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Official Resident Evil 5 Spoilers Topic (READ FIRST POST)

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  • Originally posted by Mr. Rod View Post
    No, Excella is only in her mid/late 20s and she never met him before. He's probably talking to Chris... or Jill.
    Well, Wesker last met Chris and Jill in Russia, right? I wonder who the hell he is talking to!


    • Spoiler:


      • Originally posted by Corrin View Post
        Well, Wesker last met Chris and Jill in Russia, right? I wonder who the hell he is talking to!
        He's talking to Chris. The "Spencer Estate" to which he is referring is the castle looking area where we see Wesker beating the snot out of Chris and where we see Spencer and Wesker speaking. This was confirmed by Ken Lally, Wesker's mocap actor, in an interview with a fan site.


        • Originally posted by Archelon View Post
          He's talking to Chris. The "Spencer Estate" to which he is referring is the castle looking area where we see Wesker beating the snot out of Chris and where we see Spencer and Wesker speaking. This was confirmed by Ken Lally, Wesker's mocap actor, in an interview with a fan site.
          So, the Spencer Estate is not the mansion from RE1?


          • Originally posted by Corrin View Post
            So, the Spencer Estate is not the mansion from RE1?
            Evidently not.

            At least not in this context, anyway.


            • Glitch Let Me Get Through the Gate!!

              Hi! I haven't posted here before, but I have been reading and lurking for about 2 mo now.

              But I had something to share that made me want to post today, and see if this has happened to anyone else.

              I'm not sure this qualifies as a spoiler, but here goes.

              I was playing co-op online on the Public Assembly level, and just after the first cut-scene where the turbin guy gets his head chopped off, I went for the barrel and fruit that has a grenade in it, right next to the window. When the whole game went NUTS! I ended up with 4 little boxes of handgun ammo showing in four little circles at the top left of my screen. I then noticed that everything was quiet, no music or yelling from the zombies...nothing! There WERE no zombies. All the doors and walls that the executioner normally knocks down were gone as if he already had.
              There was just me and my parter as Sheva moving within the enviornment. I then heard new dialog from Kirk the chopper guy, he said something like, "great going" or "job well done, you and Sheva can head to the coordinates now."

              I was on mic with my partner and asked him if he was seeing or hearing what I saw. He said no. At first he was seeing me, but for him the walls and doors were still in tact. Then I walked out of the hole in the wall, and he said to him it looked as if I walked through the wall itself. When he tried, he said everything went black.
              From then on he saw nothing. I went and looked around the area and there were no items that could be picked up, including the machine gun, no boxes or barrels, just me in the area with the buildings with missing doors and holes in the walls.
              Then I saw something that shocked me. I saw the hole at the end of the square that Kirk makes with the rocket at the end of the level. And I was able to walk through it!

              I was so was excited! I was trying to describe to my partner what I saw. Which was a sort of ditch with a tiny bridge that lead to a little hut right after you pass through the gate Kirk blew up. Inside the hut was a barrel. To the right of the hut there was an area you could climb down to via a ladder, which leads to a sort of drain, there was water at the bottom, but it was fenced off at both ends.
              To the left of the little hut the road curves to the right I think. And another barrel, and another ladder that leads down to the other side of the drain area. I think there was another barrel there as well. There was a car sort of laying on it's side in the drain/ditch area too. Back at the surface, I think there was one more turn to the road before you reach another gate. A red one. When I got there it gave me a prompt to press "B" to enter it.
              I started to, but I was afraid the level would end and I soooooooo wanted to capture what I was seeing. Which I tried to do. But unfortunately I have my XBOX hooked up directly to the tv via HD cables. And when I tried to switch them out to the standard ones so I could then connect to my vcr, my XBOX went out and I lost the level.

              But man, it was so cool to see it! I had no idea that they included that much more to the Public Assembly level, which you don't get a chance to see unless your game goes haywire!

              But anyway, I wanted to share what I saw and ask if anyone else has seen what's behind the red gate too?


              • That's...a big glitch. A big, unconfirmed glitch. You'll have to forgive my waryness but we have people who claim to do things all the time here, such as getting Resident Evil 1.5 or, as you are, finding some area not normally accessible due to a glitch. I'm afraid so far as I know none of them have been anything but liars, but I still like to maintain a positive outlook and assume people are speaking the truth until otherwise proven.

                Which will happen when the game comes out in a month or when someone who can capture screenshots has the same glitch you had.

                Oh, but one thing...we do ban folks who falsely claim things for a month. It tends to discourage others.


