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  • Well, it's like a platformer shooter, and I'd say definitely one of the best platformers out there. Definitely up there with games like Mario Galaxy. Only the storyline in R&C is actually really developed, with talented voice acting and great, lovable characters.


    • Maybe ill give it a go when it comes to platinum. Only 10 pound then.


      • Well, you should start with the original Ratchet and Clank games for the PS2. Then you can see how the overall storyline and characters developed.


        • I've started up Metal Gear Solid 2 and I'm now at Fatman. Does anyone else think Fatman's the best Dead Cell member? I know I do.


          • I've been playing a few games off and on the past few weeks.

            I've been playing :

            - Left 4 Dead
            - Call of Duty : World at War
            - Ninja Gaiden 2


            • Originally posted by Town of Green View Post
              I've started up Metal Gear Solid 2 and I'm now at Fatman. Does anyone else think Fatman's the best Dead Cell member? I know I do.
              Umm.. Well, Vamp showed his colors in MGS4, before that he just felt like a plot device. Fortune was alright. But yeah, I liked Fatman. He had a bit of an odd accent showing up every once in a while, "I'm an a'tist!"


              • FOXHOUND >>>>>>>>>> Dead Cell >>>> The Cobras


                • Originally posted by P Anderson DIE View Post
                  What is that Rachet n Clank never played it but heared alot of good things bout it.
                  Ratchet and Clank is a great game, just look up some gameplay videos, it's made by the same people who made the first 3 spyro games on the PS1, it's one of my favorite series ever.

                  it's kind of a platformer with a little bit a shooter mixed in to it, and you have all these cool gadgets and weapons and stuff, it's really creative and fun, like you play as Ratchet, and Clank sits on your back, and you fit him with gadets such as a heli pack or a jet pack, and you can get lots of really cool weapons like the suck canon which sucks up small enemies and then you can shoot them back out at the larger enemies.

                  oh and it's really funny as well, the cutscenees are great.

                  Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                  Yeah, Motorstorm was another one. But I'm sure it would be just as dated compated to MS2.

                  Uncharted was amazing. It took what Tomb Raider was and really improved on the mechanics, I find. It's right up there with MGS4 and Ratchet and Clank Tools of Destruction for me.
                  ive heard a lot about uncharted, but i only played through a little bit of the demo, what's it like?


                  • Originally posted by missvalentine View Post
                    ive heard a lot about uncharted, but i only played through a little bit of the demo, what's it like?
                    Uncharted is a third person shooter that combines Prince of Persia-like climbing with a pretty cool cover system, an even cooler close-quarters hand-to-hand combat system, some of the best graphics ever seen on a console(even over a year after its release), a pretty cool story, a good amount of replayability(awards, trophies), and an awesome main character. Uncharted II will definitely be awesome.


                    • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                      Uncharted is a third person shooter that combines Prince of Persia-like climbing with a pretty cool cover system, an even cooler close-quarters hand-to-hand combat system, some of the best graphics ever seen on a console(even over a year after its release), a pretty cool story, a good amount of replayability(awards, trophies), and an awesome main character. Uncharted II will definitely be awesome.
                      I don't remember what Prince of Persia climbing was like, but Uncharter's climbing was pretty much identical to Tomb Raider, only better.


                      • Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                        I don't remember what Prince of Persia climbing was like, but Uncharter's climbing was pretty much identical to Tomb Raider, only better.
                        Prince of Persia is like Tomb Raider, only fun.


                        • Tomb Raider is fun. Well not so much Anniversary, but Legends was fun. And hey, I'd rather be playing as Lara croft, with a body like that...


                          • Originally posted by Biohazard EX View Post
                            Tomb Raider is fun. Well not so much Anniversary, but Legends was fun. And hey, I'd rather be playing as Lara croft, with a body like that...
                            I never played Anniversary or Legends, I'm talking about the older games with the tank controls. They work well in Resident Evil, but completely fail in a platformer.


                            • Haven't played the older games. So yeah, when I'm talking about the controls of Uncharted being like Tomb Raider, I do mean the new Tomb Raider.


                              • Been playing SSF2 Turbo HD Remix on my 360 Hard Drive, my 360 arcade is in Frankfurt for repairs, and my old 360's disc drive doesn't work so thankfully I was able to download HD remix and run it straight off the HDD.

                                Been pretty cool playing against family with 2 Hori EX2 sticks *especially as i've 3 days now to kill till my 360 is sent back following repairs*.

                                Besides that, played some Chrono Trigger on the DS, but got bored shortly after getting Robo in my team in the future timeline.
                                Don't get me wrong, I know this game is great, but i've played it at least 4-5 times since It came out on the SNES, so Im really not all too pumped about playing it through once again just to see some new features and a slightly spruced up localisation.

