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I'm Happy

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  • I'm happy because I've discovered chorizo and mushrooms are absolutely fantastic together!!!

    edit: Exams, after 3 weeks, are over!
    Last edited by Ray; 04-28-2010, 11:23 PM.


    • In a good mood because I'm going to a party tonight and I just got my new NIN And All That Could Have Been cassette. I say new because it came sealed (the guy didnt mention it was sealed in the description) which was a really REALLY nice surprise.

      The only 2 things I hate is
      1. The little open cut of the plastic at the bottom
      2. I cant look at the insides and what not


      side note it came from Thailand so it came in a fucking sweet package!


      • Thats the best package I've ever saw in my entire life.


        • That is some awesome packaging. Also, I find it kinda sweet you think I don't already know where you live and can't start hunting you whenever the mood takes me.


          • Darkmoon, by any chance do you have this tattoo on any part of your body?
            Last edited by Beanovsky Durst; 05-08-2010, 03:02 AM.

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • Sadly, the only tattoos I own are those I have flayed from the skin of trolls. And none of those are a bloodhound.


              • Ahhh good to know, now I can go to any Europe hostel safely...

                "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                • Ene streamed RE: O File #2 on Friday for me. It was just the most hilarious thing. xD I don't think we were able to not laugh at the lazy AI system.


                  • I'm happy because I had an awesome Mother's Day window-shopping spree with my mom, dad, and sister. Too bad none of the stores at my local mall sell harem pants. Fuck. Damn trend shit pool of a mall.

                    Sunday school was also fun (a rather un-religious talk about mothers *yesss*). I also feel bad for saying this, but I can't wait for Sunday School now because, for some reason, all the guys there are hot and also act so inconspicuously GAY. Oh, naughty me.

                    Last edited by Ray; 05-09-2010, 10:48 PM.


                    • I'm glad that after roughly three months of waiting, I finally have the Hot Toys Chris Redfield I want. It all started such a long time ago...In the month of February...In the grand past year of 2010...When a small town dude dreamed of owning his very own 1/6 scale Chris Redfield in S.T.A.R.S. uniform...Seriously, I've been waiting what seemed like forever for this freaking action figure (NO, IT IS NOT A DOLL!). I ordered one in February, and the pictures on the website were of S.T.A.R.S. Chris (Now, maybe I'm just naive, but when I see a picture of something to buy on the internet, I assume I will be getting that actual item. What a foreign concept, I know). The big day arrives and I get said action figure, and what do I get...BSAA Chris! I contact the site, and get back the lame repsonse of "Uhh, oops, well, we actually don't carry the one in the picture. This is the only one we do carry." I seriously could have Force-choked someone that day. Alexander was not pleased. About a week passes, and I decide to move on and look for S.T.A.R.S. Chris on another site that is of reasonable price (As some of you know these Hot Toys are not cheap...Luckily, I didn't pay more than $150 per figure including the shipping). I find it at a little place called Viking and decide to try this again. Much to my dismay, it is a preorder, and I'm thinking its bound to be out shortly. February bled into March and March into April and April into May, and finally...FINALLY, I have my S.T.A.R.S. Chris Redfield. And also in that span of time I managed to acquire S.T.A.R.S. Wesker as a birthday present to myself. I am in bliss at last.

                      I'm still working on the Chris pose...Believe it or not those freaking steroid arms are pretty hard to move into decent poses. They even come with instructions of how you can and cannot move them.

                      So collectively, I've spent around $450 on three pieces of plastic (as I kept the BSAA Chris as I was just too lazy to deal with shipping it back and all that hassle). And yes, I agree that it is WAY too much money for action figures, but meh, I'm not really using my money on anything else at the moment. I still wouldn't mind acquiring Midnight Wesker...



                      • I'm happy because Tool is coming to KC! Its funny because I made a post on my facebook saying

                        Dear Maynard James keenan.

                        Please go on tour. I'd love to see Tool or Puscifer live. That is all.
                        I go to the Tool website today looking for 10,000 days lyrics and I decided to go to the tour part and they doing a small Canada tour and a small US tour with Kansas City on the list. Couldn't be happier right now.


                        • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                          Ene streamed RE: O File #2 on Friday for me. It was just the most hilarious thing. xD I don't think we were able to not laugh at the lazy AI system.
                          Fucking AI, David STILL refuses to do jack all for me on File #2.

                          Anyway, I'm happy because I'm getting better with my rigging and general model work (been practicing whilst porting stuff).
                          Non-blurry Signature Version
                          Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


                          • Just thought I'd dedicate a post to Gareth's birthday (today). We've been out for a meal, bowling, arcades, and I got him a Mario Bros themed DS cake. He is officially 20 today.

                            So, good birthday wishes to Gareth (Zombie_Fred).


                            • I finally got my hands on a PS2... Outbreaks & Dead Aim, here I come!

                              Also Happy Birthday ZF!

                              "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                              • Happy birthday Gareth, how lucky you are to have a girl to build game themed cakes for you. First Halo and now this!

                                Congrats on the PS2 BD, don't forget to get Silent Hill 2-4!

