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[Hidden-Palace]Biohazard Betas Released

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  • Off-Topic Bio2 Debug Showoff

    Originally posted by geluda View Post
    Where are those last two pictures from? The Trial?
    The last picture is from the beta build...
    I found the light engine debug feature which you guys know from the Biohazard 1 debug menu in Resident Evil 2:

    I just wanted to show you that a lot of the debug stuff is still included in all the Resident Evil games and can be accessed by various hacking methods.

    Also the picture with the debug menu in the freezer room is not photoshopped!
    It's from the Biohazard 2 Beta, I just hacked the debug menu to make it look like the 1.5 one to fool my friends some time ago!

    As you can see, it is possible to create your own "customized" debug menus with a bit of hacking:

    Here's a picture of the normal RE2 debug menu:

    Ignore the blue stuff above the menu, all those pics are from my earlier hacking experiments.

    And sorry for the late reply, I had some urgent personal things to do so I was unable to reply until now...
    I was totally afraid everyone would frown upon me because of the pseudo 1.5 picture.
    I did not mean to cause any trouble, I just felt like digging up some of my old pics to show you what I did earlier. (Since you weren't around at that time, geluda)
    I've removed it a minute ago but everyone has probably seen it by now anyways.

    But all this stuff is Resident Evil 2 related (I was totally into that game some years ago) and doesn't really belong here.
    I guess I'll post some more about RE2 and RE3 hacks I did in another thread sometime in the future!
    Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-09-2011, 06:13 PM.


    • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
      And sorry for the late reply, I had some urgent personal things to do so I was unable to reply earlier...
      I was afraid you guys would frown upon me because of the pseudo 1.5 picture,
      Haha, funny thing is one of my own team members found those 1.5 pics you made a while back (before you came to this forum I think) and we took a look at them and figured out the small errors that made us know they weren't real until we found your post on the site we found em saying they were made with some codes/hacking anyway. Didn't quite replicate the known 1.5 debug menus perfectly enough, but very close.


      • Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
        Haha, funny thing is one of my own team members found those 1.5 pics you made a while back (before you came to this forum I think) and we took a look at them and figured out the small errors that made us know they weren't real until we found your post on the site we found em saying they were made with some codes/hacking anyway. Didn't quite replicate the known 1.5 debug menus perfectly enough, but very close.
        You guys are 1.5 elite, nobody can fool you...
        But I never intended to fool you anyways...
        It worked perfectly fine with my friends tough, they weren't suspicious at all (I never was that "cool" before, lol) until they asked me for a pic with Elza on it.

        But now you've got me interested, Alzaire!
        Care to tell me what's wrong with the debug menu recreation?

        Don't worry, I don't want to create more fakes. I'm really just interested because I took my time to make sure the menu looked legit and I can't see anything that gives it away. (If you ignore Leon who is missing his knife holster)

        I have based my debug menu on the one from the "complete disc" build:

        My 1.5 title screen repro is pixel perfect tough, I swear!
        Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-10-2011, 07:44 AM. Reason: It was based on the complete disc build, ooops...


        • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
          But now you've got me interested, Alzaire!
          Care to tell me what's wrong with the debug menu recreation?

          Don't worry, I don't want to create more fakes, I'm really just interested because I took my time to make sure the menu looked legit and I can't see anything that gives it away. (If you ignore Leon, who is missing his knife holster)
          Sure. In fact, besides noticing Leon looked a little off (and yeah I know in this image it mistakenly says Leon is holding his gun up, it was typed up by one of my team members before noticing he's aiming the gun instead), you only made a couple mistakes described by the following image that we made at the time for our discussion:

          Essentially a couple spacing errors.

          One could argue that this could have simply been a 3rd version of the debug (as it obviously changed between the 2 known legit builds) from a new build. So we weren't 100% positive it was fake, but we figured it most likely that it was a hacked beta 2 debug since it appeared to be made to look like the final beta debug but the inconsistencies fit the retail debug. I had one of my German team members read the forum you posted on about em and he confirmed you posted saying they were made with hacks/codes, so we never got around to contacting you for any further investigation.

          Just a small window into the inner workings of what me and my team do in 1.5 investigations.

          Oh and the goromacida video is 4th era, not 3rd.
          Last edited by Alzaire; 04-09-2011, 04:20 PM.


          • Thanks!

            This was really interesting to see!
            Thanks a lot for posting it!

            I never noticed that the text was moved back one letter in RE2.
            Also Leon is completely unchanged in that picture, I only modified the debug menu!

            It's awesome how much thought and care you guys put into your work! I bet you noticed things in 1.5 not even the developers knew about.
            In fact I have always been excited to see you posting even the slightest bit of 1.5 related info! I have been sucking up every single post made back in the bioflames days, ever since I first heard about 1.5! It's a shame that the days where new pics and info about 1.5 showed up every now and then seem to be over by now...

            But I fear I am totally drifting away from what this thread is about...
            I'll try to stay focused on Biohazard 1 now, promised!

