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I'm Happy

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  • Christy Hemme has finally got involved in a match on the recent episode of TNA iMPACT!. She took part in preventing Cookie from interfering in the X-Division title match between Robbie E and Jay Lethal. (Christy had to handcuff herself to Cookie when Cookie started attacking Jay Lethal, there was also a bit of a brawl between the two Knockouts on the outside during the match)

    Shortly after becoming the new X-Division Champion, Jay Lethal celebrated in the ring with Christy Hemme and Jay Lethal also gave Christy Hemme a kiss!!! (Which I thought it was a nice bonus, for me at least. )

    This also reminds me that there is a rumour going around that Christy Hemme might be making an in-ring return, as a result of her feud with Cookie. Personally I hope she does, because I believe in her. (Regardless of what condition her neck is in) But so far, there just rumours.

    That is the reason why I'm so happy today.

    EDIT: I know that this post should be in the Wrestling thread, but I just feel so happy that I thought that posting it here instead seems a bit more suitable as a result of a happy I am regarding this. Plus I don't want to risk a double-post on the Wrestling thread, since I am the last person to have posted in that thread a while ago.
    Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 12-17-2010, 09:23 PM.


    • Sadly time has gone so quick and I am back in England and now at work (4 hour sleep but a nice can of red bull does the trick!). I'll post pictures of my Egypt visit later but right now my body is going all over the place with caffeine kicking my body into overdrive!

      Fun times ahead!


      • Can't wait for Christmas. I have everyone's presents all done, and I can't wait to give them out!


        • Originally posted by Vogue_Dirge View Post
          Can't wait for Christmas. I have everyone's presents all done, and I can't wait to give them out!
          I don't remember telling you what I wanted?? haha


          • Christmas is just around the corner, I am home with my family and finally this Christmas I'm not sitting alone like last year. I have also brought with me my girlfriend, so I am really happy!
            Last edited by Trent; 12-23-2010, 04:12 AM.
            Freedom of Information.


            • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
              I don't remember telling you what I wanted?? haha
              What do you want?


              • Well today I wanted to do something nice for my parents that are interstate, I went to the shops and bought the biggest TV I could find for us to enjoy.

                I give you the 4 picture story of my setting up (ALONE) a heavy fucking 46kg Samsung 63" (yes thats right) Full HD 3D Plasma Screen HDTV.

                All I can say is fuck my back hurts!! But I think you will agree it was worth it, when I put MGS4 on I nearly cried how nice it looked, I can't wait to play some 3D games and Blu-Rays on it now.

                First pic is the fucking truck of a box, second is the xbox 360 running, 3rd is MGS4 running, lastly is a shot of my fav sceen from my fav movie on Blu-Ray.. I don't have to tell you the title.

                Much love!! I can't wait till they get back and see it hehe!
                Attached Files
                Last edited by DONNIemo; 01-02-2011, 06:51 AM.


                • Are you sure this is Plasma?
                  Last edited by Trent; 01-02-2011, 07:22 AM.
                  Freedom of Information.


                  • Originally posted by Trent View Post
                    Are you sure this is Plasma?
                    Trust me it is, this has the Japan pannels in them, they are fucking flawless, LCD compareable even! I should know our other 2 large Samsungs are LCD's and this looks better, brighter colours, darker blacks. It's amazing. I mean look at the pause of Scott Pilgrim, that was taken on a shitty camera, and you can still see the vivid colour and sharpness. Bravo Samsung Bravo.

                    They come in smaller if you are interested, 50", 58" and mine 63" and all are 3D.
                    Last edited by DONNIemo; 01-02-2011, 07:32 AM.


                    • As start of a new year I have decided to upgrade and do a few little tweaks on my computer; AMD 6970 (coming from the 5 series) GPU, 4 extra gig of DDR3 Ram, and 1TB hard drive.It all come to 350 sterling out of my wage this month but it's worth it for what is coming this year.

                      The begining of my wallet being raped this year and so much more to come.
                      Last edited by Zombie Fred; 01-02-2011, 07:54 AM.


                      • I was 1 of 10 selected people who got the job today at an interview in CIBER (

                        After 4.5 years of education (still half a year to go), I finally step into the real world and get my first job in the industry.
                        Freedom of Information.


                        • This whole page is essentially an online cock measuring contest.

                          "Yeah, I got a 5GB DDR RAM HDTV with 60" screen and Blu-ray players."
                          See you in hell.


                          • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                            This whole page is essentially an online cock measuring contest.

                            "Yeah, I got a 5GB DDR RAM HDTV with 60" screen and Blu-ray players."
                            Pretty much.


                            • Eh, we all like to share our good news with others. It makes us happy, and others are happy for us. Usually.


                              • Well, talking about what makes us happy is fine. But there seems to be a strange need for specifics, as if we HAVE to know what exact specifications someone's computer has or exactly what their new television does.

                                What's wrong with just saying "Hey, I got a new HDTV" and then talking about it if someone enquires about specifications and the like as opposed to this incessant need to go on about it.
                                See you in hell.

