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  • Originally posted by Xander Ashford View Post
    I know your pain. I wouldn't mind playing Remake again, but I just do not feel like fooling around with the Wii. Every time I go to play it, the batteries are dead, and I half the time don't have AA's just laying around. They should consider putting it on PS Network. I'd probably buy it for $10 or less. I still want CODE: Veronica, but I'm too cheap to pay $20 for that.

    Lately I've been playing...

    Resident Evil: Revelations (at work, so I still can't actually play with people, dammit!)
    Resident Evil 5 (Mercenaries only)

    I bought Final Fantasy XIII-2, and will probably start that up soon. I swear to Satan if it is anything like Final Fantasy X-2, someone will die. I hated that game.
    I just use my Gamecube control much easier that way. If you dont have one I'm sure you can pick one up for dirt cheap now. My main problem is unplugging the PS3, putting in the scart lead, connecting the Wii sensor bar, changing the channel, not being able to talk to my friends online, no HD, crappy sound?? (First time I noticed this the music is loud but the dialogue is so damn quiet). Call me lazy but its just easier to press a button and the PS is on. The hardest part is choosing a game.

    Im on an LA Noire kick right now. Was playing Remake as Chris but just cant be assed with it. Picture is tiny and crappy and I dont mean the graphics.


    • ...Team fortress 2...again.


      • Finished Mass Effect and holy shit, what've I been missing all this time? This was great, maybe I'll do another run while ME2 is downloading.

        My Shepard was soldier class, earthborn, sole survivor and level 47, paragon all the way with some renegade here and there. Ashley died and I saved the council at the end, which I guess is the best ending. Didn't do Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Sation though, I thought I could do them after finishing the main game.


        • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
          Didn't do Bring Down the Sky and Pinnacle Sation though, I thought I could do them after finishing the main game.
          Same thing happened to me :@ I red u could do the extra missions after the ending of ME2 so I assumed the same thing could be done in ME1... but no :/


          • Shame, because Bring Down the Sky is like Die Hard in space.
            See you in hell.


            • Just do them when you get off the Citadel, probably then or doing sidequests, then getting Liara and then doing the DLC is the best plan.

              And as for me, it looks like I won't be getting the Chakram Launcher as no matter how many times I try to get the other demo to load up - it only connected to the EA servers ONCE and then the controls stuffed up so I had to make the game crash at a point when the tutorial was demanding I change weapons with the mouse scroll (using a laptop here), despite having remapped the keys before I started the game. DX
              Non-blurry Signature Version
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              • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                Shame, because Bring Down the Sky is like Die Hard in space.
                Damn, now I HAVE to play it.

                Originally posted by Enetirnel View Post
                Just do them when you get off the Citadel, probably then or doing sidequests, then getting Liara and then doing the DLC is the best plan.
                Yeah, I think I'm going to do them after I leave the Citadel.


                • Mass Effect 3.
                  Yup. It's awesome as expected.

                  "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                  • Mass Effect
                    Siren: Blood Curse
                    Resident Evil: Revelations

                    Monday night will be Mass Effect 3. Can't wait.


                    • Just picked up the RAAM's Shadow DLC for Gears of War 3, which thanks to my £5 reward card which I got as compensation from GAME, I was able to buy for £4.25 as opposed to £12. It was on offer so figured why not, I'll play it as soon as it's finished downloading and installing.
                      See you in hell.


                      • Mass effect 3 on my ps3 ( I LOVE IT !!!)


                        • The orange box.


                          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            Just picked up the RAAM's Shadow DLC for Gears of War 3, which thanks to my £5 reward card which I got as compensation from GAME, I was able to buy for £4.25 as opposed to £12. It was on offer so figured why not, I'll play it as soon as it's finished downloading and installing.
                            I'll give them credit for pushing their engine but it still wasn't worth the $15 price point considering it took about 3 hours to finish and I wasn't even rushing it.


                            • At last I'm playing RE Revelations!! loving it so far


                              • mass effect 3 plus im playing sven coop on steam

