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I'm Angry

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  • I need to keep up on my teeth, im an insolent teenager haha.
    I'm angry? Why? I've never felt so fucking abandoned, you think someones your friend and they fucking abandon and insult you for no fucking reason, when you've been the nicest you could to them, and even stuck for them, world makes me sick.


    • ^ I know how you feel!

      Last year one of my friends just up and decided to not be my friend anymore more, for no reason. The worst thing is, she wont even tell me why!


      • Oh, I got a reason, it's because I'm gay, but before I said I devote my life to t.A.T.u., he didnt really care otherwise, he then said I'm just choosing to be homosexual because t.A.T.u. "were", when I told him I can't fucking help it! He said I really was a child, like I fucking COULD pick my sexuality, and if I could, why would I pick to be gay and get ridiculed by so many people you dumb piece of shit!
        And yes, he probably is reading this, and yes, I don't give a shit, he can go fuck himself.
        You notice I'm very hurt and angry.


        • Originally posted by Gradon View Post
          Oh, I got a reason, it's because I'm gay, but before I said I devote my life to t.A.T.u., he didnt really care otherwise, he then said I'm just choosing to be homosexual because t.A.T.u. "were", when I told him I can't fucking help it! He said I really was a child, like I fucking COULD pick my sexuality, and if I could, why would I pick to be gay and get ridiculed by so many people you dumb piece of shit!
          And yes, he probably is reading this, and yes, I don't give a shit, he can go fuck himself.
          You notice I'm very hurt and angry.
          Try not to worry too much, Gradon. Pieces of shit like "him" will never learn.


          • One word Dot : Eugenol

            It's a local antiseptic and anesthetic and is commonly found in Clove Oil. They sell clove oil at GNC and health food stores. My girlfriend uses it for her tooth pain since she needs a root canal but doesnt have the money for it.


            • Isn't it your job to pay for it Omega? I bet you have to hide that THIA donator tag when she's around lol.


              • I'm gonna stay outta the gay argument (Though I do like that one T.A.T.U. song. I forgot the name though). Anyways. You get any good pain killers Dot50Cal?


                • M'dad's just gone into hospital with what looks like his third heart attack in 6 years, my brother and mother are there with him now, got told to stay behind and man the phone in case im needed to do anything here as my kid sisters still asleep, kind of feel useless here, but we were expecting this to happen, been expecting it for years now, he didn't even try once to stay healthy after his previous heart attacks in hospital, always eating and slobbing about despite his diabetes and medical problems, I dunno if I should be upset or furious.


                  • always eating and slobbing about despite his diabetes and medical problems
                    Same problem with my grandmother. But sometimes it really makes me wonder if they're better off eating whatever they want and die happily (since they were able to do eat they wanted to eat) than live for a slightly longer time but with so much restrictions on their diet that they're better off living on IV.
                    Last edited by biohazard_star; 08-24-2008, 02:46 AM.
                    Seibu teh geimu?


                    • My dads only 53 so its a joke that he had so many problems when he was in his early to mid 40's to begin with, but he never took care of himself.

                      Just got an update anyway, he won't need surgery but they're keeping him in for observation and changing his meds, but this is a third strike really, he told the doctor he's been hiding the pains for 3 weeks to a month without telling anyone as a third time in hospital basically means he loses his taxi licence *he failed mandatory over 50's medical 2 years ago but managed to wrangle his way through it due to medical reasons*.

                      So I guess this means he's out of a job if the union hears about this.


                      • Let us know what happens, eh Dude?


                        • Will do, my brother got back from the hospital a little while ago, he's crashed now he'd been on a 16 hour Police shift before coming back and seeing dad in a state, he's stable in hospital now anyway mums up there with him.
                          Just have to break the news to my sister when she's awake.


                          • Originally posted by Scream View Post
                            Isn't it your job to pay for it Omega? I bet you have to hide that THIA donator tag when she's around lol.
                            It's cheaper to fly her out to Honduras, get the procedure done there, then fly back. The total price of that would be about $450. Getting the root canal done in the states, would cost about $2000.

                            Once our passports and paperwork come in, we should be good to start planning the trip...


                            • Sounds almost as bad as Europeans going to India for medical treatment as it costs too much otherwise *or takes too long on national health service*

                              EDIT: Just to vent my frustration;

                              My PS2 died, the controller ports aren't responding, and neither is my component cables on my HDTV so theres connection problems with the PS2 so im having to look on ebay for a modded PS2 as all my games are imported from US and Japan -_-.

                              I am NOT having a good day.
                              Last edited by The Dude; 08-24-2008, 04:31 AM.


                              • Damn, that's bad. How about forgetting about PS2 for a bit, and grabbing a modded PS1? Relive the good ol' days! Some of those PS1 games are quite amazing.

