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I'm Angry

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  • Speaking of YLOD & RROD, my Xbox 360 just red ringed.
    I've had it for 2 years and 6 months, thank GOD it happened now and not later, but my God, I'm so, astonished.
    Thankfully, 6 months left of warrenty.
    I would expected it along time ago, and I just left hope on it.
    So, I've heard they send me a 'refurbished' unit? Is that, new or, like new?


    • I have a nail stuck between my teeth that I can't get out and it's DAMN ANNOYING.

      This happens to me far too often.


      • ...please tell me you mean a finger nail and weren't picking your teeth with sharp, pointed metal?


        • Yeah, a finger nail.


          • found out that my dad's lymphoma ( cancer ) came back.


            • That's terrible! I really hope he can get rid of it for good. Cancer is really cruel. Good luck, and have hope!


              • -I'm hungry
                -iTunes is retarded
                -I get accused of moving something I'd have no bloody business touching in the first place.
                -Blegh. Bring on Tuesday ¬.¬


                • My stepfather just brought his mother to the house >.> and I think she's staying the night -_- I fucking hate her
                  Last edited by ValentineKnight; 03-28-2009, 07:19 PM.


                  • Oh boy...isn't weather awesome? Twenty minutes before we close and tornado sirens go off! Tornados are hitting counties all around us, and its so much fun! >.< And when I get the ok to leave...I get to drive through some evil hard rain and make a mad dash to the door with hail pelting me in the face! Oh fun. We just got our roof repaired from the ice storm...I swear if we get any damage I'm going to freak. It seems that the worst is over though.
                    Last edited by Bertha; 03-28-2009, 06:30 PM.
                    Are you tired, Rebecca?


                    • I still have a stomach virus. My room smells. My roommate is ugly. My foot hurts. Pitt is losing to Villanova. It's Saturday and I have no plans. I have no girlfriend. My PS3 is in transit right now. My brother has a shitty movie coming out.

                      But I just found out that my Jackolantern PEZ dispenser glows in the I'm good.

                      EDIT: I am NO LONGER good. FUCK Villanova, FUCK my friend Dave who goes there, and FUCK Scottie Reynolds.

                      My bracket is fucked. FUCK!!!
                      Last edited by Vector; 03-28-2009, 08:40 PM.


                      • my job fucking sux, it is seriously a fucking mental challenge 2 work there, fucking arrogant people, they don't even take 1 fucking minute 2 fold a god damn shirt, then they fucking just flop it on the ground like its no bodies, plus stupid people wanting a certain item from the back which we most likely don't have then want 2 bitch about me not going back 2 check ( all the boxes that have items in them are not labeled ) because i aint going 2 go through 65 boxes for the dumb thing u cant find. then theres the people who bitch because i ask them if the want to donate a dollar ( JUST 1 FUCKING DOLLAR ) to charity today i got this
                        me: hey would you like to donate a dollar to charity and get this environmental bag for free?
                        woman: wats the the charity go to?
                        me: terminal children
                        woman: no, i have better things to spend my money on
                        then theres always that dumb fucker who asks you how much something is and its right in there face! and theres the rude dick hole.

                        plus i haven't been laid n a month
                        Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 03-29-2009, 03:09 AM.


                        • The clocks went forward today, which is damn annoying. I got woken up earlier than usual to look after the dog and my sleep pattern is going to be even more screwed up. Dammit.


                          • im angry at this moment because earlier i went to pick up a box that my family said was light,when i picked it up my back started hurting,it weighed over 80 pounds(i have NO idea what was in it)and my back STILL hurts..i cant laydown on my back or left side.


                            • I was scouting out filming locations for a Film and TV music video project for school, and was rounding a corner near my house when this bitch in a big fucking Chevy comes barreling around the corner, without any turn indicators on! I couldn't tell which way she was gonna go, so I swerved out of the way and fell off my goddamn bike. I had one of the school's video cameras in my hand that I luckily caught, and it's undamaged apart from a crack on the front (nothing major).

                              The bitch peers at me from out of her window, then drives off.

                              If there was a rock nearby, I would have broke her fucking window.

                              Now I've got four grazes, and two are infected (both are on my leg). Yuck.


                              • I'm angry because I graduated from college six months ago and I still don't have a job. However, I do have two interviews for a lab assistant downtown and a cashier at electric ladyland( a local shop that sells bongs and classic rock cd's lol ). I know the two jobs seem to conflict eachother but I'm guessing from all the accident's it's the same career that many umbrella workers had
                                Last edited by REmaster; 03-30-2009, 11:30 PM.
                                "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                                Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls

