, Rebecca?


                            • ^I also.

                              Did you get it for the PC? It's a crappy port, that's for sure. The bugs and glitches in that game make it feel rushed. The online absolutely sucks as it requires that you open up certain ports first, the UI and menu is blocky and annoying to use as your mouse doesn't always track itself over chosen items and such, the FOV...

                              I could go on. But again, do you have it for the PC?


                              • Playing Devil May cry up to level 10 on nomal

