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Banned Topic

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  • Carnivol
    Seen yourself in the mirror lately?

    Anyway, cut the chit-chat in here now. Back to bannings and stuff!

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  • nemesiswontdie
    Ok I just want to ask a question? How am I a troll?

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  • Carnivol
    Ray pretty much hit it spot on.

    Multi-accounting is still a permaban offense, as per the rules we've had for years. Same goes for the general stuff about being "not nice" to the staff and stuff too (We kinda reserve the right to trash talk our own staff, without the influence and input of others)

    Originally posted by Liftmybanplease View Post
    I feel that my ban was unwarranted. Well the first one, maybe the 2nd one was deserving.
    The initial ban was for infractions piled up for two entirely different cases. There were the infraction points I gave you for your behavior in the Darkside Chronicles Strat Guide thread and then there's the ones Alexia gave you for your behavior in the Bayonetta Trailer thread.

    It was just for a tiny week. I don't see what all the fuss' about.

    Originally posted by Liftmybanplease View Post
    However I am giving you the chance to remove it, not for my benefit but for yours. You see, I am awesome and just having me around makes you awesome as well. Its the cool effect, you hang out with cool by knowing said cool person become cool yourself. Ya dig?
    Griefing over a ban is being awesome? Man... I'm so not with the times these days... I'm feeling old

    Originally posted by Liftmybanplease View Post
    I may cry, there could be tears.
    Upload a video to YouTube or an audio recording for the next podcast. It wont hurt your chances. At the end of the day, there have been other members who've crawled back from extended permabans.

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  • Ray
    ^ Here we go again.

    edit: If you left it alone the first time, you would've been able to come back. :|
    Last edited by Ray; 01-03-2010, 08:08 PM.

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  • Liftmybanplease
    Well you tried to ban my IP but as you see, i am here still. I refuse to go down without a fight and I have an army of IP's at my disposal. What kind of place are you
    turning this into? Banning people for discussing bans? Dot50Cal, you have reached a new low. While I don't like a fair amount of the people who posted
    negative things about me, I don't feel they should be banned just for posting in a thread. Get the stick out of your ass please.

    I feel that my ban was unwarranted. Well the first one, maybe the 2nd one was deserving. However I am giving you the chance to remove it, not for my benefit
    but for yours. You see, I am awesome and just having me around makes you awesome as well. Its the cool effect, you hang out with cool by knowing said cool person become cool yourself. Ya dig?

    Also as I said I don't feel my ban was necessary. I got my infraction notice from one mod, then a few hours later I had a ban for the same thing? That is fucking bullshit. When I got the infraction, I sent a mail back to the admin claiming I felt it was stupid just because I use colorful language but I accepted it. Just ask the admin who gave it out. From that point on I didnt use any of my ..terminology but still got a ban? As I said, I dont feel it was necessary but really felt that it was just given out because someone was on a power trip and likes to ban people. Not pointing fingers, Alexia, but hey....its not the first time is it? Yeah I know all about it.

    Also don't call me a troll, I am not fishing for a response from anyone. Its also ironic that someone calls me out on 4chan meme's when almost every reply to my remarks has been 4chan meme's. So I dont know, know? I mean this is just ridiculous, I contributed more to this site than anyone else. I BROKE 90% of the news stories on RE5 days before your site rivals had the info but do I get thanked? No, I am thanked by being banned by power tripping adolescent admins who probably aren't even the recommended age of Resident Evil games. Go figure. I need to give them out? Maybe. Just one. CR29 is the only warranted one, while I do feel you are a not as bad as BigBeefStew. I wont apologize to anyone else because I felt it was deserving. Also if anyone is a troll, it is Nemesismustdie. So before you bitch at me, look at that jackass. So...lift my ban? pretty please? I'll give you a dollar. If you don't ..I may cry, there could be tears.

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  • Dot50Cal
    From the OP:
    "We'll post here when a member has been permanently banned. If you have a question as to why a user was banned (all bans will be temporary unless otherwise stated), then please post here. Keep things civil and lets not trash talk any banned members."

    Anyone doing that will now earn a temp ban since everyone seems to think its A-OK. Congrats on falling into the trolls trap everyone! Hes now taking you down with him!

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  • Ray
    I agree, maybe we should stop feeding the troll. Let it starve and die.

    But then again, I just read his messages. Holy fuck that shit was funny.

    But yeah, let him die, I guess. Save the LOL's until after he dies?

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  • Alexia_Ashford
    Temporarily locking this topic till things calm down, because all this is doing is egging him on to re-register.

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  • WeskerIncarnate
    He was probably DISOWNED by the forum community he came from (4chan. Like 5 memes in that one huge post he mad earlier). Sad.
    Last edited by WeskerIncarnate; 01-03-2010, 01:12 PM.

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  • Stu
    Just incredible! From one lengthy rant about how much he didn't care, to squirming that he wants to come back because of some piss poor apology. Brilliant.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Ok I'm sorry for all I did. Remove my ban now since I apologized.
    Oh LOL!

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  • Member_of_STARS
    Credit goes where its due. The guy is funny.

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  • Canas Renvall
    ^Wrong. It's rule 14, as I stated above. Rule 1 is "Don't talk about /b/."

    Don't ask me why I know these things.

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  • Cuz7ate9:(
    ...The fuck is this shit? I prey that you people don't log on here to see shit like this every day. I certainly like my Biohazard / Resident Evil THIA fix as much as the next guy / gal, but without all the anal... Gah! OK. Enough with the gay stuff already!

    Also, insulting a gay person or using gay insults is the oldest trick in the book. FOR REAL. And the over use of the word faggot is... Gah! A hole lotta gay up in here. It's... kinda creepy, in a don't u touch my ass kinda way.

    Surely.... Surely you guys have more sense than to allow a thread like this to stay open - it will just attract more trolling...

    Rule 1 of the internet: Don't feed the trolls!

    AM I RIGHT? *Oh, never mind.*
    Last edited by Cuz7ate9:(; 01-03-2010, 11:50 AM.

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  • Alexia_Ashford
    No one is outside of the rules, and apologies or threats do not change that fact. Because you're white... whatever.

    No one can stop you from re-registering here, but it's not going to get you unbanned and eventually all your known IP addresses will be banned so you cannot access any part of the site whatsoever. Your call.

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