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I'm Angry

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  • #16
    I'm sure the reason 1.5 is the most popular is the amount of media about it. A beta/scrapped version of BH1 would be awesome as well, but without any kind of media or comparison (or knowledge of), it would just be difficult for some people to hype themselves about it. The only thing I could think of for a 0.5 is if they had some work on the game done when it was originally gonna be an FPS. I do admit I imagine sometimes about a possible early BH1 beta that had a lot more elements changed in it than in the final, but that's as far as I can currently imagine for BH1.


    • #17
      I doubt we'll ever see it released officially. No collector has it either, so I'd have to approach some employee's about it and doing that would require a lot of money up front and two plane tickets to Japan (I dont fly...ever). The likelyhood of it happening is probably none
      Last edited by Dot50Cal; 07-09-2006, 02:23 PM.


      • #18
        Both sellers and buyers in internet are not able to be trusted.

        Dot50Cal, even though you have prove, but in internet buying, usually the buyer has more advantages. because buyers pay sellers.

        buyers pay money and sellers sell/transact goods. buyers needs pay, needs money.

        just like that HK case. HK buyer got mice and cockroaches from that germany seller.

        germany polizei investigated that seller. the seller also claim that he really had sent that camera set as claimed in internet. the police in germany also won't do anything.

        yahoo also can't do anything.

        usually buyers are much more advantageous in internet transaction.

        because some sellers really deceive like this GERMANY seller.

        Think, send rubbish, then claim he/she really has sent that item.

        most payments are from paypal, and it's riskier than real life/send cash to seller.

        everyone can claim anything.

        usually buyer wins if problems arouse.


        • #19
          I hate people that are really slow in public, yet insist on always being first or hogging the mechanical stairs.

          Cyclists who think they are pedestrians. I don't mind that you're on the sidewalk, but please be careful.

          Cyclists who don't know what breaks are for. I'm blocking the way, and I can't see you? Don't yell watch out, hit the breaks you fucking moron.



          • #20
            Cyclists who think they are cars anoy me..Just today some ass kept going 2MPH blocking the whole road :|

            I also dislike being cut off in the road only to have the person in front of me go 5MPH less than the speed limit

            People who DONT use a stop sign, then give you the middle finger when you point it out to them.
            Last edited by Dot50Cal; 08-09-2006, 11:53 PM.


            • #21
              My favorite's much better. How about people who like to start bar fights but are on their way to starting one. At the very beginning of a 6 hour drive to upstate NY, some meathead asshole pulls up next to us at a light and motions for us to roll down the window. My parents and youngest brother were in the car in front of me. I was driving the one in back with my two younger brothers. Meathead says "Hey... do I know you?" My second youngest brother is in the passenger seat and he says "No, I don't think so." Meathead says "Then why the fuck are you doing around my house?" No, that’s not a misquote. He asked me “why the fuck are you doing.” I’m so surprised, I don’t know how to react, so I start laughing and say “Excuse me?”
              Meathead: “What the fuck is your problem walking around my house cursing like with kids there? You want me to kick all three of your asses?" He pointed out my second youngest brother riding shotgun specifically.

              There are several things to keep in mind here.
              1. It’s hard for us to be walking around his house while we’re inside a car. I assumed he meant driving and not that one of us had been around there before today and he recognized us. However, his repeated use of the word “walking” was making me think otherwise.

              2. We had the AC on. Having a window open would kind of be counter-productive.

              3. We had music playing very loudly. If the window had been open, there’s no way he would have heard us over it.

              4. I don’t think we were cursing when we went by there. We went past his house at 40 mph, and it’s not like we speak only in curses.

              So anyway, he tells me to pull over and he’ll kick all of our asses. The light turns green, I drive ahead and pull over, but I don’t open the door yet. I want to wait for him to get out, which he doesn’t, which I knew he wouldn’t anyway. He continues to threaten us however, telling us how he’s going to beat us all up in front of the police station which was a ways across the street from where I pulled over. I tell him we never left the car and asked him if he was out of his mind or he just wanted to fight somebody, either case, I’d be happy to assist him in. I still haven’t taken off my seatbelt, which is partially obscuring my full contact fighter shirt. It’s not something I wear because I like the colors, I’ve been training specifically in MMA for around the past 4 years. With two of my brothers with me, it would have been hilarious to see what this person had in mind. For his sake, I hope he had a gun with him.

              So my dad sees this and pulls back in front of us. The guy IMMEDIATELY pulls away from us and next to my dad’s car. His story changes for my dad, of course, and he tries to calm meathead down by saying he’d take care of it. The guy didn’t need calming down, he wasn’t going to do anything in the first place, but he’s still talking about how he will. “You’re lucky I didn’t beat the shit out of all three of those punks.”
              Then my dad says, “No, we’re all lucky you didn’t get out of the car. My son would have gone to jail because he would have fucking killed you.” At that, meathead peels out, going across the natural median, giving us an angry glare as he heads back to his house. I still kind of wish I had opened the car door to this day.