            Originally posted by Alzaire View Post
            Oh and the goromacida video is 4th era, not 3rd.
            I somehow thought there was another "major" build between the PSM build and the complete disc build. That's why I thought it was the 3rd era.
            Oh well, it's impossible to draw a clear border between which builds all the different footage came from.
            There might be minor differences nobody can spot without actually playing and comparing the builds.

            Classifying them by similar/identical looking builds was the best you could do, I guess.
            So the 5th era is the final months of pre-cancellation development, right?
            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-09-2011, 07:45 PM.


            • Originally posted by Laika View Post
              And even if Dot and co. did happen to tamper with the internal files for whatever reason, hey, at least we've got functioning alpha builds to experience. Best to thank them, not throw conspiracy theories.
              Woah, hey guys, I don't know who these internet associate guys are. We're not affiliated with these releases.


              • Originally posted by Dot50Cal View Post
                Woah, hey guys, I don't know who these internet associate guys are. We're not affiliated with these releases.
                What kind of crazed mind would even dare to assume any affiliation between you guys and this release, seriously?

                Nah, I immediately knew who was meant when I read that in the HP news!
                But I can't deny, it's a fancy new interpretation of the acronym, indeed!
                Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-09-2011, 06:40 PM.


                • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                  And sorry for the late reply, I had some urgent personal things to do so I was unable to reply until now...
                  I was totally afraid everyone would frown upon me because of the pseudo 1.5 picture.
                  I did not mean to cause any trouble, I just felt like digging up some of my old pics to show you what I did earlier. (Since you weren't around at that time, geluda)
                  I've removed it a minute ago but everyone has probably seen it by now anyways.
                  It's cool. I got excited for a minute thinking it was an image of beta 1 but lol, oh well, no harm done...
                  Last edited by Guest; 04-09-2011, 05:55 PM.


                  • Originally posted by geluda View Post
                    So the text and stuff that we see in 01/31 debug menu is actually there in the V-Jump build for sure?
                    Even better!
                    The V-Jump build's debug menu is much more in depth than the one from the 01/31 build!

                    It's got features not included in "our" (current) debug menu.
                    I can't promise that all of it is still usable tough.
                    Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-09-2011, 07:11 PM.


                    • Originally posted by Upaluppa View Post
                      Even better!
                      The V-Jump build's debug menu is much more in depth than the one from the 01/31 build!

                      It's got features not included in "our" (current) debug menu.
                      I can't promise that all of it is still usable tough.
                      ?!!! Care to share a little? Perhaps, once you've located parts of the debug menu in the V-Jump build, will it be possible to take new features from the V-Jump build and locate them in 01/31? I wish I knew more about this stuff so I could actually help...
                      Last edited by Guest; 04-09-2011, 08:08 PM.


                      • People get crazy when the argument is Biohazard 1.5, I understand the feelings of Kevstah that thinked someone here is in posses of 1.5, I think no btw, but I really hope someone release it as soon as possible to make an end to this hysteria.

                        Thanks again to Upaluppa to his work, waiting to see more, the 08/04 V-Jump build (but as you already said probably is not the V-Jump one) is one of the most interesting beta, too bad we don't have a semi-completed build with more alpha backgrounds
                        Last edited by SonicBlue; 04-09-2011, 08:48 PM.


                        • Sadly there is always the chance that the other rooms, if they were different to Retail, never made it off the paper. Would be nice if they did in some kind of 11/04 build.

                          Anyone got the Chimera running around in 10/04?


                          • Sorry...

                            Originally posted by Enrico Marini View Post
                            Anyone got the Chimera running around in 10/04?
                            It's not possible with our current methods, I guess.
                            Kenneth's body, the only NPC which transforms into other models without glitching is nowhere to be found in the 10/04 build.

                            I thought it might work with Forest as well because he's a similar entity to Kenneth but it does not:

                            The AI modifier produces horrible glitch creatures if you use it on anything else than Kenneth.
                            Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-10-2011, 09:14 AM.


                            • Since kenneth can be found in the statue room with all his parts connected to the body ( ), it's possible that he (passed a part of the game) revives? This can answer why he can moves when transformed in an enemy
                              Last edited by SonicBlue; 04-10-2011, 08:05 AM.


                              • Originally posted by SonicBlue View Post
                                Since kenneth can be found in the statue room with all his parts connected to the body ( ), it's possible that he (passed a part of the game) revives? This can answer why he can moves when transformed in an enemy
                                I think the reason why it works with Kenneth is that he's the only NPC with absolutely no AI/animation at all.
                                Also Kenneth is not in the art/statue room in the 10/04 build, that's exactly the problem we have with testing the Chimera.

                                The same counts for Forest, he had no AI in any build before the Director's Cut.
                                So this theory is most likely wrong.

                                I'll be honest, I have no clue why it works with Kenneth and nothing else. There must be something about his setup that makes him different from other NPC's.
                                It might be possible to get it to work with other NPC's by further tweaking the values around the AI modifier but I haven't experimented with that yet.
                                Last edited by Upaluppa; 04-10-2011, 08:31 AM.

