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  • Just watched Quarantine II: Terminal and REC2. I've gotta admit, I was kinda surprised that Quarantine ended up being the one I preferred. REC was just...very different in some important ways to the first, which was a shame.



    • Drive 10/10

      Best film of the year so far. Stylish direction by Nicolas Winding Refn that blends arthouse cinema with action, great performances all around and a great soundtrack to boot.


      • I picked up two movies from the five dollar bin today, the new "Nightmare on Elm Street" and "Strays"(Vin Diesel's first movie, which he also wrote and directed. I watched strays, it rocks. About to watch Nightmare on Elm street, not expecting much from it but I'm a big fan of Jackie Earle Haley so whatever.
        Last edited by REmaster; 09-22-2011, 10:37 PM.
        "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
        Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


        • Grown ups !!!!

          SUCH A FUNnY MOVIE !!

          10/10... !!!!


          • Virus

            Quite possibly one of the worst science fiction horror films ever created, not even the presence of Donald Sutherland could save it. I am ashamed to have even bothered with watching it again after seeing it so many years ago. Nostalgia can be a bad thing. The premise was retarded, the characters were retarded and pretty much everything is laughably bad. Special effects were passable yet look so fake by today's standards.

            For those unaware of this film, I'll provide a synopsis of the 'plot'. It's basically Cold Fear if you've ever played that, just replace mutants with cyborgs and you'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect. A Russian whaler is struck by electromagnetic radiation or some crap which is actually some kind of alien lifeform, I don't know. Anyway, it contaminates the ship and transforms the crew into walking cybernetic monstrosities that pretty much resemble the Borg from Star Trek. As expected a hapless bunch of westerners turn up on a monthly tug boat and find themselves trapped on the ship, etc, etc, etc.

            Basically, do not watch this film.

            Time to start planning my Bondathon.
            Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 09-26-2011, 02:52 AM.
            See you in hell.


            • Roman Polanski's The Tenant. Hands down my favorite Polanski film after Chinatown.


              • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post

                Quite possibly one of the worst science fiction horror films ever created, not even the presence of Donald Sutherland could save it. I am ashamed to have even bothered with watching it again after seeing it so many years ago. Nostalgia can be a bad thing. The premise was retarded, the characters were retarded and pretty much everything is laughably bad. Special effects were passable yet look so fake by today's standards.

                For those unaware of this film, I'll provide a synopsis of the 'plot'. It's basically Cold Fear if you've ever played that, just replace mutants with cyborgs and you'll have a pretty good idea of what to expect. A Russian whaler is struck by electromagnetic radiation or some crap which is actually some kind of alien lifeform, I don't know. Anyway, it contaminates the ship and transforms the crew into walking cybernetic monstrosities that pretty much resemble the Borg from Star Trek. As expected a hapless bunch of westerners turn up on a monthly tug boat and find themselves trapped on the ship, etc, etc, etc.

                Basically, do not watch this film.

                Time to start planning my Bondathon.
                virus is a nice movie :3


                • There are worse movies out there. But then, I have a fondness for movies and games set on ships in the middle of nowhere...

                  Watched Sands of Oblivion, because it had Morena Baccarin and Adam Baldwin in it. Pretty much just because they were in it. It was meh, despite it's cast being pretty good...the writer didn't know how to have a strong male lead without making the female lead dumb and weak.


                  • I liked Virus, but then it's been years since I've watched and I dare not watch it again and have the nostalgia ruined.

                    Also, I watched American Psycho yesterday, loved that movie.


                    • The Machinist. Pretty good movie to watch if your turning in to a starving insomniac like myself. All I wanna do is sleep...

                      Also, my neighbor (who is a huge foreign film buff) gave me one of the craziest fucking movies ever made as a birthday gift. How nice. It's called "The Tin Drum", it's a bizarre German movie about a little boy who never grows in Nazi Germany who aspires to be a Hitler youth and plays his drum in parades. He also has the ability to scream so loud that everything breaks. Throw in some very creepy sexual scenes and you got yourself a winner, if the definition of winner is one of the weirdest fucking movies ever that makes you want to take a shower and rid yourself of it's filth, but you can't no matter how hard you scrub because the dirt is on the inside...I still can't forget the horse head and eels.

                      I don't like Birthday presents anymore
                      Last edited by REmaster; 09-27-2011, 09:53 AM.
                      "One can only match, move by move, the machinations of fate... and thus defy the tyrannous stars."
                      Resident Evil/Castlevania/ Silent Hill/Onimusha/Tekken /Dark Souls


                      • last movie i saw was Your Highness

                        HAHAHHAHAHAH its so funny and natalie portman is so fucking sexy just for her i give this movie
                        10/10 rawww


                        • Re-watched Hard Candy last night. This film is probably the definition of "two wrongs don't make a right" and "mind rape"


                          • Originally posted by Inferno04 View Post
                            Re-watched Hard Candy last night. This film is probably the definition of "two wrongs don't make a right" and "mind rape"
                            How would you rate this movie? Did you enjoy it or was it rather meh? I had an interest in it a few months back and had totally forgotten about it until I read your post. I don't think BestBuy had it so it will probably have to get ordered from Amazon. Bahness.

                            I watched X-Men: First Class a few nights ago, and have to say that this was not as good as I was expecting. Some parts of it were extremely campy, and I felt like other parts of it were dumbed done because either they were trying to make the movie understandable to children or maybe Hollywood thinks America is that stupid (That is a topic for another day). I really could not stand James McAvoy's portrayal as Xavier; it just did not match up for me at all. Michael Fassbender on the other hand made an awesome Magneto.

                            Speaking of Michael Fassbender, I watched Blood Creek, which is rather weird. The premise focuses on the occult interests that some Nazis and Hitler had, and Fassbender's character goes to the United States to study some sort of Viking artifact. He then does Nazi "witchcraft" and makes it so that the family he is staying with does not age. It sounds stupid, but was surprisingly interesting.

                            Another Michael Fassbender movie I watched because Netflix kept putting him in the "Top Picks for Alexander" section was Hunger. I really have no idea what this was about as I was partially drunk watching it. The only thing I remember is there is a scene that goes on for 15 minutes in which the camera angles/shots do not change. This may not sound like a long time, but actually think about it: How many times does the camera change when you're watching a 30 minute television show? Yeah, see? Think about that. Think about that being drunk. Think about how boring that would be.


                            • I love Hard Candy, it's one of the few movies that makes me uncomfortable to watch, and it's not due to gore. Even the first minute and a half...just...gyeeehh.
                     It's very psychological, and VERY good, I recommend it.


                              • Originally posted by aris13 View Post
                                Roman Polanski's The Tenant. Hands down my favorite Polanski film after Chinatown.
                                Good man. I'd like to recommend this to anyone who watches Black Swan and comes out of it with "wow, dude, that was so Lynchian!"

