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  • Really? Every time I've watched childbirth on health channels or documentaries, they seem so bloody and.. mucous-y.. But I will take your word on it! And congrats in advance! XD..


    • I saw the movie Sleeping Beauty with Emily Browning.

      And it is so....weird.


      • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
        If the Road is the one I think it is, the one where in the book version; Spoiler:

        Then not so much Fallout. Fallout's always been quirky and humorous, even with the horrible bits.
        Raiders were portrayed as quirky and humorous? Makes me wonder why they have all that "strange meat" lying around their twisted lairs filled with mutilated bodies and the like..

        I also saw Real Steel when it was in the cinema as there was nothing else on - I went home halfway through it..


        • Originally posted by PracticalAl View Post
          Oh, my. I never would of thought to look for that on Netflix. Thanks, Vector! I know what I'm watching tonight! Funny, when it first came out my mom rented it and watched it, but I didn't..

          Also, this isn't a film I've seen, but I thought I would share it here. It's a foreign film, and it's called "The Kid With A Bike". Reason I'm highlighting it here, is because there is a character who calls himself Wesker, and references RE directly, haha. About halfway in this clip: Raaaaaaandomess..
          That guy calling himself Wesker is reminding me of one of the cosplayers I've seen on DeviantArt and YouTube suspiciously...

          As for me, I watched Bridesmaids' with my Mother.

          I didn't exactly need that extra bit during the credits. ;

          However, I'm looking around the house to see if I can find my DVD of Wasabi floating around the house.

          The trailer online for this sucks, but it's an interesting action-comedy. XD

          Really love this one!
          Non-blurry Signature Version
          Youtube | Steam | Website (Under Construction)


          • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
            Two words: Emotionless RoboLeon.
            Fixed The movie is very "game-ish" (as in it's as ridiculous/farfetched as the games themselves), but the Leon parkour scene was too much!

            "I miss the days when we just cared how cool an enemy was rather than critiquing and analyzing everything to death." - Shield Key


            • Originally posted by Scream View Post
              Raiders were portrayed as quirky and humorous? Makes me wonder why they have all that "strange meat" lying around their twisted lairs filled with mutilated bodies and the like..
              In the first two? Sure. 'You shot Female Raider in the groin for 38 damage. She took it like a man. She screamed.' 'How do I get out of this chicken shit outfit!?' 'Fear is the mind killer!' and, of course, 'NEEEE!' being some of the more memorable quotes. There's a lot less humour in the newer ones, but they're still nothing like as dark as the Road.


              • Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
                In the first two? Sure. 'You shot Female Raider in the groin for 38 damage. She took it like a man. She screamed.' 'How do I get out of this chicken shit outfit!?' 'Fear is the mind killer!' and, of course, 'NEEEE!' being some of the more memorable quotes. There's a lot less humour in the newer ones, but they're still nothing like as dark as the Road.
                Good point but I was unfortunate in not having played FO1/2 at the time of release.. FO3 is darker than NV and the mods add some of the darkness of the Road so is well worth checking out. I should go through FO1 and 2 sometime but I know it won't be the same...


                • Well, I do finally have a PC that could run 3 and New Vegas. If I see them dirt cheap I might grab them and try the mods out.


                  • I just saw the latest Twilight movie as my girlfriend wanted to see it - good lord... what crap... I had no idea what was going on either, some wolves trying to attack a pregnant woman over something that is not easily avoid.. avoid like the plague.


                    • Just saw Seeking Justice with Nicholas Cage - the tagline may sound interesting but ultimately its a very uninteresting, unoriginal, boring movie... wouldn't recommend..


                      • what was the tag line


                        • When you’re alone, life can be a little low
                          It makes you feel like you’re 3 foot tall
                          When it’s just you – well, times can be tough
                          When there’s no one there to catch your fall


                          • Just finished watching the Human Centipede 2. It was awful. True I expected it to be crap but i didnt expect to see any of what i saw.
                            Firstly what you need to know is that this isn't a direct continuation of the previous films story, rather it follows Martin, a sickeningly derranged man who was sexually abused by his father a a child, in his desire to copy the film "The Human Centipede" by making his very own 12 person centipede. and thats prety much where any attempt of plot ends. the whole film is pretty much just black and white torture porn containing some of the most disturbing shit ive ever seen in a movie. If you want to be simultaneously bored and disgusted then this is the film for you, if not, well then id give it a miss. Still cant quite say it wasnt an experience.


                            • Oh god. I remember discussing the Human Centipede at work with a couple of colleagues and getting told off by my manager because it was a rather gross. I don't think I'd even want to watch Human Centipede 2.


                              • Originally posted by Alexia_Ashford View Post
                                Oh god. I remember discussing the Human Centipede at work with a couple of colleagues and getting told off by my manager because it was a rather gross. I don't think I'd even want to watch Human Centipede 2.
                                Well if you found the first film gross I wouldnt watch this one. Human Centipede makes the first film look like a disney film by comparison. Also the new ones set in britain, I always thought they were american films.

