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Kijuju Website : Phase 4 "Bridge" Online

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  • #46
    I agree with you ChrisRedfield29.
    If the game ends with your usual RE-style happy ending, with Sheva saying "Well Chris, you know, now that our mission is over, how about an overtime?", and Chris replaying "No, it's payback time! We have to destroy Tricell, once and for all!" excited that there's another mission waiting for him, then yes, I'll be pissed too.

    But if there's really gonna happen something devastating for Chris during this mission, then I'm OK with his state presented in those videos. Of course, this entire "fear you can't forget" is bullshit, because we know that the game is rather action oriented than horror-oriented, but even though I really like the idea of characters actually having problems after escaping those nightmares and not living happily ever after.


    • #47
      If RE5 viral videos are cannon, IMO Jill's ending wont be good, this would be a great reason to Chris be that sad lolz


      • #48
        ... you have to also take into mind that maybe people won't be omg crap themselves scared playing the game. But if you were a human being in Africa and this stuff went down and you were in the middle of it, I am quite sure that would not be the case. You have to try to see it from the "world inside the game" point of view, I think. It, like a Gundam series, makes me laugh in that roughly 95% of the players/watchers would sit in the corner and pee if it was a reality they were pulled into much like the protagonists are.

