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I'm Happy

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  • Her ex won't leave her alone. He's a rather affable young man, sits on his arse all day and smokes cannabis.

    Times like these I'm glad I have the Blade Runner soundtrack.
    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 02-17-2011, 02:15 PM.
    See you in hell.


    • No school till Wednesday? Yeah I can do that and be happy about it!


      • I've got my appointment booked for my haircut, now that it's gone too wild and has a life of its own, I can't wait to have it all done. Also feels good to have a nice relaxing week at work with no one in since it's half term, the school's pretty much desolate with only a few support staff and I'll pretty much finish the goals I aimed to do tomorrow (no big projects this term holiday, it's been only doing small jobs on the server and some of the computers around the school).

        I'm looking forward to hooking the 360 in the theatre to give it a spin with Marvel vs Capcom 3 and Reach before I head down to Kent for the weekend to see my friends. See the pictures attached to see how this bad boy will play.

        Such a great week and damn it feels good.
        Attached Files


        • This makes me so happy it has pretty much overloaded my yaydar:

          The Bangles present a collectible 45 vinyl showcasing their new single Anna Lee (Sweetheart of the Sun)! The B-side of this Banglesfan must-have features new acoustic recordings of Hazy Shade of Winter, and Let It Go, plus a cover of Anna Lee by Banglepal VIP Matthew Sweet!

          Check back soon for record drop details!
          It has been nearly a decade since the last Bangles record (2003's "Doll Revolution") was released, so when I heard they were making a new one a couple of years ago, I was more than a little stoked. If the fact that they had started a new album didn't make me happy enough, the news came from my favorite living musician; Matthew Sweet. Not only was he acting as producer/engineer on the album, but also handling bass duties. The album is done now and supposed to be out by summer.

          Anyone who has ever talked music with me knows that I've been a huge fan of both acts since childhood so, for me, this is one of the most exciting musical prospects this year has to offer (edged out only by Matthew Sweet's new album, funnily enough)! My ears are so very ready for a summer filled with harmonies and jangly guitar goodness. This single should do a nice job of holding me off!


          • 6th place in a poker tournament. Free beer! I love Texas Hold'em.
            Freedom of Information.


            • My favourite TNA Knockout, Christy Hemme, has accepted my long-awaited friend request on Facebook. I am so happy about that.
              Last edited by Shadow Stalker; 03-04-2011, 08:16 PM.


              • I'm veryy happy as I have been drinking most of the night and listening to some amazing music and just watch Scott Pilgrim for like the 1000th time, its alot more fun drunk, quoting word for word

                woooo .


                • Originally posted by Shadow Stalker View Post
                  My favourite TNA Knockout, Christy Hemme, has accepted my long-awaited friend request on Facebook. I am so happy about that.
                  On a simmalar note, THEE John Romero that helped create DOOM the best game ever is now my actual buddy on Facebook too! It's amazing chatting to him knowing that it is actually him!! Soo fantastic!! He is a legend in my eyes, well heck they all are at ID Software.

                  P.S I am sorry for the double post
                  Last edited by DONNIemo; 03-05-2011, 08:31 AM.


                  • Oh god, I've finally done it. I bought Panzer Dragoon Saga again for my Sega Saturn (£120 gone, but this shit is rare) and this is probably the most expensive purchase I bought on a game, ever. At least I will finally have it again and play one of the best games in my child hood once more


                    • Originally posted by Zombie Fred View Post
                      Oh god, I've finally done it. I bought Panzer Dragoon Saga again for my Sega Saturn (£120 gone, but this shit is rare) and this is probably the most expensive purchase I bought on a game, ever. At least I will finally have it again and play one of the best games in my child hood once more
                      Jesus, I know its rare but that is alot of $$$ I'm sure ive seen it cheaper.


                      • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                        Jesus, I know its rare but that is alot of $$$ I'm sure ive seen it cheaper.
                        There was a very small number of units on Saga shipped across PAL land, and it's hard to get it at a low price now. £120 is perfect enough for me to spend it, when it is in excellent quality and I can be satisfied I have it in my collection again. With this my Saturn collection is complete.


                        • Had a great weekend. Went on a date with a girl I like, had a really good (and expensive) dinner and ended the night on a great note. Now I get a call from the manager at Gamestop saying that they took down a few posters and if I wanted them.

                          I <3 free posters.


                          • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                            On a simmalar note, THEE John Romero that helped create DOOM the best game ever is now my actual buddy on Facebook too! It's amazing chatting to him knowing that it is actually him!! Soo fantastic!! He is a legend in my eyes, well heck they all are at ID Software.

                            P.S I am sorry for the double post
                            You are one lucky bastard.

                            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


                            • Originally posted by DONNIemo View Post
                              On a simmalar note, THEE John Romero that helped create DOOM the best game ever is now my actual buddy on Facebook too! It's amazing chatting to him knowing that it is actually him!! Soo fantastic!! He is a legend in my eyes, well heck they all are at ID Software.
                              How did you get in touch with him?

                              I am in contact with a Blizzard consultant who works on WoW (he has also worked for Microsoft), I frequently disagree with him.
                              Freedom of Information.


                              • Originally posted by Beanovsky Durst View Post
                                You are one lucky bastard.
                                Just ask him to add you man. He's a really nice guy. I'm still awestruck.

