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Most Overrated Films and Games.

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  • #46
    I liked Halo but the rest haven't impressed me.

    love the Godfather movies as well.


    • #47
      Scarface... a cocaine junkie/druglord obsessed with his sister doesn't make for epic classic, IMO. Though, I will admit that I do like most parts of the movie.

      Star Wars. Fuck Star Wars, and fuck George Lucas. If I ever had to sit through another Star Wars movie, I will gouge my eyes out with a tooth-pick.

      Lord of the Rings. Has anyone here ever seen the movie 'Clerks II'? Well, that's exactly how I feel about the LOTR franchise - booooorrrriiinnng.

      As for videogames - Final Fantasy, HALO, Resident Evil and WoW. I know a WoW-junkie, and wow... he really needs to get a life.
      I'm a blackstar.


      • #48

        FF7 - It's a good game, but I think people fangasm over it way more than necessary.

        RE4 - 'nuff said

        WoW, or any MMO - I really don't see the point.


        • #49
          Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post

          As long as that clip's here, I'll say one of the most UNDERRATED films of all time is Clerks. For a movie on that budget, it was very funny and very well written. The second one was alright, but not as good as the first.

          Randall FTW.


          • #50
            Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
            Scarface... a cocaine junkie/druglord obsessed with his sister doesn't make for epic classic, IMO. Though, I will admit that I do like most parts of the movie.

            Star Wars. Fuck Star Wars, and fuck George Lucas. If I ever had to sit through another Star Wars movie, I will gouge my eyes out with a tooth-pick.

            Lord of the Rings. Has anyone here ever seen the movie 'Clerks II'? Well, that's exactly how I feel about the LOTR franchise - booooorrrriiinnng.

            As for videogames - Final Fantasy, HALO, Resident Evil and WoW. I know a WoW-junkie, and wow... he really needs to get a life.

            i like this post and agree with everything in it. btw MarkGrass, there is a clerks 2 video i posted of that scene you mentioned lol


            • #51
              Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
              Star Wars. Fuck Star Wars, and fuck George Lucas. If I ever had to sit through another Star Wars movie, I will gouge my eyes out with a tooth-pick.
              Jesus, what is with all the Star Wars hate? You don't have to watch the movie if you don't want to.


              • #52
                You see - you can say this also about The Godfather, Scarface, Lord of the Ring, Metal Gear Solid, Halo and every other game and movie mentioned in this thread - different people have different opinion on things

                About Star Wars - the only one I've seen from the beginning to the end was Episode 3 (I wasn't interested in the whole space sci-fi back then hence I've never saw other movies) and while it was a nice eye candy, the plot was more retarded than Disney's cartoons; I mean - the whole Anakin turns evil was so cartoony, so over the top ("hey, I'll now kill those little kids for no reason, 'cause I'm bad") that I thought I will laugh out loud. And from what I've heard Episode 1 and 2 were worse...
                I appreciate what Lucas did for the sci-fi genre and I understand how important the series is for cinematography, but I can also understand why so many people hate the series.
                Last edited by Mr_Zombie; 07-02-2009, 04:14 AM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Mr_Zombie View Post
                  You see - you can say this also about The Godfather, Scarface, Lord of the Ring, Metal Gear Solid, Halo and every other game and movie mentioned in this thread - different people have different opinion on things

                  About Star Wars - the only one I've seen from the beginning to the end was Episode 3 (I wasn't interested in the whole space sci-fi back then hence I've never saw other movies) and while it was a nice eye candy, the plot was more retarded than Disney's cartoons; I mean - the whole Anakin turns evil was so cartoony, so over the top ("hey, I'll now kill those little kids for no reason, 'cause I'm bad") that I thought I will laugh out loud. And from what I've heard Episode 1 and 2 were worse...
                  I appreciate what Lucas did for the sci-fi genre and I understand how important the series is for cinematography, but I can also understand why so many people hate the series.
                  Yeah that's the prequels, but the original trilogy, Star Wars (1977) Empire Strikes Back (1980) and Return of the Jedi (1983) have a fantastic storyline, great characters and dialog and very good acting, with great special effects too.

                  It seems people here have only seen the newer films it seems.

                  Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                  Fuck Star Wars, and fuck George Lucas.
                  Ok i just noticed another part of your post. That is just wrong, by saying that you are basically saying fuck almost every film in existence after 1975.

                  Just read this.

                  I'm just gonna post the article here too.

                  Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) is a motion picture visual effects company that was founded in May 1975 by George Lucas and is owned by Lucasfilm. Lucas created the company when he discovered that the special effects department at 20th Century Fox was shut down after he was given the green light for his production of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The studio originated in Van Nuys, California, later moved to San Rafael, and is now based at the Letterman Digital Arts Center in the Presidio of San Francisco.

