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I'm Angry

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  • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
    Today is June 18th. Today, is the 14th day this month that it has rained here in New York.


    Finally, I understand what all those suicides in Seattle are about.
    I freakin hate it man, my plans have been ruined all week and I was stuck at home cus of it, but thankfully today is looking better, can't wait to finally get out lmao


    • Not really anything to be angry about, just had to put my dog down yesterday. If anything, I should post this in the 'I'm Happy' thread. Poor dog was about nineteen, suffered from arthiritis, incontinence and kidney problems, had him since I was about five years old, remember when I was in primary school when he was a puppy. The vet was ever so kind, he said I could leave if I wanted to or watch my dog be put down, and of course I made the mistake of watching, namely because my legs couldn't move but it's something I'm glad I stayed to watch. It was very peaceful and very quiet, just drifted into unconsciousness and then his heart stopped.

      The vet said to me that a lot of people get upset because they think that death is traumatic, namely because they don't know what happens and they expect the worse, but it really is incredibly quick and peaceful.
      See you in hell.


      • It's always hard to see a beloved pet go, regardless of the way it happens.


        • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
          Eric Gergonne
          56 boulevard d'Anvers
          appartement 727
          67000 Strasbourg

          GERGONNE Eric
          4 Place Alexandre Médecin
          06100 NICE FRANCE

          This asshole ripped me off. I sold items to him on ebay and 2 months later he says he didnt get them. Then he does a paypal refund and holy shit, he getsh is money back DESPITE ME PROVING THE ITEMS SHIPPED TO HIM. WTF! So I call the USPS to get my money back (thanks insurance) and they tell me he got them on May 23rd! WTF!!!

          Sometime in June he emails me telling me to refund him and he will cancel the refund request! HAH! A couple days later PayPal decides he needs his money back. So now Im out the money and the goods. FUCK YOU ERIC! YOU GODDAMN ASSHOLE!

          I feel like buying a ticket to france, then hiring a local to take me to these addresses..Then when I get there [SIZE="6"]ILL EAT HIM ALIVE!!!![/SIZE]

          To top it off today, I brave asshole drivers who dont realize theres two lanes and just edge their way into mine. Im doing 40, and this asshat decides "Oh shit, I gotta go to the mall!" So he stops dead in the other lane SLOWLY turns his wheels to the left and begins entering my lane, meanwhile im coming around the corner doing 40. Hes in my lane now, and half of the opposing traffics inching along at 3MPH. WTF! I slam on the brakes. I stop about 12 inches from him. I look around and see the guy that was behind him is super pissed at the guy too. I lay on the horn. Asshole finally makes it across the road into the mall.

          But thats not it! I get to my destination: The Cingular store! I want to get my phone activated! Yay finally I can go places with my POS vehicle and not worry about dying from dehydration when it breaks down. But whats this? I dont have credit! That'll be a $500 deposit! Oh no im sorry fuck you. ASSHOLES!

          [SIZE="5"]Feel free to voice your anger about stuff in this thread as well![/SIZE]
          what item where u going to get?


          • I'm thoroughly furious right now.

            For the second summer in a row I've paid $150 for a weekday evening softball league that my friends and I joined. Our team(Six to Midnight) has yet to play a game and it's the 24th of June. Why, you ask? BECAUSE IT'S BEEN RAINING NON-FUCKING-STOP HERE ALL GODDAMN MONTH. This is the worst goddamn 'summer' I've ever been a part of. There's been maybe two days of 70+ degrees and sunny weather, and everything else has been rainy and/or cloudy as shit.
            Last edited by Vector; 06-24-2009, 03:13 PM.


