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  • MGS3: Snake Eater... Final Fantasy VIII.

    Going through MGS3 again to refresh my memory properly on it.

    About to give Hitman a shot, since I never got around to playing it.
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    • Left 4 Dead was my last game of the year.

      Left 4 Dead 2 will probably be my next game of the year, unless Shattered Memories turns out to be utterly amazing.


      • Been on Zelda MM trying to get to the Water Temple which I hate to say it but I hate the Water Temples in all the Zelda games so much they are anoying but that's what makes them so good they last for hours.

        Also been messing around on Dissida I mastered Golbez Terra aint to fair away from leveling to 100.


        • Star Wars The Force Unleashed.


          • Ending up playing Clock Tower 3 again last night.
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            • Im still playing Turtles In Time and im playing survival mode but its fucked me and JB over to many times where we just had to take a damn break.


              • Currently playing WoW again...but as for console gaming: I'm addicted to Arkham Asylum :B


                • Counter Strike...



                  • Originally posted by Sephiroth View Post
                    Been on Zelda MM trying to get to the Water Temple which I hate to say it but I hate the Water Temples in all the Zelda games so much they are anoying but that's what makes them so good they last for hours.

                    Also been messing around on Dissida I mastered Golbez Terra aint to fair away from leveling to 100.
                    Yeah, the Water Temples do suck in them.

                    Oh, nice.
                    I've levelled the Final Fantasy VIII characters up... sticking to my favorite. So shameless in Dissidia.
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                    • Quake Live

                      Ive been following it for quite some time, but even when the Beta was released in February, I just couldnt put myself up to playing it. The premise is genius, its a broswer based FPS. You just open your IE (or FF), download a 3 meg plugin and start playing. Eventually, through some background magic, the game does reach a 330-something MB size on your harddisk, but the main idea still stands. You open up a browser, log in to Quake Live and start fragging. Who doesnt know what Quake is, then heres a small crashcourse-

                      The game (Quake 3) came out in 1998 or 99 and has been hailed by many as the single greatest FPS ever made. While there have been great games that have come out since, Quake 3 is still the most demanding FPS youll see on the market. Its depth is colossal and easily reaches SC levels when compared to RTS games. Theres a lot to learn about each and every weapon, how you move, trickjumps to gain speed. And all this knowledge has to help you compete against players who have played the game pretty much nonstop since 1999. Its fast, its demanding and the competitors are inhuman.

             , its listed as the top frag video in a lot of polls.

                      Anyway, the game is free and ingame advertising was supposed to take care of the bills. Which is a good idea on its own, as there are close to a million registered users and there are about 10K players on at any given time (which is a great result for such a game). That, however, is not working out for them. So extreme level competition has kept me off trying this game, because I know the scene and I know that its mostly hardcore vets that populate these type of games these days, with newbies like me not standing a snowballs chance. Friday or Thursday I gave it a go, after I was bugged enough by some people, and it turned out just as I expected. I got rolled, mauled and raped on a server that was supposedly "below my skill level". Haha.

                      Anyhow. The game *is* addictive, its free and it has some nice features. Its also experimental in its ways and a selfrespecting gamer should check out how it works.


                      • playing some REmake and COD 4 here and there kinda binding my time until MW2, Dragon Age: Origins and Halo ODST comes out


                        • Playing REMake and Left 4 Dead until friday.Then RE5 for an entire day.


                          • PSP: Guilty Gear Judgement - Guilty Gear XX : The Midnight Carnival #RELOAD (Blue Reload) on the highest difficulty level.

                            Randomly felt like playing GG again, and have mainly been going through as Ky Kiske, Millia Rage, Zato-1/Eddie or Chipp Zanuff. Probably because I love Holy Orders (Be Just or Be Dead) - Ky's theme, Writhe in Pain - Millia's Theme, Zato-1/Eddie because I loved the first PSX game and playing as him and Chipp for a similar reason as Zato-1/Eddie.
                            Last edited by Enetirnel; 09-14-2009, 08:58 AM.
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                            • RROD... *Price is Right failure music*

                              I think it's time to bust out my PS2 and focus on that. I should give Siren another go, the first time I played its rigid gameplay gave me a good kick to the gonads. Plus I'm not exactly "stuck" in Haunting a matter of fact I'm near the end. I just haven't beaten it yet; I oughta do that.


                              • im off to play some Killzone 2 online,the online rankings reset last night so hopefully ill be able to get the Valor Grand Cross trophy (achive weekly online honor rank #4)

