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I'm Angry

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  • Ununoctium
    I fucking hate that one of my closest friends and girl I totally liked back in high school just died in a fucking car accident. So I go to the funeral and a couple days, get this, her mom tells me that she often talked about me and really liked me. So FUCK ME!!!! I could have been with her, she liked me too, but of course I blew that, and if I had been with her she might still be alive!!!!

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  • Inferno04
    You guys are going to hate this, the child hit by the van died. ><
    Last edited by Inferno04; 10-20-2011, 11:08 PM.

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  • Canas Renvall
    What the hell is wrong with where you live, Enetirnel? D: It sounds like a complete madhouse! I hope your mom gets better... That's just so wrong to do those things to an innocent lady. Or an innocent anyone, rather.

    And that video... wow, talk about ruining your mood. I really wanna punch some heads in now.

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  • Enetirnel
    Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    Yeah, at this point I wouldn't have any choice but to deck the bastard as hard as I can in self defense. Hope ye rmom is ok now.
    She's still banged up, but she ended up going to work the other night.

    She's had some panic attacks and is going to therapy to avoid it going into PTS.

    Her back, neck and the like are still sort of jarred so I'll be arranging some massage and acupuncture sessions for her too.

    I'm also a bit pissed because I had gotten her presents for her birthday from the Lush shop, paid extra for express post and the wanker postie didn't bother delivering the parcel until Tuesday, despite it was sitting in the van the ENTIRE TIME.

    I also had gotten a PS2 game off eBay, I had been waiting for it since AUGUST and they finally found it, looks like someone opened my mail, played it and then put it back into to the envelope and taped it back up. :/

    More pissed about Mum's presents coming late, when I fork out extra for express, I'd expect it to come ON FUCKING TIME. Considering this was to be for her birthday and the postie couldn't be fucked to deliver it properly (as per usual, he screwed up the collection slip YET AGAIN) and I had to prove it was my parcel AGAIN.

    Australia Post has got to be up there in the top five or top ten postal services.

    But anyway, she's a bit better. Up and about at the very least.

    She's just really jumpy.

    She was waiting at the same bus stop she got attacked at, after making sure nobody was there and some fucking random old fart crept up quietly behind her and started screaming random shit that she couldn't understand in her ear and she practically got ready to beat the living shit out of him whilst screaming at him "YOU FUCKING SCARED THE FUCKING SHIT OUT OF ME YOU FUCKING BASTARD!!!" before she got onto the bus, the guy got off on the same stop near our house so she had to circle around and went through one of the neighbors' yards to make sure he wasn't following her.

    Good thing the neighbor's dog Scooby recognized her and let her through the yard. Scooby doesn't happen to like people going through his yard, mainly as the local little shit gangs jump fences and try to poke out dogs' eyes. They tried it with my dogs and my ones lay in wait for the little shits to go by until the snarl and scare them to death.

    On the up side, I'm glad I didn't walk over to the shopping centre on account of rolling my ankle on the way to work.

    Some guy got shot in the head nearby around the path I usually go by to get to it, also glad Mum wasn't home otherwise we probably would have went and that would have certainly made her have panic attacks.
    Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-20-2011, 09:10 AM.

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  • Beanovsky Durst
    We live in sad times.
    People are more worried about getting sued than saving a life. Fuck.

    I guess we have no hope at all.

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  • News Bot
    Watched that video.

    Now require a punching bag.

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  • Scream
    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
    I don't get angry that often, but what happened to this toddler in China had me crawling up the walls in a fucking rage.
    Yep this happens often in China and most South-East Asian countries.. think how many times it was not caught on camera like this.

    It's ridiculous - from my own experience (and like you suggest) only a quarter of Chinese seem to have what most people call souls or "true sentience", the rest are very similar to drones. If they had a boss who ordered them to kill this two year old girl and it was legal somehow, they would definitely do it without a second thought. They just don't think from any other perspectives.

    It's also why they'll never be a true world leader, their method of creativity is through brute force very unlike Korea and Japan whom they are insanely jealous of. It'll never last..

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  • Wrathborne
    Yeah, at this point I wouldn't have any choice but to deck the bastard as hard as I can in self defense. Hope ye rmom is ok now.

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  • Mr. Spencer
    Originally posted by Pikminister View Post
    I don't get angry that often, but what happened to this toddler in China had me crawling up the walls in a fucking rage.

    I've previously seen a heavily censored version on the news. And didn't knew the whole story until I watched this video:

    (warning: 18 and over only)
    YouTube video:

    The latest on her condition:

    Damn those no-soul mofos that ignored that kid.
    Since the video was released yesterday, many have blamed the response by passersby on the common fear in China that citizens who help an injured person will be blamed for the injuries.

    In 2006, a man who helped an elderly woman to the hospital was accused of pushing her, dragged to court by her family, and forced to pay a large share of her medical bills.
    This is why we can't do good things.

    I will admit that I was surprised by the resilience of the human body, was expecting the body to pop.
    Last edited by Mr. Spencer; 10-19-2011, 01:41 PM.

