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[Hidden-Palace]Biohazard Betas Released

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  • Originally posted by Mr. Spencer View Post
    Haha, nah it's all this detailed beta analysis with code and figures and all kinds of stuff that my uneducated mind cannot even begin to comprehend. I don't even know where to begin in understanding what's being said in this topic, makes me glad I didn't get involved in TEH BETAZ to begin with.

    I have never understood coding or programming.
    It's not hard really. All they are doing is manipulating hexadecimals which in turn affects the environment (the 3D models, areas etc.). They are not coding, this is testing at best. Anyone can do it once they get a basic understanding of hexadecimals and binaries - which by the way is showcased in geluda's recent post, these "status flags" are binaries (00000000), as you can see there is 8 digits which makes 1 byte, each digit is a bit).

    What amazes me the most is how they get the motivation to do all this. I do not see the excitement of testing an alpha/beta build of an application in this way; changing values, observing changes etc. No contribution whatsoever (except exploration). There is so much energy put into this by the members here that it is absolutely astonishing.
    Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Edit2: This is so weird! The more I try this, it seems I get given a different glitched item after warping, based on the strangest of things! Here's two almost identical happenings with two radically different results, something you wouldn't expect to happen.
    Explain to me how you would not expect something like this to happen? This is an alpha/beta, everything is expected to happen!
    Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Lol, why? I have no clue what messed up things are going on in memory which will allow me to recieve a pistol only after saving, yet without saving I get an item which is completely unrelated in ever possible way. Baffling, but interesting!
    I hate to be negative here, but there is nothing baffling about this. This could be a simple, static bug for instance. This could be a stochastic occurrence. See where I am going? Why am I saying this? Because this particular thing could simply be something not worth your time to investigate.
    Last edited by Trent; 04-15-2011, 08:51 AM.
    Freedom of Information.


    • ...way to crush a newcomers spirit, Trent.
      I'm a blackstar.


      • Originally posted by Trent View Post
        What amazes me the most is how they get the motivation to do all this. I do not see the excitement of testing an alpha/beta build of an application in this way; changing values, observing changes etc. No contribution whatsoever (except exploration).
        Let's put it like this:

        1. Access hidden content:

        2. Discover differences between early builds and the final game:

        3. Customize the game:

        4. Create funny scenes/effects:

        5. Get an insight in how the game engine works:

        6. Because we are hardcore Resident Evil fans!

        I can understand that it is not everyone's thing to hack games but if people can have fun over collecting postage stamps then why can't they have fun while looking into the inner workings of a game as well? I certainly wouldn't spend that much of my free time on doing this if it wouldn't be fun to me!

        Originally posted by geluda View Post
        The red flag is basically "recieve" and is used once you interact with an item.
        I've achieved exactly the same effect while messing with (probably the same) status flag in the RAM:

        It always gives you shotguns in the 10/04 build...

        The same flag also exists in RE2 and RE3:

        And sometimes gives you strange items you've never heard of in RE2...

        Anyways, no need to be offended by Trent's post.
        He's just saying what he thinks.

        And I can understand his position, actually.
        Not many people are into hacking, many gamers are exactly that, they are satisfied with the playing experience alone.
        There's nothing wrong with that...

        You won't believe how often I have tried to explain to my friends what I find so fascinating about watching a bunch of moving numbers.
        No need to tell you that I've failed, always...

        At first I am the "geek" for wasting time on this stuff but later, when I present them the results they are amazed and all of a sudden I am the "cool guy" again!
        Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-15-2011, 02:11 PM.


        • Originally posted by Trent View Post
          It's not hard really. All they are doing is manipulating hexadecimals which in turn affects the environment (the 3D models, areas etc.). They are not coding, this is testing at best. Anyone can do it once they get a basic understanding of hexadecimals and binaries - which by the way is showcased in geluda's recent post, these "status flags" are binaries (00000000), as you can see there is 8 digits which makes 1 byte, each digit is a bit).

          What amazes me the most is how they get the motivation to do all this. I do not see the excitement of testing an alpha/beta build of an application in this way; changing values, observing changes etc. No contribution whatsoever (except exploration). There is so much energy put into this by the members here that it is absolutely astonishing.

          Explain to me how you would not expect something like this to happen? This is an alpha/beta, everything is expected to happen!

