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  • Saw Ice Age 3 and was surprised to see how hilarious it was! a lot better than the second film which was a big relief


    • I saw Silent Hill. Pretty good for a game based movie.


      • Saw Daybreakers and thought it was an ok movie. Nothing special but after I saw the movie I realized how ridiculous some of the plot was in the movie

        Last edited by Stars1356; 01-11-2010, 12:31 AM.


        • Originally posted by Stars1356 View Post
          Saw Daybreakers and thought it was an ok movie. Nothing special but after I saw the movie I realized how ridiculous some of the plot was in the movie

          Yea, the subsiders were awesome though and I think everyone did a good job. Gory as all hell, funny, scary, and a pretty good plot (except for the part mentioned above, but whatever).

          "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
          Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


          • The Breakfast Club

            One of my personal favorites.


            • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
              The Breakfast Club

              One of my personal favorites.

              "eat my shorts"


              • Zombieland. Shit was funny!

                OMFG, Little Rock was so awesome! asdfghjkl Spoiler:
                !!! Columbus, oh asdfghjklkjhgfdsawewqtr.
                Last edited by Ray; 01-11-2010, 07:21 PM.


                • John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness. Honestly one of the most intriguing premises for a horror flick, and because we have a director like this, it's executed well. I think the pace makes for effective filmmaking, all of these creepy and disgusting changes happening slowly and then all bets are off, a nice slow-burn. Now it's not without its flaws. Dennis Dun (from Big Trouble in Little China, along with Victor Wong) had some great lines but his delivery was shit. There was one college student who doesn't seem to serve a purpose at all yet he snuffs it damn late. Donald Pleasance plays a priest called Loomis, who has a few similarities to the character of the same name throughout Halloween.

                  This was such an enjoyable watch though.

                  EDIT to avoid double posting (1/16): I just saw a Francois Truffaut film for the first time, this one called Mississippi Mermaid. To give a description without talking too much about the plot it's about two lovers and things between them being not as they seem. I guess you could call it a romance thriller, and I must say they pulled off both aesthetics well. The plot had my undivided attention and I was waiting for each minute to unfold, and the romance scenes between the two leads were intense. I enjoy the way Truffaut shoots the locations, and he sure knows how to choose them.
                  Last edited by GuardhouseMusic; 01-15-2010, 11:57 PM.


                  • Saw Legion last night and it was better than I expected. Kinda guessed what role the two characters in the movie would play at the end but otherwise an enjoyable story.


                    • The Eraser starring Ahnuld, Vanessa Williams, and James Caan (those eyebrows!o.o). A well shot and paced film with some questionable dialogue and plot progression. Nonetheless it was a fun movie to watch.

                      Also saw Ingmar Bergman's Through a Glass, Darkly. Okay, it seems he enjoys writing about artists. This is the second film of his I've seen, and so far I like Hour of the Wolf more. The characterization was top notch from paper to screen but there's something empty about it for me. I didn't care about anyone until perhaps the last 10 minutes.


                      • Watched Avatar and well it was good.....not much to say XD


                        • I ought to catch that one before it goes out. I've heard a lot of terrible things about the plot but other people responder to that along the lines of "eh, it's still impressively done." I did hear good things about Sigourney Weaver and Stephen Lang though (from diff. sources).


                          • I just watched Gamer and Pandorum. All in all decent films. I enjoyed Pandorum much more though.


                            • Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                              I did hear good things about Sigourney Weaver and Stephen Lang though (from diff. sources).
                              Both of them were decent, Zoe Saldana holds the best performance in the movie. At least for me.


                              • I wasnt too impressed with avatar even in 3d the visuals didnt blow me away, it definetly got better in the last hour and a half but i nearly fell asleep before that!! I was happy to see sigourney weaver but i thought most of the performances where average for a cameron film.