                • It is beginning to sound like the areas in 5 will have a lot more nooks and hidden areas to explore if you take the time and have the patience to back track and try to find everything without getting impatient. Hopefully if you do that you will be rewarded handsomely for it lol


                  • Hey Darkmoon,
                    I got ya, without the proof, no reason to believe me. I will just say though, I'm not some little kid making up stories for attention, I'm a grown woman in her 30's not prone to lying. I was just really excited by what I saw, and was eager to share it with other RE fans. For me, someone who's played the demo pretty much everyday since the Jap. version came out, and knows the level like the back of her hand, to see that new area just shocked me. I told my partner I felt like Indiana Jones discovering the Temple of Doom! LOL!

                    I really wish I had tried to capture the tv screen with my hand cam. But I knew I'd have to recharge the battery first, and that would have taken at least 15min, plus I've done that before, record the tv that way, and the image come out horribly. I wanted a clear pic of what I was seeing.

                    But oh well, if I got the glitch I guess eventually someone else will too. If some how I get it again, I WILL handcam it though. A crappy pic is better than no pic!

                    Also, I was thinking about what I saw, and I think when I heard the extra dialog from Kirk it must be when Chris and Sheva are running in the ending cut scene then sort of stop and Chris holds his hand up to his ear, like he's listening to someone. I bet that's when that dialog is suppose to happen, then you're just supposed to continue on through the new area to the exit gate. Strange though that if they went and added all that into the demo, why not just allow players to complete the whole level instead of cutting it short? Go fig!

                    Now I'm wondering, what happens during the actual game, do the zombies, or manji that are still alive in the regular area, follow you? Are there more enemies over there? And maybe there is something that will appear in the drain/ditch areas, because there wasn't really any reason to go down there from what I saw?
                    If nothing else it's got me even more excited for the actual game now!


                    • Dont worry Trist sure its not personal just there's alot of lies on the net, I had a look through that gate and I did see a cabin and possibly a bridge. Only glitch I keep having is Sheva dieing to chainsaw man. I enjoyed the game alot more on the Ps3 than the Xbox but thats probably because I prefer Ps controller. Second time round was a totally better experience for me, I am kinda excited bout the game again. Gonna keep playing it over and over so I'll get to know the controls and when it comes out I'll be ready.


                      • Just alittle one and i'm probably going to show myself up here but during the demo I just found out you can shot out the broken power box above the chainsaw manjini in the shanty town section of the demo, it falls on him if you time it right and just makes the fight alittle easier.... Just wondered if anyone else knew about these little touchs.


                        • Ah so you can thanks for that Ncb just did it. Also I remeber someone saying theres a poster all over that area saying 14-01-06. Jill apparentley died in 06 I wonder if this is the date of her death revelaed later in the game. You can aso shoot that elecric box when its on the floor and it shocks anyone near it.


                          • Thanks P!
                            I checked the level again myself, and yes you can see the little hut and bridge I mentioned through the gate. And you can kinda make out the ditch area too.
                            BTW. I understand about taking someone's word for something. I'm pretty skeptical about most things myself. Anyway, only another month, then everyone can see!


                            • I pretty much picked that demo clean theres also some blue thing you can shoot if you go into the room where Chris gives Sheva sniper cover look at the building Chris is in and you should see some blue thing I shot it and it made a noise some kinda collectable.


                              • I noticed that too ncb!

                                Have you seen the little blue medallion you can shoot from the roof in the Shanty Town level?
                                It's right before you help Sheva flip over across the street. If you turn around and look up you'll see it next to the chimney or whatever that is.
                                I've looked everywhere but only found one, if someone knows of others please post them!

                                One other thing, when I was playing with someone the other day, I was playing as Sheva, and we got to the the rooftop flip part, they wouldn't flip me. I prompted them to, and waited, but they just left me there. I started back down the stairs to see where they went. But figured they were searching the area some more, so went back and prompted them to flip me again. Then I heard them call with Chris; "C'mon!" I went back down stairs and they had opened the locked door.

                                Don't ask me how they did it. I didn't see them. They didn't have a mic so I couldn't ask. But I did notice as a went through the door that the nearest barrel was gone. I guess it blew up. I tried to figure it out on my own, later playing solo. I shot at the lock. I chucked grenades at it. Blew up the barrel that was outside. But none of it worked. I don't think it was a glitch they found. I think the knew what they were doing. I just have no idea how they did it. I might have later asked them through an IM, but right at the end of the level when you have to exit, they prompted me for a grenade, I gave them one. Then they wanted the other one I had. So I gave them that too. Then they threw one at me. Which very much pissed me off. They did immediately heal me, but then they looked like they were aiming at me again, so after that I just quit the game. I don't play that way.

                                But anyway, I'd still love to know how they got out of the door. Anyone here know the secret?

