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  • Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
    I've been replaying Mass Effect 1 and 2. Finished my ultimate playthrough of ME1 on Sunday with ALL side missions completed and hit L60. Started up ME2 and am currently about to ship out to Omega.
    I was also grinding both ME1 & ME2, doing both male paragon & female renegade Shepards and Insanity runs. I want to get all achievements before ME3 comes out.

    Originally posted by DarkMemories View Post
    Oh, and you guys who already have Revelations suck. The only game I've ever gotten before street date was Turok 2008.

    And I didn't even get the shirt that was supposed to come with it.
    Well, it's only one day. People in Europe/Japan got it almost 2 weeks earlier ¬¬

    Funny enough, I also got RE5 one day before the street date. I hope I can do that with RE6 too.

    "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


    • Started up Umbrella Chronicles for the first time. I'm currently without a premium couch co-op partner, so I have to settle for my mom. She's thoroughly confused by the Wiimote and Nunchuk, and constantly got us killed in the first level, but we somehow made it...through level 1.


      • Deus Ex Human Revolution.

        This is how all FPS games should do a cover system. Killzone cover system blows.
        Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


        • I just completed ME2. I saved everyone! Just going round, doing everything that's unfinished. Then we're all ready for ME3.
          See you in hell.


          • SoulCalibur V...

            Praise the SUN!


            • Originally posted by Vector View Post
              Started up Umbrella Chronicles for the first time. I'm currently without a premium couch co-op partner, so I have to settle for my mom. She's thoroughly confused by the Wiimote and Nunchuk, and constantly got us killed in the first level, but we somehow made it...through level 1.
              You've got barrels of fun ahead of you believe me -_-.
              Not to say anything about your mother, but I found that game so frustrating even being adept at the controls. And it has MASSIVE difficulty spike issues. In the end I just downloaded a save file with everything unlocked to blast through the game to see the story... It was so frustrating to play.

              Currently playing Uncharted 3. It doesn't seem as polished as UC2 was. And even though I've only played with the aiming patched, it still seems a bit fidgety. It took me 6 rounds to shoot a lock off a window... > <
              And I've noticed some bugs with lighting; for example going from a light to a dark room, the lighting will sometimes just shift to the new setting rather than transition. I'm only a few chapters in, but I found the first 3-4 chapters really short and I blew through them all in about an hour. Then the Chateau chapter feels about as long as all the chapters so far put together...

              Oh, and I went to swap the shoulder camera, and it wouldn't do it! Turns out it's disabled by default in the options... -_-

              I'll see if I don't like it more the more I play it.
              Last edited by TheSelfishGene; 02-11-2012, 12:04 AM.


              • Finally got RE: Revelations after a bunch of bullshit with Gamestop. Played up through Episode 3: Ghosts of Veltro. It's good so far, and certainly I've had a few scares. I thought the "boss" in Episode 3 was cheap though and too similar to a boss in RE5.
                A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                • Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

                  Four hours in and I've still not done anything I didn't do in the demo. Great game so far, only complaints are that so far has been very easy combat and it clearly has lower production values than the games it steals so much from. Graphics and design are good but not great and the VA is just passable.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • UFC Undisputed 3 is amazing
                    Sevket's Game Collection
                    PSN Gamercards


                    • Mass Effect 2
                      See you in hell.


                      • Damn this place is fucking dead.

                        I'm currently playing Dragon Age: Origins again on my PC with some armor and weapon mods. Nothing to big of a game changer really.


                        • I have never expected Binary Domain to be this good. Amazing work from SEGA
                          Sevket's Game Collection
                          PSN Gamercards


                          • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            Damn this place is fucking dead.
                            "Why do you come here ? And why do you hang around ?"


                            • Almost finished Mass Effect 2 completely, just need to do the Arrival DLC.
                              See you in hell.


                              • Syndicate (2012)

