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Code Veronica and RE5

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  • Code Veronica and RE5

    Sorry if this has been discussed recently, but I just read the CVG interview with Masachika Kawata posted on the 23rd and yet again there was mention of Code Veronica, specifically how it reveals that the progenitor/mother virus came from Africa. Now it's been a while since I've played CV, but I have played it several times and read all of the files in the game multiple times and there's quite simply no mention of where the progenitor/mother virus is discovered, only that it is discovered by Spencer and Edward Ashford. Does anyone know why Takeuchi and Kawata keep insisting that CV mentions Africa? Maybe there's something in the Japanese version of CV that mentions it?

  • #2
    if i am not mistaken it says the virus was found in a queen ant in africa


    • #3
      Originally posted by Chris_Redfield8 View Post
      if i am not mistaken it says the virus was found in a queen ant in africa
      Well in the file "Queen Ant Report" Alexia says, "After discovering the remains of an ancient virus within the genes of a queen ant, I have been concentrating on the research of ants." She's not talking about the progenitor/mother virus though. She later says in the file, "I have succeeded in creating an ideal virus by implanting the queen ant's gene into the mother virus that Spencer found." So she combined the progenitor/mother virus with the genes of a queen ant that had the remains of an unnamed virus in it to create the T-Veronica virus. No mention anywhere of Africa.

      In another file, "Alexander's Memo", Alexander writes, "My father, Edward, discovered the mother virus in cooperation with Lord Spencer, who was also a nobleman. They studied it for the purpose of military use."

      And that's it. That's pretty much the only mention of the discovery of the progenitor/mother virus in CV. The word Africa is nowhere in the game. So either the Japanese version of CV mentions Africa, or this is another case of the fans knowing more about a series than its creators.


      • #4
        The only thing i can think of is that Wesker's Report 2 talks about the Ebola Virus being discovered in Africa and that was the basis for where they wanted to go with the T-Virus. They wanted the same template as Ebola in the fact that the virus would seek out and infect another host.
        "I've got 100 cows."
        "Well I've got 104 friends."


        • #5
          srry i thought that was it guess i was wrong lol


          • #6
            theres been a lot of discussions amongst fan about this. And whilst no english source backs up the RE5's claim, my thinking leads to the conclusion that in a Japanese version it does.
            Not neccessarily the game, but a guide book, maybe even archives, something that we havent seen.

            With Spoiler:
            it seems like the developers know a bit more about the resi story than some previous developers, so for them to decide that progentitor was from Africa without a concrete source seems unlikey. But hey its Capcom!


            • #7
              Originally posted by Neptune View Post
              theres been a lot of discussions amongst fan about this. And whilst no english source backs up the RE5's claim, my thinking leads to the conclusion that in a Japanese version it does.
              Not neccessarily the game, but a guide book, maybe even archives, something that we havent seen.
              That's the only conclusion I could come to as well. At any rate, I think Africa-the origin of the human species, origin of the ebola virus-is a great place for the origin of progenitor, and really the origin of Umbrella itself.


              • #8
                The producers originally said that they choose Africa because it was the origin of life. Then they started to say that they had to use Africa because it was metioned in CV, which isn't true. I think they got confused or just wanted to tie CV with 5 because that is the last game the dealt with Umbrella. Since it doesn't say in any of the previous games where the virus was found, its ok to say it was Africa. I think Dead Aim mentioned Africa, but forget what it was about.


                • #9
                  Resident Evil 0 has a scene where Billy and Rebecca are in an area of Marcus's labs with a bunch of skeletons strewn around. Billy recalls the event that got him the court martial wherein his crew was ordered to slaughter a bunch of innocent people in an African village. After his flashback, he says something (his frustration rising as he says it) along the lines of "they must have experimented on them with the mother virus like guinea pigs!"

                  Now, that's the only scene with the progenitor virus and Africa referenced at the same time. While Billy was probably just making the connection between the skeletons/corpses and his own encounter with mass killing, I've seen people take that as Billy actually having an encounter with the P-Virus while he was in Africa. That's really the best I could offer.