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  • alexdz
    I'm sick. Got a sore throat and a running nose. Amazing how a normal boring week can turn to utter shit in a matter of hours.

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  • Pikminister
    I don't get angry that often, but what happened to this toddler in China had me crawling up the walls in a fucking rage.

    I've previously seen a heavily censored version on the news. And didn't knew the whole story until I watched this video:

    (warning: 18 and over only)
    YouTube video:

    The latest on her condition:

    Damn those no-soul mofos that ignored that kid.

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  • Enetirnel
    Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
    That totally sounds like he's being paid off. Any incident should be recorded regardless of severity or whether it was prosecuted. If the kid does it again to someone else, there won't be a record that its happened before.

    I had to report my Wing Mirror being broken, even though there was no evidence of who did it, simply so there was a record that it had happened incase it became a common place thing.

    Hope your mother feels better soon. Pretty good of her not to react after a brick was thrown. I would have lost my rag with that and gone for his throat.
    She wouldn't do it because she didn't want to do the paperwork.

    She actually said it was a waste of time because the guy is just under the legal adult age and is Autistic so nobody would want to touch the paperwork for that.

    Our legal system is completely ass-backwards and that's how all of the little shits get away with stuff because the "Oh, they're just a kid" card gets played and they just get told to be good and that's it.

    Our Juvie system is practically non-existent. I've seen the Juvie court in the inner city, but I've never actually really seen anyone there in my time of having to do courier shit for a law firm or assisting my aunt at the firm she worked for in Sydney.

    And thank you, she's just lucky and glad she was able to dodge the brick considering she gets rather slugging from being exhausted after doing a full nightshift at her work.

    Considering she often has hydrocephalus issues, that is water building up and causing pressure she has to avoid getting any bumps on her head as to avoid a bubble of fluid or to get the pressure built up within one section of her skull away from her shunt.

    So getting hit with a brick would have certainly killed her had it hit her in the front of her head or top part of her head as it would have also lodged the shunt in further too.

    She's got bruising and swelling on her head from when he slammed her into the brick wall... So I have to monitor to make sure she isn't ill, because if she is then I may need to take her back to the doctor and assist in draining the fluid again, which in itself makes her sick afterwards.

    But at the very least, I work just down the road from my house so I can run home within a few minutes should the need arise.

    And if she had defended herself, she most likely would have been charged with assault.

    Again, our legal system is totally ass-backwards. For example, a child is upset at school and is sobbing, a teacher can't even pat them on the arm or anything as that's considered assault. :/ Self defense against an Autistic teenager, would be considered assault and the Senior Constable stopped giving a shit when she found out it was an Autistic teenager.

    Had I waited for Mum this morning, I probably would have ripped off a decent amount of his face with my bare hands as I'm not afraid to fight dirty when it comes down to it.

    But thank you, she's finally resting properly. She was pretending to be asleep earlier when I checked but I can hear her snoring quietly now.

    I just hope she doesn't sleepwalk or start talking in her sleep, she also does that and that wouldn't be good considering how upset she is.

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  • Enrico Marini
    the Senior Constable still didn't want to put it on a record
    That totally sounds like he's being paid off. Any incident should be recorded regardless of severity or whether it was prosecuted. If the kid does it again to someone else, there won't be a record that its happened before.

    I had to report my Wing Mirror being broken, even though there was no evidence of who did it, simply so there was a record that it had happened incase it became a common place thing.

    Hope your mother feels better soon. Pretty good of her not to react after a brick was thrown. I would have lost my rag with that and gone for his throat.

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  • Enetirnel
    Originally posted by Darkmoon View Post
    Honestly, that kid needs locked away - for his own protection as well as everyone else's. If he attacks someone with less restraint than your mother, who sounds like a saint, he'd at best get a beating and at worst not walk away from it. It's insane to have someone that mentally unable to deal with life allowed on the streets.
    Yeah, the thing is he isn't some little looking punk either. He's this fucking tall, giant guy and my Mother is just a little bit shorter than me.

    We're around about 150cm or so, but I know she can kick ass but considering she didn't do anything to provoke him and didn't fight back because she recognized the general mental condition he has the first time she ran into him.

    And that's pretty much what we said earlier and the Senior Constable still didn't want to put it on a record, which is why the Sargent of the station had to call and personally apologize to my Mother and inform her that he's getting him monitored and if anything like it happens again then he'll have something done about it as it really just isn't on.

    But again, the stupid nanny state legal system here fails to consider the general safety which is why so many kids here get away with so much shit.

    My blood is boiling and I'm feeling extremely dizzy on top of already feeling so disgusted I've more or less vomitted... so I think I need to go and lie down now.... Mum is finally getting some rest so I can have some too.
    Last edited by Enetirnel; 10-12-2011, 06:28 AM.

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  • Darkmoon
    Honestly, that kid needs locked away - for his own protection as well as everyone else's. If he attacks someone with less restraint than your mother, who sounds like a saint, he'd at best get a beating and at worst not walk away from it. It's insane to have someone that mentally unable to deal with life allowed on the streets.

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