          I hate to be negative here, but there is nothing baffling about this. This could be a simple, static bug for instance. This could be a stochastic occurrence. See where I am going? Why am I saying this? Because this particular thing could simply be something not worth your time to investigate.
          I don't expect it to happen because the items you recieve from this flag are based on items you've interacted with, if you haven't previusly interacted with an item, you wont recieve any item at all and the game will crash. I find it interesting because the game still believes you've interacted with something, or capable of recieving something, even though it's pulling data from seemingly random locations in memory and giving it to you in the form of an item.

          And it was a rhetorical question, I don't expect anyone to give me an answer or truely understand why it happens. I'm just having fun seeing the strange things that happen when you have the control to make the game do things it's not supposed to. Maybe you don't find it interesting, in which case it's not worth your time to investigate. ;)
          Last edited by Guest; 04-15-2011, 11:14 AM.


          • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
            ...way to crush a newcomers spirit, Trent.
            Lol, I apologize if it seemed like that but I have a way of stating my opinion and sometimes it might look harsh
            Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
            Observing how a game does the things it does is fascinating stuff for programmers!
            Indeed it is, but it generally depends on code environment (low, middle or high level code). I've never been too fond of editing hex values, I'd rather sit down with C++ (if I was forced to do the former, I would).
            Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
            Ever heard of a process called disassembling?
            Of course, or reverse engineering.
            Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
            (How can you not be excited about prototypes?)
            They are a source of knowledge to hackers, give us an insight into the development process of the game and often contain previously unseen content which is what most fans are craving for if they can't get enough of a game they like!
            Yes, yes. But what is going on here lately is more in the path of obsession, or as Spence oldboy put it "TEH BETAZ".
            Originally posted by geluda View Post
            I don't expect it to happen because the items you recieve from this flag are based on items you've interacted with, if you haven't previusly interacted with an item, you wont recieve any item at all and the game will crash. I find it interesting because the game still believes you've interacted with something, or capable of recieving something, even though it's pulling data from seemingly random locations in memory and giving it to you in the form of an item.

            And it was a rhetorical question, I don't expect anyone to give me an answer or truely understand why it happens. I'm just having fun seeing the strange things that happen when you have the control to make the game do things it's not supposed to. Maybe you don't find it interesting, in which case it's not worth your time to investigate. ;)
            Well put.

            As I mentioned earlier, I enjoy to express myself on the matter and I find the constant interest in these betas, or specifically this beta analysis (as Spencer put it), by the members quite fascinating.
            Freedom of Information.


            • Which programs do i need to make codes?
              I don't have psp

              I have my pc and emulator...and my modchipped ps2


              • Originally posted by ANDYARKLAY View Post
                Which programs do i need to make codes?
                I don't have psp

                I have my pc and emulator...and my modchipped ps2
                Try this for a good start:

                Or grab the PEC plugin for epsxe here!

                And how about obtaining a Gameshark/Action Replay or similar device to hack on your PS2?

                But I think you should take your time to read some tutorials first!
                Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-15-2011, 02:42 PM.


                • Or grab the PEC plugin for epsxe here!
                  Sorry if this too noobbish. But i don't understand how to make code using PEC - you can use already created codes on pec (add CREATED codes to list by editing codelist.inf)


                  • Originally posted by ANDYARKLAY View Post
                    But i don't understand how to make code using PEC - you can use already created codes on pec (add CREATED codes to list by editing codelist.inf)
                    Like I said, take your time to go through a few tutorials first!
                    Here's a tutorial on using the psxrel debugger:

                    And if it's the numeral systems which give you trouble, how about learning the basics of hexadecimal and binary calculating and converting first?
                    We've learned this stuff at school but there's online tutorials available on it as well!

                    Another one:
                    No clue which one's better for beginners.
                    I already took my time to look them up for ya but I certainly can't be bothered to read through them.
                    (I do know this stuff, after all)

                    Don't be afraid of math, you'll need it if you want to get into hacking...
                    Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-15-2011, 02:09 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Trent View Post
                      Lol, I apologize if it seemed like that but I have a way of stating my opinion and sometimes it might look harsh
                      No need to apologize to me... I have the tendency to be an ass sometimes, too. I just don't understand your attitude towards the people posting in this thread, especially given the fact that members (other than yourself) have given them praise.

                      Not to mention, this stuff needs to be documented, anyways. Plus, it's fun to see what all they find, even if they are just bugs caused by an emulator. It doesn't matter; either way, their work has not gone unappreciated.

