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  • UFC undisputed 3. It's an awesome game and the 'surprise' knockouts are hilarious. I was playing as Cro Cop and did a single straight jab into some schmucks face and he flew to the mat like a sack of potatoes.


    • Finished ME1 again with only 60k XP missing to get to level 60 and installing ME2 and the DLC right now.


      • ..Team Fortress 2...Lousy spies.


        • God Hand.


          • Originally posted by alexdz View Post
            Finished ME1 again with only 60k XP missing to get to level 60 and installing ME2 and the DLC right now.
            Why were our warnings not heeded, human?
            See you in hell.


            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
              Why were our warnings not heeded, human?
              Oh, I'm seeing this all the way through with all the good and bad shit that may come with it.
              Last edited by alexdz; 03-19-2012, 12:33 PM.


              • I beg of you, I wouldn't be a friend if I didn't advise you against the emotional investment.
                See you in hell.


                • You can't stop me Spencer, there's only 3 people missing the complete my squad and I already started downloading ME3. The ending sucks? Well, I say let it come!


                  • I did the same. I ignored Spencer. I was a fool.


                    • Marauder Shields was his name. He held the line. Will you?
                      See you in hell.


                      • Joker: Uh.... Commander.... Why aren't you leaving the Normandy?

                        Annette: Joker, listen to this and you'll understand. *Opens up Kirrahe's speech via Omnitool*.


                        And now I want to go and do Virmire again after watching that.

                        And a thought just hit me, it would have been FUCKING AWESOME to recruit Kirrahe onto the Normandy.
                        Last edited by Enetirnel; 03-20-2012, 01:46 AM.
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                        • Just picked up four games from Gamestation for about £8. Namely games that I need to play and picking them up for just under £2 each seemed the way to go. Too Human, Prey, Dark Sector and Lost Planet 2, all for the Xbox 360. All of them except for Lost Planet 2 were £1.98 each, though LP2 was £2.98. For Americans here, that's about $3-4 each.

                          Anyway, I need to continue playing Lost Planet: Extreme Condition. Again, picked that up for the Xbox 360 since the PS3 port was handled very poorly. As were many titles released early this generation. I'll be around on Mass Effect 3 multiplayer too if anyone wishes to join me for a few games.
                          See you in hell.


                          • I just started Operation Raccoon City yesterday.

                            I also picked up Yakuza 3 and Yakuza 4. I'm playing Yakuza 3 right now. Fucking addictive UFO catchers. Oh, how I hate you.

                            They changed it a tiny little bit in Yakuza 3 so it seems harder than it was in Yakuza 2 (I got it down in Yakuza 2 so I could get all of the prizes first time, every time).
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                            • One of my fav games of the last few years is Yakuza 3. Yakuza 4 I have not finished, the story is not as good since it breaks it apart into multiple characters. Strange they keep making Yakuza games but not Shenmue, since it is an obvious copy of it, from the same dev.
                              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                              • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
                                One of my fav games of the last few years is Yakuza 3. Yakuza 4 I have not finished, the story is not as good since it breaks it apart into multiple characters. Strange they keep making Yakuza games but not Shenmue, since it is an obvious copy of it, from the same dev.
                                I enjoy the Yakuza ones a little bit more than Shenmue probably due to the lack of the QTE events. I hate the chase sequences in the Shenmue games that just throw tons of crap in your way and you have QTE throughout those sequences.

                                I'm quite sure that Shenmue HD has been essentially ready to go for a while, so if that proves to be strong then we may end up actually seeing more Shenmue in the future.

                                Though, I do have to say - does Yakuza 3 have more of the host clubs going on like in Yakuza 2 (where Kiryu could also become a host himself) or are they simply ones that Kiryu can visit again?

                                I found it to be pretty funny, but not as bad as dealing with the gang whose boss enjoyed wearing nappies and being treated like a baby rolling on the floor... Oh the things you can see in these games.

                                (Though, before Shenmue was even announced Human Entertainment made a similar game to what people would say "Shenmue-type game" before it was around, called Mizzurna Falls though I don't know if it's got the fighting stuff in it as I haven't gotten around to looking at it as of yet but it didn't really have QTE so that's probably another factor as to why I prefer investigating stuff but I do admit - beating the shit out of punks in the Yakuza games is always a bit of fun for me).
                                Last edited by Enetirnel; 03-22-2012, 10:19 PM.
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