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I'm Bored Thread
Bored, can't sleep, got a doctors appointment tomorrow for possibly bladder infection -_-, its great being me.
I'll disagree with that. Better graphics does not automatically make a better game. Look at Mortal Kombat. A lot of folk here keep saying that it started sucking once it went 3d. I tend to play older games more, now, because they've got more depth to them in many cases. BioShock, for example, is beautiful game with a great storyline...but it's short compared to the older FPS games. And deffintely unchallenging.
One of the things that annoys me about the newer games is that, while gorgeous to look at and enjoyable to play they tend to be shorter and shallower than the older ones. I'm slightly worried things like Fallout 3 are gonna end up feeling tiny compared to the first ones.
There are, of course, exceptions, such as Oblivion...which is bloody huge. But older games are just as good as newer ones. Like Pong. Pong is forever awesome.
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im here to defend final fantasy 12....its good alright
It lovley to play and the graphics are grand.
I think the only game to kill f.f is prob X-2, but thats just playing a bit of it, i've heard it's quite good once you get into it, so i'll keep my view to myself, even tho that game looked weak.
I think its a good change from ff1-9, that we have diffrent ways of playing ff. Like with 10 we had the grid, 10-2 had something special to that, and 12 has licences. c'mon ppl we have to put the old games in the past, yes even f.f 7 which is the god of ff IMO
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Originally posted by Gradon View PostIs that a glitch, or purposly done? o_O
I can't speak for FFXII and KH2 as I imported the US and Jap versions.
I heard FFXII was fully optimised for 50htz for once though.
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Originally posted by Gradon View PostI despised XII, it was slow and boring...It was a Kingdom Hearts wannabe! XD
Nah, I know they were made by the same company, but It was like Kingdom Hearts...just...slow, and I didn't like it...
How is it anything like Kingdom Hearts
Stop playing the PAL KH, its 17% slower then the US version.
That'll solve speed issues.
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Unless you talk about other stuff that you're bored, and want to talk about, and basically then it won't become the bored topic, because it won't be boring with so many replies of random topics; basically, this is a random topic.
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Although that could be a good thing, because a topic about being bored doesn't seem to show much hope of becoming alive
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I despised XII, it was slow and boring...It was a Kingdom Hearts wannabe! XD
Nah, I know they were made by the same company, but It was like Kingdom Hearts...just...slow, and I didn't like it...
Originally posted by HelegadThe "I'm bored thread" has turned into a "Which FF do you like?" threadLast edited by Gradon; 04-20-2008, 07:21 AM.
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Originally posted by Darkmoon View PostI quite enjoy XII, but I hate the fact that every time you head to a a new area it means six hours of training to be strong enough to kill the enemies. I'm about a third of the game and I've already speant more time on it than I did on 7 and 8.
Only times I had problems were against a boss in the Golmore Jungle, and Elite Mark hunts.
Still thought it was a very good game though, just too bad they didn't have a difficulty with it.
FFX I found relatively easy with the Advanced Sphere Grid, I kept Yuna, Rikku and Lulu on their respective grids but put everyone else once they got their base abilities on Aurons Grid for the STR, HP and Defence bonuses so taking out most bosses on the International Mode was pretty easy with exception to Dark Aeons, had to do the don tonberry AP whoreing trick in order to build up their Sphere Levels to finish their grids then spend 30-40 hours maxing out everyones grids before I took them on.
Although Wakka with max Stats, a good weapon and attack reels = Deadly.
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The "I'm bored thread" has turned into a "Which FF do you like?" thread
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Yup, did that.
Just beat Minerva, pretty easy in the end but I overprepared, went into the fight with
255 ATK
255 MAG
255 VIT
186 SPR
255 LCK
Used SP Barrier Materia so any damage taken would be deducted from my SP total instead of my HP, had 99x Phoenix Downs in case she tried using Judgement Arrow to remove my status effects *Raise, Barrier, M Barrier and Endure*.
Took 20mins in the end with a 5min break.
Got Divine Slayer and Heike Soul now.
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I loved Tactics so I really liked XII, dunno why people give it a bad rap.
Playing Crisis Core right now on hard mode, not finished it, at the final dungeon at the final savepoint but I want to beat minerva first, she keeps cheating, i've tried fighting her with SP Barrier and 20.000.000SP but its still no use she always wins.
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