                  Lucas wanted his 1977 film Star Wars to include visual effects that had never been seen on film before. He first approached Douglas Trumbull, famous for 2001: A Space Odyssey. Trumbull declined, but suggested his assistant John Dykstra. Dykstra brought together a small team of college students, artists and engineers who became the Special Visual Effects department on Star Wars. Alongside Dykstra other leading members of the original ILM team were Dennis Muren, Ken Ralston, Richard Edlund, Joe Johnston, Phil Tippett, Steve Gawley, and Jeff Mann.

                  When making The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas reformed most of the team into Industrial Light & Magic in Marin County, California. They have since gone on to produce special effects for over two hundred films, including the Indiana Jones series, the Harry Potter franchise, the Jurassic Park franchise, the Back to the Future trilogy, many of the Star Trek films, Ghostbusters II, and the 2007 live-action Transformers movie.

                  In addition to their work for George Lucas, ILM also frequently collaborates with Steven Spielberg for nearly all films that he directs, and for many that he produces as well. Dennis Muren acts as Visual Effects Supervisor on these films.

                  Additionally, the company has created less noticeable effects - such as widening streets, digitally adding more extras to a shot, and inserting the film's actors into famous photos - in movies such as Schindler's List, Forrest Gump, Snow Falling on Cedars, Magnolia, and several Woody Allen films.

                  ILM established their use of Computer-generated imagery when they hired Edwin Catmull from NYIT in 1979. John Lasseter worked for ILM in the early 1980s as a computer animator. The computer graphics department, now known as Pixar, was eventually sold to Steve Jobs, which went on to create the first CG animated feature with Toy Story.

                  As of 2006[update], ILM has received 16 Best Visual Effects Oscars and 20 additional nominations. It had also received 22 technical Oscars.


                  * 1977: Resurrected the use of VistaVision; first use of a motion control camera (Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope)
                  * 1982: First completely computer-generated sequence (the "Genesis sequence" in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan)
                  * 1985: First completely computer-generated character, the "stained glass man" in Young Sherlock Holmes
                  * 1988: First morphing sequence, in Willow
                  * 1989: First computer-generated 3-D character, the pseudopod in The Abyss
                  * 1991: First partially computer-generated main character, the T-1000 in Terminator 2: Judgment Day
                  * 1992: First time the texture of human skin was computer generated, in Death Becomes Her
                  * 1993: First time digital technology used to create a complete and detailed living creature, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, which earned ILM its thirteenth Oscar
                  * 1994: The cartoon-like effects in The Mask
                  * 1995: The first fully synthetic speaking computer-generated character, with a distinct personality and emotion, to take a leading role in Casper
                  * 1995: First computer-generated photo-realistic hair and fur (used for the digital lion and monkeys) in Jumanji
                  * 1996: First completely computer-generated main character, Draco in Dragonheart
                  * 1999: Used motion capture to create the undead form of the character, Imhotep in The Mummy.
                  * 1999: Second completely computer-generated main character, Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
                  * 2002: First feature film completely shot and exhibited in digital HD video in Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
                  * 2003: Used most extensive projects and animation techniques yet to create a large, human-like, green monster in Hulk
                  * 2006: Develops "iMocap" system, which uses computer vision techniques to track live-action performers on set. Used in the creation of Davy Jones and ship's crew in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
                  * 2009: Most complex visual graphics work done in entire ILM history on Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen's character "Devastator".[citation needed]

                  LM Selected filmography
                  Year Notable films
                  1971 THX 1138
                  1977 Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope
                  1980 Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

                  Raiders of the Lost Ark
                  Dragonslayer (first non-Lucasfilm production)

                  Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
                  E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
                  The Dark Crystal

                  Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
                  Twice Upon a Time

                  Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
                  Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
                  The NeverEnding Story
                  Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (TV)

                  Starman (also co-produced the film)
                  The Goonies
                  Back to the Future
                  Amazing Stories (TV) (1985-87)
                  Mishima: A Life in Four Chapters
                  Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (TV)
                  Young Sherlock Holmes
                  Out of Africa
                  Enemy Mine

                  The Money Pit
                  Howard the Duck
                  Captain EO (Disney theme park film)
                  Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
                  The Golden Child (also co-produced the film)

                  Harry and the Hendersons
                  Star Tours (Disney theme park film)
                  Spaceballs (creature effect only)
                  Star Trek: The Next Generation - Encounter at Farpoint (Two-hour pilot, stock footage used throughout series) (TV)
                  Empire of the Sun
                  *batteries not included
                  The Witches of Eastwick