                      Originally posted by Trent View Post
                      Indeed it is, but it generally depends on code environment (low, middle or high level code). I've never been too fond of editing hex values, I'd rather sit down with C++ (if I was forced to do the former, I would).
                      I much rather prefer writing in c/c++, myself... unfortunately, real-world reverse engineering absolutely requires one to look at files in hexdecimal and/or disassembly format. Afterwards, one takes the knowledge acquired and applies it to a program, whether it be in c/c++, etc.

                      If someone's not willing to do either, they're both wasting their own time and causing embarrassment to themselves proclaiming to be a "hacker".
                      I'm a blackstar.


                      • Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                        No need to apologize to me... I have the tendency to be an ass sometimes, too.
                        I'd rather call it a hardened programmer's opinion, you have to agree that we sometimes tend to behave like this in coding matters.
                        Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                        I just don't understand your attitude towards the people posting in this thread, especially given the fact that members (other than yourself) have given them praise.
                        I have nothing against the people, you can see that by the replies that I posted. I merely stated my opinion on how I see things here, not every individual dares to do that.
                        Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                        Not to mention, this stuff needs to be documented, anyways.
                        While some vital things need to be documented, not every single expected change in a debugger needs to. Some things are just self evident. I mean think about it, you have an alpha/beta build with a debugger, every single edit will generate a change. But hey, if people enjoy to see every single change a debugger can do, why not I guess.
                        Originally posted by MarkGrass View Post
                        unfortunately, real-world reverse engineering absolutely requires one to look at files in hexdecimal and/or disassembly format.
                        True, machine code will stay machine code. But keep in mind that there are many applications available that will do the job of reversing executables into assembly/hex/etc. Exe -> C++ is also possible but a bit difficult and Exe -> C# is definitely possible. So very soon, you will not have to worry so much about the lower level yourself.
                        Last edited by Trent; 04-15-2011, 02:54 PM.
                        Freedom of Information.


                        • Flag 127 of COMMON_FLG is the radio.


                          00 = Blured character rendering
                          01 = Backgrounds
                          02 = Rendering
                          03 = ?
                          04 = Inventory
                          05 = Cutscene black bars
                          06 = Door opening
                          07 = You died
                          08 = ?
                          09 = Options
                          10 = ?
                          11 = Camera switch
                          12 = ?
                          13 = STR player
                          14 = ?
                          15 = Add black bars
                          16 = Inventory / Debug Menu
                          17 = Inventory
                          18 = Gives item
                          19 = Item box
                          20 = Gives item
                          21 = Gives item
                          22 = Gives item
                          23 = Gives item
                          24 = Z / X axis movement
                          25 = Pushing
                          26 = ?
                          27 = ?
                          28 = ?
                          29 = ?
                          30 = ?
                          31 = Crashes ?
                          32 = Resets game
                          33 = ?
                          34 = ?
                          35 = ?
                          36 = Timer
                          37 = ?
                          38 = Shadows
                          39 = ?
                          40 - 47 = ?
                          48 - 55 = ?
                          56 = ?
                          57 = ?
                          58 = ?
                          59 = ?
                          60 = ?
                          61 = Stretch room texture
                          62 = Bouldar wobble
                          63 = Going through water

                          Been a while since i've done a full playthrough of re1 but don't remember ever finding this blueprint file
                          If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                          • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                            Been a while since i've done a full playthrough of re1 but don't remember ever finding this blueprint file
                            In which room did you find it?
                            I don't remember seeing this in the final game either...

                            And thanks for taking your time to document the effects of the status flags!
                            I hope we will get most of them ported onto other RE builds/games someday!

                            Now that I think about it, isn't that file the security manual or whatever it was called again?
                            The thing which gives instructions over escape routes, elevator, heliport etc.
                            I vaguely remember there being such a file in RE1...
                            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-15-2011, 02:54 PM.


                            • I didn't find it, I ported over someone elses code from the retail game.

                              Have all files
                              300C8711 00CF
                              800C8712 FFFF

                              Have all maps
                              300C8704 003F
                              800C870C 0FFF
                              800C870E FFFF
                              If he had a brain, he'd be dangerous.



                              • Originally posted by kevstah2004 View Post
                                I didn't find it, I ported over someone elses code from the retail game.

                                Have all files
                                300C8711 00CF
                                800C8712 FFFF

                                Have all maps
                                300C8704 003F
                                800C870C 0FFF
                                800C870E FFFF
                                Oh, ok...
                                I am quite sure it's the security manual tough!
                                We should try porting the have all files code to the 10/04 build!

                                The file menu is most likely already implemented albeit inaccessible since no files are found in that build normally.
                                Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-15-2011, 03:57 PM.