            • so yha yesterday i was going into DQ to get something to eat and i see this girl come out of a alcohol store and she looks about my age so i just ignore it and go on with my life. while waiting for my food i look outside and i notice that, that girl was in a white truck and she was pretty close to my car (1995 blue Camaro) but i didnt check cause i figured hey she didnt hit it or scrap it. i get my food and go outside and the white truck moves and BOOM fucking dent in my door,scratches on my door and fender. the first words i said was "MOTHER FUCKER!" (lol) she comes out of her car and starts freaking out and says "how much do you think this will be?" around $300 cause i got to re paint the door and put a new fender on it and pop the dents to and he hands me $450 cause she didnt want to call insurance. well... she followed me home and i got out of the car and she said "well my boyfriend says that its not gonna cost that much, its gonna cost $150"

              uhhh yha your dumb ass boyfriend doesnt no ANYTHING about cars appearently, and im not gonna repaint it and put on the new fender myself ill take it to a repair shop."

              she also said "well lets go up to wal-mart and ill buy you new paint"
              yyyhhhaa no that color and style of paint isnt at wal-mart (i already looked and its not fucking spray paint)

              well ok...ill come back in a month and see if its been done
              ok mom

              well did i sleep for a month? is it july 30th? she came by today and woke me up.
              "well i see the paint didnt get done"
              (yes i actually said that)
              and she left.

              there is some scratches you cant see and the scratches go farther down but i didnt take a pic of it
              Last edited by nemesiswontdie; 06-30-2009, 01:44 PM.


              • Ouch. That would suck. I woulda slapped the ignorant bitch


                • no im not into getting arrested


                  • Originally posted by nemesiswontdie View Post
                    so yha yesterday i was going into DQ to get something to eat and i see this girl come out of a alcohol store and she looks about my age so i just ignore it and go on with my life. while waiting for my food i look outside and i notice that, that girl was in a white truck and she was pretty close to my car (1995 blue Camaro) but i didnt check cause i figured hey she didnt hit it or scrap it. i get my food and go outside and the white truck moves and BOOM fucking dent in my door,scratches on my door and fender. the first words i said was "MOTHER FUCKER!" (lol) she comes out of her car and starts freaking out and says "how much do you think this will be?" around $300 cause i got to re paint the door and put a new fender on it and pop the dents to and he hands me $450 cause she didnt want to call insurance. well... she followed me home and i got out of the car and she said "well my boyfriend says that its not gonna cost that much, its gonna cost $150"

                    uhhh yha your dumb ass boyfriend doesnt no ANYTHING about cars appearently, and im not gonna repaint it and put on the new fender myself ill take it to a repair shop."

                    she also said "well lets go up to wal-mart and ill buy you new paint"
                    yyyhhhaa no that color and style of paint isnt at wal-mart (i already looked and its not fucking spray paint)

                    well ok...ill come back in a month and see if its been done
                    ok mom

                    well did i sleep for a month? is it july 30th? she came by today and woke me up.
                    "well i see the paint didnt get done"
                    (yes i actually said that)
                    and she left.

                    there is some scratches you cant see and the scratches go farther down but i didnt take a pic of it
                    Man that really sucks, you better make sure she pays you enough to get it fixed. Are you gonna call insurance?


                    • no she already gave me the money for it.


                      • It's been a really distressing night. Last night or rather the evening yesterday, my mum suffered a heart attack and collapsed, at the time paramedics were attempting to sustain her pulse since she wasn't breathing and was unresponsive, I've spent the majority of the night at the hospital, got back about an hour ago or so, at the moment it's not looking very hopeful at all, she's still in a very critical condition right now and is due to be moved to the intensive care unit, the next 24 hours will pretty much be the most important. Will be back at the hospital tomorrow, I know it seems inappropriate to post such things on here, but I felt like you needed to know in case I'm not around for a while.
                        See you in hell.


                        • sorry to hear that john. its cool about posting it in here i posted about my dad's liver and cancer problems in here.


                          • Thank you, Seb. If anyone needs me, my new MSN is
                            See you in hell.


                            • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
                              It's been a really distressing night. Last night or rather the evening yesterday, my mum suffered a heart attack and collapsed, at the time paramedics were attempting to sustain her pulse since she wasn't breathing and was unresponsive, I've spent the majority of the night at the hospital, got back about an hour ago or so, at the moment it's not looking very hopeful at all, she's still in a very critical condition right now and is due to be moved to the intensive care unit, the next 24 hours will pretty much be the most important. Will be back at the hospital tomorrow, I know it seems inappropriate to post such things on here, but I felt like you needed to know in case I'm not around for a while.
                              That's sad news..hope the best for your mum. ICU is a bad place, I'd sleep in the hospital.


                              • I wish you and yours the best, Spencer.
                                Last edited by Vector; 07-02-2009, 12:17 AM.

