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First "Silent Hill Downpour" Details from Game Informer

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  • #16
    I never understood the complaints with Homecoming combat, I thought it was the best combat system in the series, each enemy had a specific weapon type they were susceptible to more than others.
    Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


    • #17
      ^ that didn't help the fact the gameplay for using it was broken. They tried implimenting a countering attack system, but it just ended up punishing you on a trial and error basis for having the wrong timing and/or wrong weapon. In the later stages of the game when you had 2 or 3 enemies attacking you at the same time, it was like an old school RE game of Hunter tag... where the enemies just ended up taking turns swiping at you and you never get a chance to time a reverse attack. To top it all off the weapons were poorly damage balanced as well outside of the correct weapon for that enemy.

      The old format was slow and clunky but given the pacing of the game and the combat history of the characters it made sense. If we get something between the two I'll be fine.


      • #18
        Not a very catchy title is it? Only being able to carry one weapon isn't so great, yes it adds a little realism but being able to carry any number of items takes that right away again. No schools/hospitals....i'm not sure how i feel about that. Honestly i was sick of the hospitals and the nurses, but the school setting was still creepy enough.

        Another reboot of a beloved intelligent franchise that will no doubt alienate current fans and kill the franchise dead. The thing is if this wasn't a Silent Hill game, if it just stood on it's own, it sounds like it might have half a shot. Also the fact that when it's raining is when bad stuff happens sounds like the first Deadly Premonition rip off to come about
        Last edited by rewak; 01-09-2011, 06:27 PM.


        • #19
          Murphy shoots monster with gun.
          Gun breaks after 20 shots.
          Murphy is confused
          Player is confused.
          Monster is laughing.

          How is this system not full of win?*sarcasm*
          Last edited by Wrathborne; 01-09-2011, 06:47 PM.


          • #20
            To be fair some of the list of details AJ put up was on the original posting/transalation. There are now provided links to a higher resolution copy of the article and some of the details, when you actually read them as originally published, are fleshed out.

            Such as that there are no main connections to other titles, but there will be some references that series fans will notice and note as connections around the town of Silent Hill, and the no schools-hospitals thing wasn't exactly clear it just said they are not looking at repeating locations already visited in previous titles in Silent Hill, which is the reason for the location of the map visited as well. The weapon thing is also a bit more explained but it still comes down to limited breakable weapons to create more tension in combat than having a pipe that never breaks etc.


            • #21
              Well, as I said, I do agree with no heading to another hospital. Silent Hill isn't big enough for the three or four it already has. On the other hand, as far as I know, there's only a single school. So I would like to revisit that.

              The weapon thing is just...blah. Boss fight areas are going to have be scattered with weapons or it'll be auto-loose if you happen to go in with a weapon nearing the end of it's useful life. Most bosses shouldn't be defeatable by a uppercut. And regular enemies are gonna have to be pretty much, 'yeah, we're here, but if you do X we're no real danger now.' Because this system is pretty much saying that you shouldn't be fighting at all, ever, unless cornered.


              • #22
                maybe the boss fights will be environment based


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Rombie View Post
                  ^ that didn't help the fact the gameplay for using it was broken. They tried implimenting a countering attack system, but it just ended up punishing you on a trial and error basis for having the wrong timing and/or wrong weapon.
                  I'm not sure I've ever played a game where counter attacks didn't require some sort of timing and didn't leave you punishable if you timed wrong.

                  In the later stages of the game when you had 2 or 3 enemies attacking you at the same time, it was like an old school RE game of Hunter tag... where the enemies just ended up taking turns swiping at you and you never get a chance to time a reverse attack. To top it all off the weapons were poorly damage balanced as well outside of the correct weapon for that enemy.
                  I've never had that happen to me, but then I was decent with dodging and such.
                  Beanovsky Durst - "They are not pervs. They are japanese."


                  • #24
                    Most games give a clear show of timing recognition, the issue with the combat is the varied difference in the weapon type timings and the different strike styles. None of them match properly at a consistent rate, so unless you work out one exact style with one weapon and time it correctly to that every time. Problem is, as you said, each enemy is affected by different weapons and then this changes the type of response from each enemy. To top it off, while some of the smaller enemies - like the dog like beasts - are reasonably predictable in attack response, the larger enemies sometimes attack at random and other times I've had them just stand around like idiots and never attack at all. It's too unstable and un-intentionally complex because of bad design, and thus broken.

                    Considering the comments I've made mirror about 95% of the critical response to the combat in the game, I kinda think you must have obsessed over the weapon combat in order to find it any good. If that's the case, good on you for having the patience to stick with it even in it's poor shape, but most people just couldn't be assed with such a shitty combat system.


                    • #25
                      The combat in Homecoming was fine. It had a bit of a learning curve but was by no means impossible.

                      As for this game, I'm excited about the concept of limited combat. I think a horror game becomes more intense/terrifying if you can't easily defeat the monsters/threats presented to you. This is why I loved the chase sequences in Silent Hill: Shattered Memories and the Pyramid Head corridor chase in Silent Hill 2. Making the player vulnerable is a good way to increase tension.

                      Another thing I'm happy to hear about is that this game will contain no rehashed environments. We've been to those before and (I'd assume) most people will want something fresh to explore. I can't imagine what Vatra is going to throw at us and that is definitely a feeling that I like. The unknown is always more terrifying than going to Brookhaven or Alchemilla again.

                      Pretty much the only thing I've been iffy about with this game so far is the lame title. The thing is, though, that a title is just a title. It has no power over the quality of the game itself, so if it's a good game, I'll like it regardless of whatever title they give it.

