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  • I just saw Legion last night and it was pretty bad.

    And I just got Death Race 2000 in the mail


    • Watched two films last night, both instantly my favourite films of the year.

      First was The A-Team. Loved it as a kid (who couldn't love The A-Team when they were young?!) so had massive expectations about this, particularly with Neeson, Copley, Cooper and Rampage as the stars. It shattered every possible hope i could have had. Crazy stunts, brilliant one-liners, and perfectly cast too.

      And then when the missus had fucked off to bed, i watched Grown Ups. I'm a massive Adam Sandler fan, have most of his stuff on DVD and had been looking forward to this since it's like a big reunion of him with his former co-stars. Again, it delivers. I'd love to see some sort of "making of" documentary because it just comes across as five friends ad-libbing with eachother, it's brilliant. I just smiled and laughed throughout, can't wait to watch it again.

      Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
      I saw Get Him to The Greek about a week ago...very funny shit. I was also really, really high so I don't know if the movie was that funny or if it was just kinda funny and I was retarded. It was another one of those "so stupid it's funny" movies, but not without good acting. Russell Brand and Jonah Hill were great together, but P. Diddy gave the most surprising performance. He was really funny. I definitely wanna see it again.
      I need to see this so badly. Forgetting Sarah Marshall is one of my favourite films ever so any continuation of that will need to be watched again, and again, and again.


      • Man, it's been forever since I watched a movie the whole way through. I mostly just catch whatever movie comes on HBO or TBS, and I rarely finish it.

        But the last one I fully watched, was Watchmen.


        • I need to go to a doctor tomorrow and get my head checked for STD's...because Inception just FUCKED MY MIND. Oh. My. God. I can't even think right now...what a fuckin' BRILLIANT movie. I swear to God, people, go fucking see this movie right now and bring some dental dam with you because your mind is going to get fucking raped.

          Christopher Nolan is a GENIUS.


          • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
            I need to go to a doctor tomorrow and get my head checked for STD's...because Inception just FUCKED MY MIND. Oh. My. God. I can't even think right now...what a fuckin' BRILLIANT movie. I swear to God, people, go fucking see this movie right now and bring some dental dam with you because your mind is going to get fucking raped.

            Christopher Nolan is a GENIUS.
            ...I forgot this thread existed.


            • Just watched X-men Origins: Wolverine last night since it was Premiere: Was alright bit tired in terms of some of the dialogue and the effects were really ropey at times but overall decent I liked Gambit but he wasn't very French, Dead Pool was umm different and it tied into the main films quite well but CG Younger Xavier was worse than in Last Stand . . .


              • Memento. I can't believe that up until a few days ago, the only Christopher Nolan movies I'd seen were Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. This man can't be considered anything less than a genius. I've never seen such utterly intelligent, complex and brilliant movies. Memento was, in some ways, absolutely terrifying. Yet, at the end of it, I was left smiling, albeit with a completely uneasy feeling in my stomach.

                I feel kind of sad that he's tied down to the Batman franchise now. Although the first two were both incredible movies, there's still a script he must stick to. He's capable of so much more. I just hope his next original film doesn't take 10 years to produce.


                • ^Watch Insomnia and Following next.


                  • ...I feel like those will be a little hard to find. Memento was just on one of the Starz channels.


                    • Following is a low budget film so yeah you won't find that it easy but Insomnia will be much easier to find, it stars Al Pacino and Robin Williams.

                      The bad thing about Nolan is that he has gone way mainstream and he won't return to indepentent filmaking, I can see him directing blockbusters for the rest of his career.


                      • If they're as gritty and intelligent as Inception, I don't have a problem with it. While Inception is indeed a blockbuster in cast, budget, sales and reception, it's nothing like any of the other big-budget summer movies. It's nothing like Michael Bay's mindless CGI and explosions. It was intellectually entertaining. And I hate to say it, but from everyone I talk to, you either loved Inception because you understood it, or hated it because you didn't.
                        Last edited by Vector; 07-23-2010, 03:33 AM.


                        • Originally posted by ChrisRedfield29 View Post
                          I it's nothing like any of the other big-budget summer movies.
                          Exactly. You don't see blockbusters like Inception nowdays.


                          • If you're watching Nolan's stuff, how can you guys not even mention The Prestige... that was one of the best films that year it came out. The pacing and concept is even stronger than Memento.

                            I really enjoyed Inception, but I'm not yet convinced it's better than Memento, Prestige, or any of his other work. I need to give it more time to sink in and then come back to it again at some stage.


                            • ^ Never seen that either. Add it to the list!


                              • The Prestige is awesome. It's exactly the type of storytelling I like. It's just fantastic.

                                Inception was pretty amazing too (I actually was afraid it'd just end up being Live Action Paprika or something, fortunately that was not the case)
                                Also nice to see that Ellen Page might actually have a bit of a future in the movie industry going (unless she decides to suddenly go all Lindsay Lohan on us or something)
                                Last edited by Carnivol; 07-23-2010, 01:43 PM.

