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  • Originally posted by Branden_Lucero View Post
    i might upgrade to a Slim, depending how if they fix the extremely sensitive disc drive.
    With the exception of one of the supposed faulty production lines from the system's early life, the ones that'd unprovokedly do harm to the disc, I've never seen this "sensitive" disc drive as a problem.

    Maybe it's 'cause I don't have a yacht to bring the 360 to or don't have a railroad track running through my house. You know, something that would actually put the system into heavy motion during playback of a disc - which actually is a must for these things to happen.

    I'm happy as long as it spins and reads the disc. Had a couple of odd DREs on the one I bought with Dead Rising, so they swapped the drive on it when I had it in for repair because of an RRoD. And... oh... there was some weird bug with DLC in some games 'causing DREs if you played "DLC only" content for a while, allowing the disc to spin down (DRE triggered the moment it needed data from disc again.)


    • Mine behaves and my 360 does get shaken fairly badly on a regular basis. My kids thunder around the room while I'm playing, and you can certainly feel it while they do through the floor boards. Especially with the jumping.


      • Ace Attorney Investigations and Resident Evil 1.


        • Deep Fear
          Hard Edge
          If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



          • I missed playing Mass Effect 2 so much that I downloaded all the new chapters and it has extended the game again to me and I love it, other then that all I can do it fly to planets all day scanning for minerals and hoping to find missions I had missed. XD


            • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
              I've been playing a fair amount of The Force Unleashed: Ultimate Sith Edition basically just trying to get caught up before the second one comes out in October.

              Also played a little Street Fighter 4 tonight as well with an old friend.

              Speaking of Street Fighter, is anyone familar as to whether or not you can play Street Fighter 4 and SUPER Street Fighter 4 online? Basically, I'm asking if the two are compatible with one another. If I play with someone with one version, and I have the other version, would it work? I couldn't really find any articles about it online, so I'm hoping someone here may have experience with if it actually does or does not.

              If I'm ever on we can try both I'll play Slayers with ya and I have both versions of SFIV so we can take a look and see if it works unless you already found out course . . .

              Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
              Finished Persona 4 with the true ending a little while ago. Took me 85 hours, and for a playthrough 20 hours less than P3FES, it was much more substantial. Involving, consistent, and well paced plot; the game actually allows you to grind (no "tired" or "sick"); much more streamlined S. Links and attribute building.

              Now I'm a little over 10 hours into SMT:Nocturne and damn I'm not prepared for this. That matador boss took me a lot of grinding to clear. Nonetheless, it's a fun game and it follows the aesthetic of the first two well. I've always enjoyed the titles (such as SMT and Devil Summoner) where the demons interact with the human characters and NPCs.
              I LOVE the ShinMegaTen games haven't completed P4 yet keep dipping in now and then I'm at the Heaven Dungeon atm. Have you played the online PC Shin game?

              Oh umm I've been playing Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 of late also Dead Rising 2:Case 0 ( cant afford full game right now ) getting some "chievments and that . . .
              Last edited by Rancid Cheese; 09-29-2010, 05:11 AM.


              • Been playing Dead rising 2 since I picked it up yesterday morning. Might take a break and play some Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions.


                • I've been playing on Bioshock2 mostly this week just been online ranking up.


                  • Dead Rising 2: Case 0, then Dead Rising 2, Hydrophobia, Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, and Castlevania: Harmony of Despair.

                    Yeah, I multitask. XP


                    • Recently stomped a robot revolution in Borderlands. Now I'll be playing Left 4 Dead games in anticipation of The Sacrifice DLC next week.
                      A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                      • After finnishing Halo: Reach very quicky and found it rather dissapointing indeed.

                        Currently playing Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock!! PS3.

                        It is amazingly fun, I really love it, the graphics are better and the songs are great (most of).
                        Last edited by DONNIemo; 10-04-2010, 03:45 AM.


                        • Silent Hill 2


                          • I've been playing Prince of Persia : The forgotten Sands on PC - Kind of boring
                            Left 4 Dead 2 - PC - Amazing game!
                            Street Fighter 4 - PC - Mmmm

                            And now, i'm currently playing Dead Rising 2 PS3, and i've never been able to play Uncharted 2 before, so here i am. I'm sticked to these and i'm so far, loving them.
                            Last edited by Jill Lover; 10-04-2010, 10:28 AM.


                            • Thinking about booting Enslaved...

                              Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                              Currently playing Guitar Hero: Warriors of Rock!! PS3.

                              It is amazingly fun, I really love it, the graphics are better and the songs are great (most of).
                              That entry in the Guitar Hero franchise can hilariously enough be summed up with a single song name:

                              "Money for Nothing"

                              Interpret that in whatever way you like
                              Last edited by Carnivol; 10-04-2010, 02:09 PM.


                              • Thinking about booting Enslaved...
                                The demo was fantastic, left a very good impression on me.

