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Be realistic: Quick check for Resident Evil 1.5 donation drive idea

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  • Carnivol
    The question for this thread isn't what you'd (imaginarily) pay. It's what you actually COULD pay, should Santa and an Irish Leprichaun magically pop up as you read this, with Santa going all "Yo! Guess what!? My li'l green twat of a cousin 'ere lost 'is ol' gold pot and all I've got on me is some delicious 1.5! Good thing you like 1.5, eh? Say, how's about we trade some of your cash for some of that 1.5, shall we? Ya know, so my cousin's got some of tha' lovely dosh again!"

    Originally posted by VirusPunk View Post
    Overall though, the prices for some of these so called rare games are ridiculous. People will pay up to $10,000-$30,000 for a freaking NES game that was probably crap anyway (Stadium Events).
    Prices of certain "collectibles" have become greatly inflated in recent years, though. Partly 'cause of the e-penis factor that's become ever so larger. The "deal" with Stadium Events is of course that it's a pack variation with a bit of history. The game was launched, but recalled almost instantly to be rebranded as World Class Track Meet, thus earning the original print run a highly desired item (and tricky object to find if you're aiming for goals like making a full NES US set.)

    As for "build completion" and 1.5, we honestly don't know for sure what the state of the stuff we've seen lately actually is (or if it's even legit)

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  • VirusPunk
    It depends what build it is.

    For the extremely rare short haired Leon build I would most likely pay anywhere from $500 to a grand. But I highly doubt anyone even has that build anyway as the only known footage is from the Tokyo Game Show of 96.

    For the 80% build I would pay anywhere from $100-$400 but probably no more only because I'd want it and I highly doubt the average RE 1.5 bidder would go any higher.

    For the 40% that may actually be released for free, at the most I would pay around $50 for it.

    Overall though, the prices for some of these so called rare games are ridiculous. People will pay up to $10,000-$30,000 for a freaking NES game that was probably crap anyway (Stadium Events).

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  • Aleff
    Originally posted by AsteroidBlues View Post
    Why are you such a chronic double poster? O_o Seriously, the rules say, and I quote directly from the official THIA rules, General Rules category, section 2, sub-section 2...

    I could understand if it was an accident, or due to the double-post glitch we suffered not too long ago, but you do it without even considering the rules. I don't want to seem like a mini-mod, but seriously... It's annoying.
    That's just a bad habit... sorry It was something I had to do on a crappy platform forum which didn't support A LOT of stuff. And funny enough, I never did a double post on Assemblergames. Go figure.
    Last edited by Aleff; 08-02-2012, 03:24 PM.

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  • yurieu
    Originally posted by OKeijiDragon View Post
    1.5 should be the name of a drug.

    I mean, people are willing to pay thousands for it online like if it were in the streets.
    actually, i heard here in my country they call a popular drug the "little two".

    how they say the drug addiction should be faced? release the usage. so, capcom, release to us the bundle 1.5+3.5 with the MSRP by 99,99 USD.

    actually, im tired of spent hours the night watching those footage, like a mourning drunk.

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  • Rick Hunter
    Originally posted by doriantoki View Post
    All I wanted to say was, the original team did NOT want this game leaked, and it's not technically something that was released on the market to be sold to consumers. I just simply feel that it's not right, morally, ethically, what have you.
    I understand your point, but you're talking about morale and ethic about something which should not be sold. Fine. Have you ever downloaded movies, series, or music on the internet illegally? It's the contrary, it should be sold, but people don't pay. And contrary to BH1.5 (selling it doesn't hurt anybody), when you don't pay for music/movies/whatever, it tends to hurt the industry. Your point is valid only if you're clean...

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  • OKeijiDragon
    1.5 should be the name of a drug.

    I mean, people are willing to pay thousands for it online like if it were in the streets.

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  • Black~Crow
    Originally posted by Aleff View Post
    Congratulations for fucking up the first page!
    All of the pages are messed up! And I hate when I respond to someone attacking me, I am always wrong. Leave me be, I am already tired of dealing with Jerks on this site.

    And I still feel this thread is encouraging the person/people with the game, to charge a lot of money IF they are selling it. I think if they were to sell it, I am sure they would let everyone know. And that is why I said what I said a few pages ago.

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  • doriantoki
    Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Do you honestly think the few owners of that game got it for free?
    lol you think I don't realize that? That wasn't my point anyway. All I wanted to say was, the original team did NOT want this game leaked, and it's not technically something that was released on the market to be sold to consumers. I just simply feel that it's not right, morally, ethically, what have you. However, I am not stupid enough to think that people aren't paying an arm and a leg for this, because, obviously, some people have. And I understand that it's going through people's hands under illegal pretences. That doesn't really matter to me.

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  • AsteroidBlues
    Originally posted by Aleff View Post
    And by the way, I would end up giving $100~200 for the game if it ever pops up.
    Why are you such a chronic double poster? O_o Seriously, the rules say, and I quote directly from the official THIA rules, General Rules category, section 2, sub-section 2...

    We would prefer it if people avoided double posting, and as seen above, this can be punished by the Infraction System. You have the ability to edit your post with new information. Unless a day or two has gone by, or it's something like the News topic, please refrain from double posting if at all possible.
    I could understand if it was an accident, or due to the double-post glitch we suffered not too long ago, but you do it without even considering the rules. I don't want to seem like a mini-mod, but seriously... It's annoying.
    Last edited by AsteroidBlues; 08-01-2012, 08:41 PM.

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  • Aleff
    And by the way, I would end up giving $100~200 for the game if it ever pops up.

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  • Aleff
    Originally posted by Black~Crow View Post
    You must have some problem with your brain, because you can see the Una images but can't make the connection visually with Inezh. Unless you are so pig headed that you always have to be right and do not want to admit what is right in front of your face. And you are the one that brought up Una - Inezh thing first.

    And finally,
    no one cares about your critiques.
    Congratulations for fucking up the first page!

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  • SonicBlue
    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    Just harvesting data. So no need to get any hopes up.

    Just need a new rough estimate of the community's pulling power, should we be in a situation where something legitimate is in dire of need of donators to become reality. (Not that we'd actually turn to the community first, since some of us are quite ... economically capable, when it comes to certain things.)
    With almost no real news about the game, this was one of the options.

    Is not even a fact of waiting for it, because we know that the game leaked again, and that's the problem, is not easy to contain enthusiasm about every new stuff shown when you realize that you will going to play it, shitty or not that will be.

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  • Carnivol
    Yeah. It's kinda nice when those can be avoided. Makes us seem somewhat more civilized than a group of butthurt Nigerian scammers...

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  • alexdz
    Originally posted by Carnivol View Post
    Just harvesting data. So no need to get any hopes up.

    Just need a new rough estimate of the community's pulling power, should we be in a situation where something legitimate is in dire of need of donators to become reality. (Not that we'd actually turn to the community first, since some of us are quite ... economically capable, when it comes to certain things.)
    And because it's good to avoid the crazies and death threats.

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  • Carnivol
    Just harvesting data. So no need to get any hopes up.

    Just need a new rough estimate of the community's pulling power, should we be in a situation where something legitimate is in dire of need of donators to become reality. (Not that we'd actually turn to the community first, since some of us are quite ... economically capable, when it comes to certain things.)

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