                  Who Framed Roger Rabbit
                  Cocoon: The Return
                  Tucker: The Man and His Dream
                  The Last Temptation of Christ
                  The Accidental Tourist
                  Caddyshack II

                  The 'burbs
                  Field of Dreams
                  Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
                  Ghostbusters II
                  The Abyss
                  Body Wars (Disney theme park film)
                  Back to the Future Part II

                  Joe Versus the Volcano
                  Total Recall
                  Die Hard 2
                  The Godfather: Part III
                  Back to the Future Part III

                  Flight of the Intruder
                  The Doors
                  Hudson Hawk
                  Michael & Mickey (Disney theme park film)
                  The Rocketeer
                  The Last Halloween
                  Terminator 2: Judgment Day
                  Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country

                  The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles (TV) (1992-93)
                  Death Becomes Her
                  Memoirs of an Invisible Man
                  The Public Eye

                  Last Action Hero
                  Rising Sun
                  The Meteor Man
                  Manhattan Murder Mystery
                  The Nutcracker
                  Jurassic Park
                  Fire in the Sky
                  Schindler's List

                  The Hudsucker Proxy
                  Baby's Day Out
                  In the Mouth of Madness
                  Star Trek: The Next Generation - All Good Things... (final episode) (TV)
                  The Flintstones
                  Forrest Gump
                  The Mask
                  Radioland Murders
                  Star Trek Generations

                  Village of the Damned
                  The Indian in the Cupboard
                  The American President
                  The Dig

                  Mission: Impossible
                  The Trigger Effect
                  Special Effects: Anything Can Happen
                  The Trigger Effect
                  101 Dalmatians
                  Mars Attacks!
                  Star Trek: First Contact

                  The Lost World: Jurassic Park
                  Men in Black
                  Starship Troopers
                  Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
                  Deconstructing Harry
                  Speed 2: Cruise Control

                  Deep Rising
                  Mercury Rising
                  Snake Eyes
                  Reach the Rock
                  Meet Joe Black
                  Jack Frost
                  Mighty Joe Young
                  The Last Days
                  Deep Impact
                  Saving Private Ryan
                  Small Soldiers

                  October Sky
                  From Star Wars to Star Wars: The Story of Industrial Light & Magic
                  Wild Wild West
                  The Haunting
                  Deep Blue Sea
                  Sweet and Lowdown
                  Bringing Out the Dead
                  Snow Falling on Cedars
                  Sleepy Hollow
                  The Mummy
                  Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace
                  Galaxy Quest
                  The Green Mile

                  Mission to Mars
                  The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle
                  Pay It Forward
                  Work in Progress
                  The Perfect Storm
                  Space Cowboys

                  The Pledge
                  Planet of the Apes
                  The Majestic
                  The Mummy Returns
                  Artificial Intelligence: A.I.
                  Jurassic Park III
                  Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
                  Pearl Harbor

                  Punch-Drunk Love
                  The Bourne Identity
                  Manassas: End of Innocence
                  K-19: The Widowmaker
                  Blood Work
                  Gangs of New York
                  Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
                  Minority Report
                  Men in Black II
                  Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
                  The Time Machine

                  Tears of the Sun
                  The Hunted
                  The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
                  Let Go
                  Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World
                  Peter Pan
                  Stuck on You
                  Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl
                  Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines

                  Along Came Polly
                  Van Helsing
                  The Chronicles of Riddick
                  The Bourne Supremacy
                  The Village
                  Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events
                  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
                  Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow
                  The Day After Tomorrow

                  Are We There Yet?
                  Son of the Mask
                  The Pacifier
                  The Amityville Horror
                  xXx: State of the Union
                  The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D
                  Herbie Fully Loaded
                  The Colbert Report
                  Code Breakers
                  Cheaper by the Dozen 2
                  Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
                  War of the Worlds
                  Chicken Little
                  Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
                  The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

                  Eight Below
                  Mission: Impossible III
                  The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift
                  Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
                  Lady in the Water
                  The Nightmare Before Christmas 3-D

                  Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
                  Evan Almighty
                  Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
                  Rush Hour 3
                  There Will Be Blood
                  Lions for Lambs
                  National Treasure: Book of Secrets

                  The Spiderwick Chronicles
                  Iron Man
                  Speed Racer
                  Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
                  WALL-E (visual effects for live-action sequences)
                  Incredible Hulk
                  The Happening
                  Touching Home
                  The Love Guru
                  Miracle at St. Anna
                  Pig Hunt

                  Confessions of a Shopaholic
                  Star Trek
                  Terminator Salvation
                  Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen

                  Upcoming projects:

                  * Star Wars (TV) (2010 / 2011)
                  * Endhiran
                  * Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (2009)
                  * The Last Airbender (2010)
                  * Iron Man 2 (2010)
                  * Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (2010/2011)
                  * Interstellar (2011)
                  * Rango (2011)

                  Recent films

                  ILM worked on three major 2005 releases, George Lucas' Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds and Warner Bros. Pictures' Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Revenge of the Sith features around 2400 CGI shots created in three years (by stark contrast, the groundbreaking blockbuster Jurassic Park has only 52 CGI shots). War of the Worlds was completed on a much faster timetable, with Dennis Muren supervising. ILM was also the effects studio utilized to work on Eragon which was released in December 2006.