              • #22
                Haaaaaahahahhaha I didnt know you trained in MMA XD


                • #23

                  i just drank like 4 cups of coffee to keep myself awake, and all it did it make my extremely wired and tired at the same time. now i want to sleep, and i cant. this is the worst feeling everrrrrrrr brahhhgghhhhh

                  edit: uhhhhhhhhHHHHHH look at this picture. that dog has no idea whats going on

                  Last edited by krieg747; 08-11-2006, 11:32 AM.


                  • #24
                    Thing I'm pissed off at the moment: I really want to play Resident Evil 5 but it's not released yet. >.< *impatient*


                    • #25
                      I need money to buy a lot of stuff!
                      I'm pissed!!


                      • #26
                        Fucking fags are gonna get what they deserve. All their email accounts are gonna get so much mail, their fucking monitors will explode infront of their hyper obsessive brains and squint, square eyes. They think they're oh so smart because they got an exclusive interview with some fucking nobody in the new Resident Evil movie. Oh listen to me cry about that.

                        I can't help but to LMAO at that one! All the interviews they get are with nobodies that have nothing but automated responses (ie, they're told what to say before they are even asked) to speak. Hell, REh is even told what to ask and what they can't ask! I think it's funny because all the info they obtain from their exclusive interviews is a bunch of bullshit that we already knew already...

                        Now BH France on the other hand, they got a legit, worthwhile interview.

                        EDIT: I should add that while REh's interviews are crap, they are exclusive. Makes me glad that THIA doesn't do the whole interview thing (in fear of them being crap).

                        I wonder how much money they offered him for the "exclusive" scoop.
                        Well, from what I hear, REh is so bogged down with ADs from Google, etc. that it's downright . Maybe all those shitty, hidden ADs got them somewhere afterall, .
                        Last edited by MeganGrass; 09-09-2006, 04:32 PM.
                        I'm a blackstar.


                        • #27
                          You bring up a good point, infact...
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            @Dot-First thing i wanted to apologize just coming here just to make this post.I would have signed up before but as you can imagine i had my reasons for not doing so but thats another story.So onto buisness.

                            Originally posted by Grace Saunders
                            That fucking traitor cunt BiohazardExtremeTyrant told this Mike fruitcake that I copied his site layout for my site. I don't know how BiohazardExtremeTyrant even got the link to Dino Crisis Fan, but it seems I am being watched closely by every butt raping e-prick out there. To top it off, I get an email from the owner of Resident Evil Uncut asking me to change my site so it doesn't look like his.

                            Except my site is a fucking Dino Crisis site, not a fucking Resident Evil site. And it took me fucking ages to build the friggin' site and I had to edit all the HTML and stuff and it is still isn't finished. I got no fucking support at all, and I'm the stupid fucker that had to go hunting down all the rare dinosaur clips that is there today.
                            Oh petey boy you just never can give up i see.Well i figured since this topic is a pissed topic so i would guess this sort of thing is allowed i figured i would once again humor myself as i reply to this and also clear up a few things since you wanted to bring this to the public and out of PM's as we were discussing it.

                            Firstly and most importantly I know of no Mike.I e-mailed the address you had on "your" site which i assumed was yours.Of course this was after i originally PMed you in which you never responded.If it's not your e-mail address then i guess thats really your problem for imputting the wrong info in your HTML code.Check out the HTML for yourself.

                            <table border="1" bordercolor="#228b22" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="1" width="580">
                            <td><font color="#999999" face="Courier"><b>27 July 2006</b> <i>written by</i> SynchPedro86 <a href="">(Email)</a></font></td></tr>

                            I'm still working on the content and layout. Progress is coming along slowly but surely. Hopefully everything will be ready by next week, if I'm quick about it. There's not a lot to report for now, but please check back real soon.

                            Now don't you just feel like a total dumbass?Now as for me telling this "Mike" character you stole his layout i'd really just love to know how i did that considering i don't know this person.I e-mailed the address you had on YOUR site asking you to remove a link that had no buisness being there plain and simple.

                            As for how i found your site you posted the link on a forum which i found on google after someone mentioned to me that you had a link there which was not supposed to be public. Here is how i found your site.

                            Also in reguards to watching you i see you neglected to mention that you "accidently" somehow got a skin that i personally made on your old site and that the reason your accounts were deleted at reH was due to you trying to sneak in using other people's identity name and avatars (yes i speak to the forum admin) so once again your fault.You just don't seem to learn from your mistakes and always try to pass the blame to someone else.

                            Now to end this Pete you can go back to spamming my account if you want your choice so fuck off and goodbye.

                            Admins you can delete this account if you want just wanted to get that said and done.
                            Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-09-2006, 02:47 PM.


                            • #29
                              Its cool BHX, I know how frustrating Peter can be XD I'll leave your account open incase you want to join. BTW the pissed topic isnt really regulated.


                              • #30
                                Alright thanks Dot,and as for pete's comment well to be honest pete i don't really see the point of checking my grammar and wasting even more of my time simply to reply to you.Your simply not that important.

                                On another note hey Dot why can't i use a custom avatar?I notice others have them but whn i attmpt to add one via a link it says uploads are disabled.
                                Last edited by BHXTyrant; 09-10-2006, 05:20 AM.

