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Resident Evil 6

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  • Originally posted by Smiley View Post
    It's not a loose end in the campaign because Albert was said to be the only survivor. Now he's part of a Wesker assembly line mapped out and is it any surprised the new Wesker went rogue? They're playing on parallels here because both are part of the same Wesker experiment. He's not characterized as a whole new original threat. Spencer thought he struck gold and surprise!! Alex betrayed him.

    So not much stands out as far as him being a write off for if they need a new Wesker villain... Which they don't. They could come up with Something other than milking the Wesker legacy. He didn't need a son and he sure as hell didn't need a bizarro version of himself named Alex.
    Lie or mistranslation, as he's stated to be "one of the survivors", all of the game's subsequent material mentions Alex, and Alex has his own file in the main game. There's no "Wesker assembly line", because they're two completely different characters with no resemblance or connection other than they were part of the Wesker Project and have the same surname. What does it matter if they're part of the same experiment? The experiment didn't turn them into clones. Paul Denton, JC Denton and Alex Denton (part of the same project, Project Denton funny enough) were pretty damn different in Deus Ex despite being brothers/clones. Alex and Albert aren't either, yet in your meandering, they are supposedly the exact same person? Get real.
    Last edited by News Bot; 04-20-2012, 03:43 AM.


    • Originally posted by ValentineLover View Post
      No. 12 Albert Wesker
      Oh God. Do you realize what you've done!? Few indicates at least three survivors. Albert... Alex... And? And? AND!?!?!?!?

      C'mon. Spencer has no reason to lie to Albert if his whole ordeal was to reveal the children. And people wonder why this whole thing is a sloppy mess?

      Originally posted by News Bot View Post
      Lie or mistranslation, as he's stated to be "one of the survivors", all of the game's subsequent material mentions Alex, and Alex has his own file in the main game. There's no "Wesker assembly line", because they're two completely different characters with no resemblance or connection other than they were part of the Wesker Project and have the same surname. What does it matter if they're part of the same experiment? The experiment didn't turn them into clones. Paul Denton, JC Denton and Alex Denton (part of the same project, Project Denton funny enough) were pretty damn different in Deus Ex despite being brothers/clones. Alex and Albert aren't either, yet in your meandering, they are supposedly the exact same person? Get real.
      Wait, you're trying to use Deus Ex to justify story direction in Biohazard? Holy shit balls what has this series become?

      Pretty clear we're going in circles here. But it's going to sink in eventually. Based on the files I'm just showing that all we know of A. Wesker relates closely to A. Wesker from before when he also went rogue against Spencer. Not much else to "characterize" except that they were part of the same experiment. But we lost A. Wesker. We can let it rest. Either way A. Wesker doesn't have to be in RE6. Nor does the other A. Wesker for that matter.


      • C'mon. Spencer has no reason to lie to Albert if his whole ordeal was to reveal the children. And people wonder why this whole thing is a sloppy mess?
        Spencer intended for Wesker to continue his plan. That's all he wanted from him. Why side-track him with Alex? And again, there is always a chance that he didn't even say he was the only survivor, given how easy it is for the scripts to be butchered in this series. Considering the files and dialogue in the game say two very different things, I'd say that is likely.

        Wait, you're trying to use Deus Ex to justify story direction in Biohazard? Holy shit balls what has this series become?

        Pretty clear we're going in circles here. But it's going to sink in eventually. Based on the files I'm just showing that all we know of A. Wesker relates closely to A. Wesker from before when he also went rogue against Spencer. Not much else to "characterize" except that they were part of the same experiment. But we lost A. Wesker. We can let it rest. Either way A. Wesker doesn't have to be in RE6. Nor does the other A. Wesker for that matter.
        Nothing about them is closely related except for the fact that they have the surname and were part of the same experiment. That's all. You're attempting to draw bigger connections to a character you know literally fuck all about, when there is absolutely nothing to imply that they are even remotely similar, and they are stated to be two distinct, very different people. This may change when Alex actually appears, but there is nothing to suggest it at this present moment. Using whicky-dicky logic to jump to asinine and unfounded conclusions appears to be your MO.

