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RPD Dispatch 1 - Playing RE3

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  • Lol, you can use a gamepad with RE3 PC?
    I use a PS2 Joypad with RE3. There is a key mapper within RE3. I've set my keys to match the PSX version.

    How do you use a non sidewinder gamepad with the pc version?
    I just plug my joypad in before starting RE3, then press F5 to get the options up and one of the tabs is Joypad, you then right click on the boxes next to the actions and Add Key. Then press the key which you want to be assigned.

    I like the keyboard controls. They're actually pretty good.
    I love the Keyboard layout of RE2/RE3. Its pretty good. Before I got a PSX->USB adapter, I used this key layout for Silent Hill 2, 3, 4 and any other similar games.


    • I use my PS3 controller with RE3 lol


      • Nice! Is it wireless?


        • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post

          I popped the Playstation 1 version in, and besides the obvious resolution decrease, the sounds such as closing doors and the barricade being knocked over are noticeably lower quality than on the Gamecube. The lighting seems to be more obvious in this version when shooting at zombies. The muzzle flash reflects on them 100% of the time, while the Gamecube version only did it every so often.
          Using a Toslink with a PS2 gets rid of most of the sound shortcomings. I found the GC version to be the most underwhelming aside from slightly faster loading times compared to the other console versions.

          If you're looking for pure quality upgrade, the DC game is it (I don't quite remember if it uses bilinear filtering at all like the GC version though). The downside is the FMV and slightly longer loading times but the asset/output resolution upgrade and sound is very noticeable. It's surprising that the GC port wasn't based off the PC version like this one.

          Still I still prefer the PS1 version because of the controller.


          • I love Biohazard 3 Last Escape, the atmosphere is spot on. I did a small feature based on the games surroundings. Having shared it with Dot, I figure I'll allow some others to see it as well. It's image heavy, so I'll link to it opposed to posting the images:


            • Originally posted by Yama View Post
              I love Biohazard 3 Last Escape, the atmosphere is spot on. I did a small feature based on the games surroundings. Having shared it with Dot, I figure I'll allow some others to see it as well. It's image heavy, so I'll link to it opposed to posting the images:
              Good job on that. I actually rummaged through the background images ripped off RE3 last year and discovered those stuffs there, and more (such as inverted text). There are many which can only be found on the background image rip, as they are much more detailed.

              For example, there's a RPD bike just outside the warehouse
              inverted text on the shutter at the back of the gas station (where the car explode)
              inverted text above the park lot
              the 'dog excrement' sign can be found in various places. I believe one of 'em is on the tombstone in the graveyard

              Try to get your hand on those background images, and you'll be amazed at how many you have missed.


              • Nice find. There is a lot of cool things in Re 3 that I didn't even know about. Kind of reminds me of MGS.


                • Theres also a backwards No Smoking sign in the cable car ;D


                  • Great images!
                    I had noticed some of them but there are many that I hadn't.

                    Strangely, the backgrounds are actually quite a lot sharper and more detailed in the ps1 version than in the GC version (despite the character models being much better on the Cube).

                    One of the things that disappointed me about Code Veronica was the lack of detail and 'junk' in the backgrounds. RE2 & RE3's environments are a lot more interesting, IMO.


                    • Later ports should ALWAYS be an improvement, in my books. There's no excuse.


                      • Sorry, I should specify...
                        I was actually talking about RE2 (I've been reading both threads and forgot which one I was replying to).
                        Game Cube RE3 looks MUCH better both character models AND backgrounds.


                        • Oh.. I was like... Cheez! this guy must have forgotten something xD
                          Indeed RE3GC version it's the best one for me... everything looks detailed and smooth.
                          RE2GC's backgrounds are 320x480 so that's why they look sharpeless. I'm just angry because they didn't included those FMV without the black bars like they did with the DVD version... although frame rate is now great they should've added those. ¬¬


                          • Skunky, my comment was just in general. I wasn't picking on what you said

                            I really need to get a GameCube... and a N64 controller...


                            • I know you weren't, Helegad. No probs at all...
                              And I agree that later ports SHOULD always be superior.

                              I just wanted to explain that I was talking about the RE2 port, because after I reread my post, I realized it was the RE3 thread. I figured people would start calling me a blind idiot if I didn't explain myself .

                              When RE2 & 3 were released on the GC I went and picked them up on day 1. I could tell as soon as I looked at the screenshots on back of the box that RE3 was greatly improved. I was like
                              I had played RE3 and Bio3 for years on ps1 but the 1st time I played it on the cube it was like a new game (or like watching your favorite movie on blueray after watching it for years on a crappy VHS tape). EVERYTHING was so much clearer and more detailed.
                              But the GC RE2 was less impressive. The character models were obviously much better but that was all.

                              When I downloaded Bio2 from the PSN (which is just the ps1 version) I did a little experiment. I played it with the GC version at the same time on the same HDTV, flicking between the 2 as I entered new areas. Bio2 running on the ps3 with a HDMI cable and GC RE2 running on the Wii through component cables.
                              The backgrounds on the ps3 were a lot sharper and more detailed, while the GC backgrounds were all blurry and blocky. The difference was quite dramatic on some screens.
                              So playing RE2 I have the choice of crappy blocky characters and sharp backgrounds on the Playstation or nice looking characters and crappy blocky backgrounds on the GC.
                              But with RE3, the GC version is easily the best (I don't have it on pc).


                              • What about the N64 version with the expansion pack? I believe it uses 640x480 textures unlike the ps1's 320x240.
                                If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.


