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Alternate Edition High-Rez Famitsu Scans + Interview Translation

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  • #46
    Originally posted by A-J View Post
    From the looks of it, it sounds like they've already finished the actual product, they're just waiting on the Sony wand thing.
    They did say about trying new game modes and other characters so perhaps that is what they are working on now, and more polish.


    • #47

      Is this being done in Classic RE style? The pics remind me moreso of REmake and Zero? I had just presumed it was going to be the same over the shoulder view as 4 & 5 or am I missing something?


      My interest in this has increased ten fold.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Big Stu View Post
        Definitely, Crimson Heads have far more in common with Majinis or Ganados, it would just make so much sense.
        I'm really hoping for this. Capcom should know by now that zombies aren't the slow movers that they used to be, almost all zombie movies today depict them as fast runners. Maybe the Crimson Heads can be controlled somehow by Spencer?
        Last edited by CODE_umb87; 09-29-2009, 01:48 PM.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Biokk View Post

          Is this being done in Classic RE style? The pics remind me moreso of REmake and Zero? I had just presumed it was going to be the same over the shoulder view as 4 & 5 or am I missing something?


          My interest in this has increased ten fold.
          Same here to be honest. The lighting done in Resident Evil 5 was great stuff, I found it disappointing that we never get to look around the Spencer mansion to find more information about him and to take a nostalgia trip back down to memory lane. Now I get a smell that with this they will go back to more of the older roots and read people's impressions to see if they should dig more into the horror side of Resident Evil for the next title, and I hope the reception from old and new will do it justice to explore this dark creepy estate; traps around the corners, BOWS (Hunters, Crimson Heads, T-variants) to bring a nice spark of tensity to the player in the MT engine.

          Ty, what do you think?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Biokk View Post

            Is this being done in Classic RE style? The pics remind me moreso of REmake and Zero? I had just presumed it was going to be the same over the shoulder view as 4 & 5 or am I missing something?


            My interest in this has increased ten fold.
            - The behind-the-shoulder camera will be used, although if you noticed from the screenshots, there are no enemies present?


            • #51
              Still with the no-enemies thing, huh?


              • #52
                Originally posted by Rosetta Mist View Post
                And why do they keep saying "This was planned from the start." If they had it planned from the start, it should have been included in the main game.
                Well, I know the "cool" thing is to bash on both Capcom AND Resi 5, but does anyone remember the early speculation that there would be "playable flashbacks?" Everyone ended up chalking it up to a mistranslation between Japanese & English, but it could have been a possibility.

                Knowing Capcom, they saved such a thing for purposely enhancing the selling point of the inevitable RE5 "X edition."

                And it is apparently working.

                Originally posted by Beef_jerky_yo View Post
                Barry was in the mansion, Rebecca was in the mansion. I know it's a different mansion, but merc levels would would be fitting with those two. I don't care much about Barry, but I would love play as Rebecca.
                That's funny, since 99% of the rest of the people would love to play as Barry and don't give a shit about Rebecca.


                • #53
                  To start off, the Spencer Estate in RE5 is NOT the same exact replica as the Arklay Mansion. Because if you notice:

                  -In the dining room, there is no door leading to the Kenneth Hall.
                  -The dining room itself has changed.
                  -The Main Hall has slightly changed from the REmake Mansion.
                  -The 2nd floor dining room balcony has been changed.
                  -2nd floor Main Hall balconies have holes and gaps between them --> meaning new traps.

                  And more. So don't worry. And as for new content:

                  Capcom could REALLY milk in A LOT of "$$" if they can manage to give us Seperate Ways for a number of characters: (small spoilers, so be warned):

                  Kirk: We get to play as him, but like an FPS type mode, where you're always in the chopper and basic objectives being provide cover fire, for example, YOU have to lead the chopper to the Assembly Place in time and blow the gate up for Chris and Sheva to escape, etc. His mission can end when it does, after the "What the fuck are those?" scene.

                  Josh: A small Josh-Seperate Ways could be nice, see what he has been doing, etc.

                  And heck, even add in like a 30min Irving Seperate Ways.

                  I'm serious, if Capcom can pull of these kinds of things for once, they'll really milk out on Resident Evil: Alternate Edition.


                  • #54
                    Poor Chris. He really doesn't know how to smile. In the "back-to-back" photo, he looks like he is if he's taking a dump. Still, his BSAA costume shown here is possibly the coolest costume in RE history (to me, anyway).

                    EDIT: Speaking of feces, I feel as if I am being pooped on since this is not going to be released as DLC. Seriously, that is a real buzzkill. But since I love Chris & Jill, and dark eerie mansions, of course Capcom will get my money. But I am not happy about it.
                    Last edited by Jill's Boob; 09-29-2009, 03:32 PM.


                    • #55
                      Well, he has been eating those field rations..


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
                        Still with the no-enemies thing, huh?


                        • #57
                          i still hope for the confrontation of ada and wesker after re4 hehehe..

                          but anyway, i'm happy to see Jill! i also wish for the RE3 costume!
                          thanks to the financial crisis, i didn't buy RE5 this year or else i have wasted money. hahaha..


                          • #58
                            I just want to say that everything I'm hearing about this "Alternative" version of RE5 is amazing. The scenario they're giving us is EXACTLY what I wanted in RE5, and I'm stoked we can use the standard Dualshock 3 controller, as well.

                            They just need to add in some extra weapons and I'll be good. I'm very excited about playing through another rehash of the RE1 mansion in RE5 graphics and gameplay... and no, I'm not being sarcastic. If they just add one Hunter encounter RE5: Alternative Edition will be my favorite RE5 game ever.


                            • #59
                              So beautiful. So, so beautiful. ;_;

                              Still love Jill picklocking the front door.

                              I want this nao!


                              • #60
                                I wonder if the running zombies they're apparently introducing in Operation: Javier will be the enemies (or one of the enemies) in this new scenario. I'm not really convinced the old slow and dumb zombies would pose much of a threat with the new gameplay mechanics. Maybe if there were as many as in, say, Dead Rising, and I don't really see that happening.

                                I think it would also make more sense to have those running zombies than Crimson Heads, if the running zombies in Operation: Javier are created by an advanced strain of the T-Virus (unless it's explained that they were actually somehow created by the T-Veronica Virus, which may also be the case). If there were Crimson Heads present, then that would suggest that there had been an outbreak some time ago that Spencer somehow survived.

                                Unless of course someone found a way to speed up the transformation from regular zombies to Crimson Heads. Or they created a variant of the T-Virus that only creates Crimson Heads, but I digress.