        You keep claiming the whole thing is "sloppy" or "bad", but have yet to provide a single reasonable explanation as to why. Because there isn't one. The only time you seem to say this is when you personally dislike something. There's no actual bad writing involved, just you being pissy. I'm still not sure how Operation Raccoon City gets a free pass and a substantial amount of money invested into it despite being the pinnacle of retardation in the entire series.
        Last edited by News Bot; 04-20-2012, 05:44 AM.
        PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


        • Everything we know about Alex Wesker is a mirror of what Albert Wesker has done.
          Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


          • Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
            Everything we know about Alex Wesker is a mirror of what Albert Wesker has done.
            Betraying Spencer makes them the same person? I suppose Marcus must be the same as Albert Wesker. And Birkin, and Alexander/Alfred/Alexia Ashford. Especially Rodriguez, Linda and Carter from Outbreak File 2. Oh, and Greg Mueller. Lets not forget Carlos and Frederic Downing! Possibly even Morpheus D. Duvall, I mean, he wanted to launch missiles too right? Even wears a long black coat and has a faux British accent! That's your logic.

            The only reason people seem to have an issue is because they have the same surname. That's literally all it is. The same logic idiots use when they claim that the Wesker Project involved clones. There's nothing else to indicate any similarity except that they were part of the same project. Other than that, two completely different people.
            Last edited by News Bot; 04-20-2012, 07:04 AM.
            PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


            • Or how about

              - Part of the Wesker project
              - Wesker name, obviously
              - Survived the virus injection
              - Knew Spencer directly
              - Worked under Spencer
              - Betrayed Spencer

              ...and that is pretty much all we know. There is only evidence that shows copies of what Albert did, where is the evidence they are completely different? Currently there is nothing that backs up that claim and that will not change until Capcom wish to proceed further with the character, but even then they may just created more similarities rather than differences.
              Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


              • Everyone in Umbrella worked under Spencer, and almost every employee knew him directly (like you wouldn't know your own CEO). Alex worked closer with him than most (second only to Sergei Vladimir, who I guess is now also a similar character). Many also betrayed Spencer (as listed). A false surname is not really a statement of personality or character. It's an alias. Being part of the Wesker Project also does not indicate any similarities except that they were born to intelligence parents. Surviving the virus injection also doesn't indicate that they are similar. Especially since the virus doesn't always grant superhuman abilities. They share the same "special blood", but so do a couple hundred other random humans around the world. Guess they're all part of the "Wesker legacy" too.

                Your logic is retarded, as always. All of your "copies of what Albert did" either apply to other characters or are simply not similarities at all. Just incidental things that have no bearing on a character's personality, characteristics, appearance, or anything else related to them.

                So far, Alex has been stated to be less ambitious than Albert and less of a "neo-human", with leadership qualities and the ability to master the skills of others just by observing them (whatever that means in execution). Don't try and use "until Capcom wish to proceed" just to try and give your nonsense some vague credibility. I already stated that there's no way to tell whether or not Alex is similar in any way to Albert, I wasn't arguing otherwise. That's why attempting to make non-existent comparisons is futile, yet you carry it out anyway and ignore your own cop-out. So far, there's no evidence to support the claim that he is just a character used to keep "Wesker's legacy" alive. Ranting about a hypothetical scenario is pointless.
                Last edited by News Bot; 04-20-2012, 08:25 AM.
                PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                • Right, so you have no evidence. Gotcha.

                  Also, knowing who the CEO is is not directly knowing the CEO. Jesus.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • Fuck me you're a consistent tool at the very least. I've provided evidence outlining the differences between Alex and Albert so far, and also evidence which confirms that Alex was planned from the beginning and is featured in the main game. What have you provided? Nothing, as always. Just some laughable "connections". Keep the bullshit coming.

                    All of the Arklay Laboratory staff knew Spencer directly. Guess Mr. Keith Irving, Jon Toleman and the fucking animal keeper are all facsimiles of Wesker.
                    PROJECT Umbrella - The BIOHAZARD/RESIDENT EVIL Compendium


                    • Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                      Fuck me you're a consistent tool at the very least.
                      Hey look, degenerated into insults and foul langauge as usual. This is why I love your posts, the great breakdown that ends up coming when your twisting of everything fails.
                      Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                      • Smiley and Dracarys two little sad persons with bad taste and zero knowledge about series, yet both try to argue with News Bot who knows about RE more than everyone here combinated. Carry on kiddies..