                  Industrial Light & Magic also worked on battle creatures for The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe; the wave and underwater effects for Poseidon, a remake of The Poseidon Adventure; the majority of (invisible) effects for Mission: Impossible III and Eight Below; and most of the creature effects for Lady in the Water. ILM also created the visual effects and animation in the Pirates of the Caribbean trilogy, Transformers and Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix among others.

                  ILM also worked on the "Light My Candle" number in Rent. The crew could be seen in the TV screen so Chris Columbus sent the reel over to ILM and they edited the reflection out.

                  [edit] Trivia

                  It was in the late 1980s when Adobe Photoshop made its first appearance on the world stage. It was used at the Industrial Light & Magic studios as an image-processing program. Photoshop was created by ILM Visual Effects Supervisor John Knoll and his brother Thomas as a summer project.

                  Adam Savage, Grant Imahara and Tory Belleci of Mythbusters fame have all worked at Industrial Light & Magic.

                  Industrial Light & Magic is also famous for their commercial work. Their clients include Energizer Holdings, Nike, Coca Cola, Pepsi, Budwiser and other companies.

                  ILM is also the largest voice recording studio. It is used for Anime dubbing and non Anime voice work.
                  So yeah if you say Fuck George Lucas, then your also fucking with all that to. Good day sir!
                  Last edited by missvalentine; 07-02-2009, 04:34 AM.


                  • #54
                    This is a thread of opinions. Starting a fight over them will rarely lead somewhere. Entertaining as it may be.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Member_of_STARS View Post
                      This is a thread of opinions. Starting a fight over them will rarely lead somewhere. Entertaining as it may be.
                      Yeah i know, but George Lucas is my hero, i can't let ignorant people just insult him like that because of one film he made, he is probably the most influential director in history. How anyone can say he is overrated is beyond me. Did you know Ridley Scott was inspired to write Alien because of Lucas and Star Wars? Did you know that James Cameron decided he wanted to be a director because of Lucas and Star Wars? I could go on and on all day about the marvelous things George Lucas and Star Wars have done. But i wont.

                      Anyways i think RE4 and MGS4 are some of the most overrated games ever i think, and so is RE5. And to a lesser extent i think RE2 and MGS1 is a little bit overrated too.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                        It seems people here have only seen the newer films it seems.
                        No, I've seen the originals and I haven't had that high of an opinion of those either =/

                        And that's a mighty long wish |:
                        Last edited by BadWolfX; 07-02-2009, 05:50 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                          MGS1 is a little bit overrated too.

                          i have no idea how many times ive said this before

                          if your didnt play MGS1 back in 1998 or play it in 1999 your not gonna think its that great of a game but infact its one of THE best games for the PS1 its up there with FF7 and RE2 actually its better than RE2 and hell RE3. MGS1 is THE best MGS in the whole series. the worst one is MGS:TTS (everyone can agree with me here) and MGS2


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                            i have no idea how many times ive said this before

                            if your didnt play MGS1 back in 1998 or play it in 1999 your not gonna think its that great of a game but infact its one of THE best games for the PS1 its up there with FF7 and RE2 actually its better than RE2 and hell RE3. MGS1 is THE best MGS in the whole series. the worst one is MGS:TTS (everyone can agree with me here) and MGS2

                            The only thing I disagree with is that how you say it's "up there with FF7." It's a lot better than that.


                            • #59
                              well alot of people though FF7 is one of the best games for the PS1 as well thats why i said that. i wouldnt no cause i dont play FF


                              • #60
                                i hated that final fantasy spirited within movie thats was a shitty ass movie god awful , i would have to say return of the jedi is a favorite movie the out of the six i did love Revenge of the sith , yal should see FANBOYS funny but sad at the same time all i got to say is "Han solo is a bitch! lol "
                                harry pothead is gay & what is so big about the twilight movies??? its just stupid TEEN Vampires running around finding love with a underage girl one, dude in the trailer has a superman 1 powers stoping that car from killing that girl. cause superman did the same thing another thing in superman 2 why he take that S & threw it at that guy did that do anything??
                                Last edited by adamthegrave; 07-02-2009, 07:18 PM.

