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    • Originally posted by Code_R View Post
      Or the biggest clusterfuck. I liked that they messed up the continuity with First Class, I don't want to think about X-Men 3 or Wolverines Awful Adventures.
      Exactly. The film could end up being complete and utter shit.


      • Expendables 2. Meh.


        • Well, last weekend I went to the cinema and decided to watch something that I didn't think I would like. I'm no fan of musicals, but I decided to give Les Misérables a try. I was hooked from beginning to end, even got rather teary during certain moments, was borderline crying at the end. Absolutely incredible, genuinely inspirational too. Love the character of Valjean, a man who was bitter and hated life, someone with no direction or goal, yet he straightened out his act and became a virtuous and selfless man, someone who contributed to the world and was a good, upstanding man.

          That's how I want to be. What I will be.
          See you in hell.


          • Saw 'Oz the Great and Powerful', was a lot of fun. Felt a little more like Raimi doing a PG version of Army of Darkness towards the end, but it was a fun film that felt enough like an Oz film, with plenty of Evil Dead references mixed in to make Sam Raimi fans grin through the entire film.

            The China girl was definitely the best CGI character I've seen in a long time, though I did like Zack Braff as Finley the flying monkey. I enjoyed the references to the 1939 film and have to say the Wicked Witch of the West was pretty well done. James Franco as Oz was a pretty good 'fight out of water' who played some of his characters cringe worthy scenes very well. He's not a conventional movie star, but Oz isn't a conventional character and the two actually were a pretty good match.

            Its a light film so the drama is controlled and instead you're treated to the various locations in the world of Oz.

            Film was about 10 minutes longer than it should have been, and the effects do overshadow a lot of the movie...but its Oz. Oz was supposed to be like that.


            • Just watched Silent Hill Revelations, burst out laughing when Pyramid Head and the knives-for-arms monster started fighting, it gave me Resident Evil Apocalipse flashbacks.


              • 5 Centimeters Per Second & Children Who Follow Lost Voices.


                • Originally posted by BBboy20 View Post
                  5 Centimeters Per Second.
                  Beautiful anime and great soundtrack!

                  For the "recently seen films": Lincoln.
                  Last edited by ProjectNight; 03-20-2013, 12:47 PM.
                  "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                  • The Dark Crystal


                    • Yesterday: Mission Impossible III and Death Proof
                      Last edited by ProjectNight; 03-21-2013, 04:39 AM.
                      "Project Night" (indie horror game) will be released on January 22, 2015


                      • It's the middle of the night and Casino Royale is playing


                        • The Driver by Walter Hill and Week End by Jean Luc Godard.


                          • Resident Evil Retribution.

                            HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ah, Comedy gold. Let's see...

                            - It's only half a movie.
                            - Are Ganados mutated T-Virus zombies or parasite creatures now?
                            - Why do giant lickers keep snacks for later?
                            - Why didn't the Red Queen produce a clone Alice army to attack her and her merry band of friends?
                            - Someone needs to send Wardrobe in the direction of some decent cosplayers - they do it better.
                            - Why is Jill's chest device apparently kept on with double side sticky tape? And why did it take the whole damned half movie for anyone to think they should remove it since she'd seen it in the previous movie, on Claire?
                            - Why didn't Jill get Amnesia like Claire did?
                            - Why does Wesker give a shit about anyone else?
                            - Why is Red Queen trying to kill non-infected?
                            - What, exactly, does Red Queen need to know about the infection? She's still testing people to find out, but she's attacking the last enclave of humanity merrily enough.
                            - Why no Tyrant!?
                            - Why did they kill of most of the ethnic minorities?
                            - How is super Alice different to non-Super Alice?

                            And, finally...

                            - Who insists on taping two tea-towels to there wife and calling it a costume?


                            • Watched The Hobbit and it was amazing.

                              Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                              - Why no Tyrant!?
                              It's better this way, the least monsters they butcher the better.


                              • If you're gonna fuck up, at least do it well!

