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  • Wrathborne
    Doesn't change you being inconsiderate and dumping spoilers here.

    Seriously, why would you do this? HOw many people have said 'No spoilers of any kind' already?

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  • Rick Hunter
    I'm just saying what Ridley Scott said to us for the past 6+ months, and I spoiled absolutely nothing of the scenario.

    My point is, see that movie the way Ridley Scott wants you to see it, it's Prometheus, and it has different themes than Alien. Judge it that way. But I expected something better coming from him.

    I blame the trailers thought, they revealed way too much.

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  • Wrathborne
    Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Such a disapointment. Half of the movie makes no sense, the "cuts" are bad and sometimes incoherent à la terminator revelations, and as I thought and as Scott said... it's not a prequel to alien. Just has some DNA in it (mostly references to please the fans).

    Do not expect alien. Expect a cheap philosophical movie about the meaning of life and who's behind it.
    What the hell!? Why are you spoiling the film for us!?
    Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-29-2012, 04:30 PM.

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  • Pikminister
    Originally posted by Rick Hunter View Post
    Lucas doesn't read nor cares about the expended universe...
    Well I dunno about that...

    Timothy Zahn had this to say at Celebration III:

    "Just to make it clear, I did not invent the planet (Coruscant)…George Lucas had invented the planetwide city a long time ago. When I was starting the Thrawn Trilogy, they told me to coordinate with the West End Games source material, and they had it listed as the Imperial Planet. Well nobody names a planet 'Imperial Planet,' so I thought it needed a name, so I picked the word that means glittering: 'Coruscant.' Apparently, when it came time to choose a name [for the films], people persuaded George to go with Coruscant and be done with it. So I felt very vindicated -- the tail wagging the dog. It was an honor to be slipped into the movies this way.

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  • Rick Hunter
    Such a disapointment.

    Last edited by Darkmoon; 05-29-2012, 06:40 PM.

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  • Rick Hunter
    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
    Lucas just gives it a thumbs up much like Fox does to various Aliens writers/directors. With that thumb comes story/universe expansion approval.
    Approval =! canon.

    Lucas doesn't read nor cares about the expended universe, and his latest movies contradict it in many ways. If Lucas suddenly declares that Boba Fett indeed died in episode 6, then everything related to him in the EU is not canon. And that's a lot of material.

    When it comes to such a thing as Star Wars, only official Lucas related material is canon. Everything else in the EU is not.
    Last edited by Rick Hunter; 05-29-2012, 04:45 AM.

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  • Wrathborne
    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
    This is exactly what the Star Wars expanded universe is like, wrote by lots of different people who all add their own stuff to the universe. Lucas just gives it a thumbs up much like Fox does to various Aliens writers/directors. With that thumb comes story/universe expansion approval.
    I wasn't talking about the universe outside the films though, you were.

    Fox doesn't quite gives the thumbs up so much as they say 'This is what we want, write a script around it".
    Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-28-2012, 11:22 PM.

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  • Dracarys
    Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    Actually, it does work like that. Its perspective, Not everyone sees something the same way.

    Star wars is a perfect example of this, lots of fans say that eps1, 2, and 3 'never happened' due to how off, awful, and bland they were in contrast to the first 3 films.
    That is picking and choosing, and that isn't even expanded universe, the prequel movies are all main star wars universe.

    In Star Wars there is no 'right or wrong' in a lot of ways because its all come from the same source for the most part. Everything that happens is part of the story and does add to the first trilogy, even if it may be 'meh'.

    In the Aliens franchise...its different due to how many people added to the franchise and that there was no 'one source'.
    There was no 6 film plotline, or characters written out for these films.
    This is exactly what the Star Wars expanded universe is like, wrote by lots of different people who all add their own stuff to the universe. Lucas just gives it a thumbs up much like Fox does to various Aliens writers/directors. With that thumb comes story/universe expansion approval.

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  • Wrathborne
    Originally posted by Dracarys View Post
    Well, I am defending everyone in a way since to accept expanded universe you need accept it all, good and bad, cannot pick and choose like some people are doing. Doesn't work like that.
    Actually, it does work like that. Its perspective, Not everyone sees something the same way.

    Star wars is a perfect example of this, lots of fans say that eps1, 2, and 3 'never happened' due to how off, awful, and bland they were in contrast to the first 3 films.

    They're right to say this, just like on the flip side there are people who liked the films and accept them for what they are in the series(cant really see many in this section, but still).

    In Star Wars there is no 'right or wrong' in a lot of ways because its all come from the same source for the most part. Everything that happens is part of the story and does add to the first trilogy, even if it may be 'meh'.

    In the Aliens franchise...its different due to how many people added to the franchise and that there was no 'one source'.
    There was no 6 film plotline, or characters written out for these films.

    It was 6 different directors and many different writers who all kind of added in a scattered though process and unfortunately the first 2 films were the only films that had people who could read scripts and knew what did and didn't work. Walter Hill and James Cameron get credit for this.

    The remaining 4 films(A3,A4,and the 2 craptastic AvP films) were streamlined through fox without much care or concern over what they were doing, so long as they were doing it. Alien Resurrection and the AvP films prove this, Alien 3 was a studio invaded mess on what could have been a better film than it was...but thats as much credit as I'll give it as it was so messy.

    Scott ultimately is responsible for creating the universe as a film, Cameron for expanding it as a franchise, but after that everything went to hell because of Fox taking over everything and ruining whatever chances individual films had for being their own stories...Minus AvP series as these were pretty much exploitation films that were about a serious as a dog trying to crap on a paraplegic clown.

    Its all a matter of perspective where right and wrong do, and dont exist...but the real problem comes down to who is in charge of the franchise. Because ultimately they're the one who is wrong when a good series, becomes crap.

    Their choices, their rules, their fault. When they stop caring about quality, you get an expanded 'sub universe' that no one really likes, is happy with, or wants to see more than once.
    Last edited by Wrathborne; 05-28-2012, 10:06 PM.

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  • Dracarys
    Originally posted by Wrathborne View Post
    Um...If you're a fan of the expanded universe from the books, then why are you debating who the original creator of the films is?

    You sound more like you're defending everyone after Alien and Aliens, than anything. Kind of confused here.
    Well, I am defending everyone in a way since to accept expanded universe you need accept it all, good and bad, cannot pick and choose like some people are doing. Doesn't work like that.

    Like the Star Wars expanded universe, some really great stuff there, some epic shite also. But you gotta accept it all or none.

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  • Rick Hunter
    It's just a wall decoration though.

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  • Dark_Chris
    They already showed us Alien (more or less) in Prometheus trailer Click image for larger version

Name:	alien-prometheus-600x337.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	15.9 KB
ID:	401263

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  • Wrathborne
    I doubt we'll see anything but a face hugger or an egg.

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  • Code_R
    If the Alien itself appears I will be annoyed. The original creature has become so over exposed to be the point of being complete trash now.

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  • TheBatMan
    I actually think Scott's desire to take this away from the Alien itself and create something new within the same universe could be this movie's biggest failure. I get people don't want a straight-up prequel and want to see something different. But if it is too different and too vague from Alien then there is going to be a lot of disappointed people out there.

    As for expanded universe, Steve Perry's original trilogy was pretty good, the rest are are a mixture of average and bad and I've read them all. Some cool ideas throughout but also some extremely bizarre ones.
    Last edited by TheBatMan; 05-28-2012, 04:43 PM.

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