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  • Got done watching 28 weeks later again. This movie is scary as hell. o.o


    • Originally posted by Karui View Post
      Got done watching 28 weeks later again. This movie is scary as hell. o.o
      love that film and the original any news on 28 months imdb have minimal info on it last time i checked


      • Invictus.

        Boring as hell, crappy script and two decent performances. I can't believe that Clint Eastwood directed this one.


        • I tend to watched horror movies which are underground. Last one I watched was, "Penny Dreadful" from 9 movies to die for something like that.

          The Silent Hill movie was better based than the R.E. movies which are absolute failures, in my opinion.


          • Last film I went to see was avatar in 3d, films i've watched recently are:

            *day of the dead remake(total utter crap)
            *Gamer(wasn't to bad)
            *Jennifers Body(Kinda mixed on that one)
            *Night of the Day of the Dawn of the Son of the Bride of the Return of the Revenge of the Terror of the Attack of the Evil, Mutant, Alien, Flesh Eating, Hellbound, Zombified Living Dead Part 2: In Shocking 2-D (fantastic)


            • Up In The Air

              Good mix of comedy and drama with great performances.


              • Finally saw Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Underrated, in my opinion. It's not the best Jones movie, and some of the CG looks pathetically fake, but it's not as bad as people made it out to be.

                A man chooses...a slave obeys.


                • Resident Evil (2002)- Ooooh, I liked it. Many will disagree, but I liked it a lot. Sure, it was mainly gun-toting entertainment, but it did hint at some really good plot points. Too bad the sequels are just full blown entertainment (I mean, I like that, but story's good when spiced here and there).


                  • The last movie I saw in theaters was Avatar in 3D. While I didn't much care for the 3D part, I loved the movie! 9/10

                    Movies I've watched on TV lets see:
                    Appaloosa - Good for a new western. Just take Renee Zellweger out of it. 7/10
                    Twilight - Complete and Utter SHIT. I laughed my ass off! -100/10
                    That's about it...I don't watch much TV anymore.


                    • Avatar and Legion.

                      Oh good god the angels were so hot...><

                      I actually can't say which I prefer of the two.


                      • Watched the big lebowski again lastnight I forgot how great the opening scene is when sam elliot is narrating,absolutely brill.I'll have to see more of the coens earlier stuff like blood simple, I watched barton fink years ago, another classic!!


                        • Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post
                          Watched the big lebowski again lastnight I forgot how great the opening scene is when sam elliot is narrating,absolutely brill.I'll have to see more of the coens earlier stuff like blood simple, I watched barton fink years ago, another classic!!
                          Same here, the Coen Brothers are uncharted territory for me. Still haven't seen Raising Arizona or Fargo or others.

                          Just saw Akira Kurosawa's High and Low. I'm taking a class on the history and style of Japanese films, and despite the professor excluding Kurosawa from the syllabus there's enough of his stuff available for instant viewing on netflix. Unlike the other movies of his I've seen which were period dramas, this one was contemporary (at least when it came out). Nonetheless it had the same parable like presentation of the narrative and characterizations. Plus I was surprised to see some almost surreal touches in a couple of scenes.


                          • Originally posted by kiedistidus View Post
                            Watched the big lebowski again lastnight I forgot how great the opening scene is when sam elliot is narrating,absolutely brill.I'll have to see more of the coens earlier stuff like blood simple.
                            The scene where the dude pays for a carton of milk with a cheque is just brilliant.

                            Blood Simple is a must watch for Coens fans. You will notice that some themes from this film were passed on to their next projects (especially Fargo and The Big Lebowski).

                            Originally posted by GuardhouseMusic View Post
                            Same here, the Coen Brothers are uncharted territory for me. Still haven't seen Raising Arizona or Fargo or others.
                            IMO the Coens are the best filmakers alive and guardhouse you have to see Fargo. It's like No Country For Old men but way funnier.


                            • Just watched Inglorious Bastards. Great movie.


                              • yeah ive seen fargo and raising arizona but that was quite some time ago so i think ill have to invest in some classic coens.

                                The carton of milk scene is great but elliots narration tops it off.... "sometimes theres a man and i wont say a hero cos whats a hero but sometimes theres a man" and the whole high in the running for laziest worldwide bit lol

                                My dad has always been an avid coens fan,certain films he's not too fond of(intolerable cruelty and any where it seems to be more of studio pressured film)

                                As for me they've definetly become one of my all time favourites over the last few years.
                                Off the top of my head I've seen fargo,raising arizona,brother where art thou,the big lebowski,no country for old men,barton fink,burn after reading and probably one or two more I cant remember right now but I've not once walk away from a coens film thinking "that was shite"
                                Last edited by kiedistidus; 02-07-2010, 09:32 PM.

