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  • Just started a run through of RE2 on normal (Claire A) for the first time and its a lot harder than I thought since its pretty easy on well easy. I decided it was finally time to face the brad zombie to get the special key for the costume and revolver and it was totally worth it! Now I just need to remember where all of the key items go....


    • See you in hell.


      • I've been playing NieR.

        Friend of Smiley and myself told me I must have the patience of a saint to not have an issue with the fetch quests.

        I don't mind them after playing a fair amount of RPGs, MMOs. Standard shit, but at least they help me memorize locations, item spawn points and the like.

        I just picked up Shadows of the Damned so I should start playing that but I still have - Final Fantasy XIII, Bayonetta, No More Heroes : Heroes Paradise, InFamous, Valkyria Chronicles and Demon Souls to go through.

        Just too fucking lazy to play some of them after work as I kind of want to shut my mind off with a little bit of games with some nice music (NieR in particular has some great stuff to the point I've bought them from Japan and am waiting for them and my other stuff to arrive).

        I like the characters and the factor that they didn't exactly censor them unlike with what happened in Drakengard...
        Last edited by Enetirnel; 07-01-2011, 06:42 AM.
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        • Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
          I've been playing NieR.

          Friend of Smiley and myself told me I must have the patience of a saint to not have an issue with the fetch quests.

          I don't mind them after playing a fair amount of RPGs, MMOs. Standard shit, but at least they help me memorize locations, item spawn points and the like...

          Nier is one of my favourite games from this generation, and hopefully you're in for a treat. One of the best sound tracks ever done too!


          • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
            Nier is one of my favourite games from this generation, and hopefully you're in for a treat. One of the best sound tracks ever done too!
            I'm bit of an RPG nut, I loved the Drag-on Dragoon/Drakengard games despite some of the issues they had so it was nice to see the connections from the Tokyo ending to NieR.

            I'm really enjoying it, I haven't really stopped playing it outside of having to go to work and having to do crap around the house.

            But I'm seriously loving it. I just bought the Bayonetta OST (someone threw in the Japanese Rodin's Selection version) as well as the NieR Gestalt/RepliCant OST and the Nightmare & Arrange Tracks albums.

            I'm probably going to pick up the drama albums next week when I grab the Drag-on Dragoon/Drakengard reissue containing both original volumes in the one album since the prices are ridiculous for either of the two original volumes at the moment.

            I'm also thinking about picking up the Japanese version, though I honestly prefer the take of playing the Father and not the younger male/older brother type of character for a change.
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            • I prefer the adult father Nier than the younger brother version from Japan. I also loved how it is connected to Drakengard (fan of the two titles from the previous generation because I'm a sucker for Dragon RPG games like Panzer Dragoon Saga <3) and how it follows from that, in a odd way. I just hope a sequel is done because the ending from Grim Noire has such potential to follow from that.


              • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                I prefer the adult father Nier than the younger brother version from Japan. I also loved how it is connected to Drakengard (fan of the two titles from the previous generation because I'm a sucker for Dragon RPG games like Panzer Dragoon Saga <3) and how it follows from that, in a odd way. I just hope a sequel is done because the ending from Grim Noire has such potential to follow from that.
                I'd only get the Japanese version to add it to my collection.

                I haven't had time to finish up NieR just yet, but I will soon.

                From what I've played of it, I hope they do make a follow-up but considering that Cavia has been absorbed... I don't know what may happen from there.
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                • Team Fortress 2
                  See you in hell.


                  • fallout new vegas, again
                    "So many assholes, so few bullets." - Duke Nukem


                    • The Mercenaries 3D

                      I quite enjoy it


                      • Duke Nukem Forever.Love this Game.


                        • Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion

                          can't wait for Skyrim!


                          • Platinum'd inFAMOUS 2 today, still dabbling in Black Ops, and waiting for the Mortal Kombat PS3 patch to hit next week.


                            • Mercs 3d....Rebecca is so damn weak...and Barry...poor Barry.
                              Are you tired, Rebecca?


                              • took my wii in for repairs recently so lots of play time on my ps3. Currently I need to finish L.A. Noire. But I also purchased Alice: Madness Returns and Shadows of the Damned. So my play time will be well spent this summer.