                        • Why on Earth can people not be polite when talking about a video game series? Right or wrong, you end up looking like a moron when you fall on insulting the other person.

                          I'll be back after I've eaten dinner to decide on whose been insulting and whose been needling and such. Until then, try and act like you're actually old enough to legally play the games.


                          • I think they call it online jousting? If not, they should.

                            Originally posted by News Bot View Post
                            So far, Alex has been stated to be less ambitious than Albert and less of a "neo-human", with leadership qualities and the ability to master the skills of others just by observing them (whatever that means in execution). Don't try and use "until Capcom wish to proceed" just to try and give your nonsense some vague credibility. I already stated that there's no way to tell whether or not Alex is similar in any way to Albert, I wasn't arguing otherwise. That's why attempting to make non-existent comparisons is futile, yet you carry it out anyway and ignore your own cop-out. So far, there's no evidence to support the claim that he is just a character used to keep "Wesker's legacy" alive. Ranting about a hypothetical scenario is pointless.
                            I was looking for the meat of your argument trying to see what makes Alex so different as an individual from Albert.

                            Albert had leadership qualities. So why you brought this up I haven't the faintest idea.

                            Mastering the skills of others by observation sounds very much like a copy cat trait for him to have. And that's a vague enough trait to give characters. Albert followed just as well to apply his skills. After all this was a man that had to do a great many things in the series like play the role of a STARS captain, make his own virus, settle in a rival position against competitors.

                            What Spencer defines (and in some cases praises) of Alex ends up going against him when Alex falls through being just as traitorous as Albert in the grand scheme of things. A man developing the "fountain of youth" cannot be any less ambitious especially when he steals the research from his employer.

                            Originally posted by Dark_Chris View Post
                            Smiley and Dracarys two little sad persons with bad taste and zero knowledge about series, yet both try to argue with News Bot who knows about RE more than everyone here combinated. Carry on kiddies..
                            Okay I'll bite. Frankly because I eat up personal jabs on a fan based forum. Not going to be mad at you for calling Dracarys and I kiddies, but being the type of persons that we are, our combinated opinions should not discourage you from believing NewsBot's. I'll spare the back and forth about how much you know about the games. It matters little how much a gamer has acquired in learning about blue gems or Jill sandwiches.

                            I admit I don't go out of my way to get all the supplemental material because unless it's for a collection I'll never read it. Then you have the painful process of needling friends to translate for you, or thinking you're doing the translations yourself right by purchasing dictionaries and the like just to reword something that in some cases are already translated just fine. Pretty exhausting work over a video game. I don't speak Japanese... CLEARLY.

                            So all I fall back on are the games that I own. I have to rely on Capcom (snicker) to perform their own translations and writing to the best of their abilities for an English speaking audience. If I can get the message of the characters and narrative then that's good enough for me. But if they convey any misinformation that opposes another source that's not the fault of the fan. That's the fault of the product and the people behind it. As long as the game play more than makes up for it I generally give them a pass. Because game play is the fundamental ingredient to a video game in the long run.

                            Alex Wesker could be masterfully written as the golden prodigy of the series in supplemental or the Japanese text. I'm speaking on behalf of the copy I own and what's been written of him from there.
                            Last edited by Smiley; 04-20-2012, 02:53 PM.


                            • It all boils down to the classic argument of nature versus nurture. I mean, would Alex already be a bad apple or (like Albert) did he have the 'ambition' instilled within him as part of the Wesker Project?
                              Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 04-20-2012, 02:43 PM.
                              See you in hell.


                              • That could be said for nearly any villain. Whatever shaped or motivated them to do evil deeds isn't the issue with me. Just the idea that Capcom decided to tarnish the uniqueness of Wesker as an individual by giving him a doppelganger. Now Albert was "manufactured" with a list of others, one of which repeats history with Spencer. Now Albert's dead and people are quick to say that "Alex" has to be the villain. There's no reason to say Alex "has" to be in RE6 in general. We've had lingering threats that rannged from Nicholai to Spencer yet we were still given newcomers like Saddler and Morgan. I don't see Capcom as the type of company that has a self contained story with closure planned in advance. So there's no need to progress with shoddy writing just to "bring closure". They could very well move on with a different threat all around. Hopefully something a little more creative than an Ada clone or Wesker doppelganger.

